Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

Considering we have tens of thousands of college grads who can't get a job because the corporations are bringing in cheap workers from elsewhere no I don't. Right now there is very little incentive to get a college education.

Most trade jobs pay more.
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.
There's nothing useless about psychology. Contrary to popular belief, a bachelor's in psychology will land you a relevant career. I received a bachelor's in psych and was hired as child protective services caseworker two months later which requires said degree.
I'd love to hear about Mr. Sander's plan but I can't hear him over the shoutdowns by his own party adherents.........
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.
There's nothing useless about psychology. Contrary to popular belief, a bachelor's in psychology will land you a relevant career. I received a bachelor's in psych and was hired as child protective services caseworker two months later which requires said degree.

Are you making enough to live and to live and pay your student loans?
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.
There's nothing useless about psychology. Contrary to popular belief, a bachelor's in psychology will land you a relevant career. I received a bachelor's in psych and was hired as child protective services caseworker two months later which requires said degree.

If there is a demand for a degree in a particular field then the free market will take care of the funding requirements some way or another.

We don't need the government forcefully taking money money away from those that earn it and giving to every Tom, DeShawn and Vonnessa in America to major in some worthless degree that they could never make an living with.

The government should never be in the business of taking money away from one person and giving it to another. The government should only provide the minimal necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc and not steal money from one person to give to another.
Nothing in this world is free except the air we breathe, and if the govt could figure out a way to tax that, they would.
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.
There's nothing useless about psychology. Contrary to popular belief, a bachelor's in psychology will land you a relevant career. I received a bachelor's in psych and was hired as child protective services caseworker two months later which requires said degree.

If there is a demand for a degree in a particular field then the free market will take care of the funding requirements some way or another.

We don't need the government forcefully taking money money away from those that earn it and giving to every Tom, DeShawn and Vonnessa in America to major in some worthless degree that they could never make an living with.

The government should never be in the business of taking money away from one person and giving it to another. The government should only provide the minimal necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc and not steal money from one person to give to another.

As it is, the market is distorted encouraging lazy and stupid employers to demand degrees for jobs that demand a degree nor pay enough to pay the cost of getting the degree.

I recall back at one point when I was looking for a job, I found so many that were paying shit, and yet wanted a 4 year degree.
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.
There's nothing useless about psychology. Contrary to popular belief, a bachelor's in psychology will land you a relevant career. I received a bachelor's in psych and was hired as child protective services caseworker two months later which requires said degree.

If there is a demand for a degree in a particular field then the free market will take care of the funding requirements some way or another.

We don't need the government forcefully taking money money away from those that earn it and giving to every Tom, DeShawn and Vonnessa in America to major in some worthless degree that they could never make an living with.

The government should never be in the business of taking money away from one person and giving it to another. The government should only provide the minimal necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc and not steal money from one person to give to another.

As it is, the market is distorted encouraging lazy and stupid employers to demand degrees for jobs that demand a degree nor pay enough to pay the cost of getting the degree.

I recall back at one point when I was looking for a job, I found so many that were paying shit, and yet wanted a 4 year degree.

supply and demand. If everyone has a degree the value is diminished.
As it is, the market is distorted encouraging lazy and stupid employers to demand degrees for jobs that demand a degree nor pay enough to pay the cost of getting the degree.

I recall back at one point when I was looking for a job, I found so many that were paying shit, and yet wanted a 4 year degree.

I don't know if that distortion is education inflation or simply a sign of a bad economy.

I think anybody with a degree in a technical field (Science, Engineering, Medicine, Math etc) will have trouble finding a decent paying job.

I am retired now but when I worked as an Engineering Manager/Director I always had trouble finding properly educated new hires. When I did find one of them I paid them well.
As it is, the market is distorted encouraging lazy and stupid employers to demand degrees for jobs that demand a degree nor pay enough to pay the cost of getting the degree.

I recall back at one point when I was looking for a job, I found so many that were paying shit, and yet wanted a 4 year degree.

I don't know if that distortion is education inflation or simply a sign of a bad economy.

I think anybody with a degree in a technical field (Science, Engineering, Medicine, Math etc) will have trouble finding a decent paying job.

I am retired now but when I worked as an Engineering Manager/Director I always had trouble finding properly educated new hires. When I did find one of them I paid them well.

This was a while back, and the field(s) were more health care administration related.
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.

Cool story bro. What about investing in someone who isnt a pot head and goes to college in a major you like? I'm betting you're still against it.
Only confused Libtards thinks it is an "investment" to take money away from someone that worked hard to earn it and give it to some pothead so he can go to college and major in some worthless Liberal Arts degree.

Cool story bro. What about investing in someone who isnt a pot head and goes to college in a major you like? I'm betting you're still against it.

Are you suggesting that we drug test the students and limit the money to degrees based on actual economic value?

Rhetorical question, I know the real answer is no, regardless of what you say, since you are a liar.
Cool story bro. What about investing in someone who isnt a pot head and goes to college in a major you like? I'm betting you're still against it.

I don't want to invest in anybody's higher education. It is their responsibility to get the degree they want. If I am hiring and they they fit the bill then I will offer them a job. If not then they should have planned a little smarter. It is not my responsibility.

I sure as hell do not want to have my hard earned money taken away by the force of government and given some idiot that wants to major in a non employable field because then they can party more while in college instead of studying.
Cool story bro. What about investing in someone who isnt a pot head and goes to college in a major you like? I'm betting you're still against it.

I don't want to invest in anybody's higher education.

So you just made up a scenario to give an excuse for your jealousy? I think investing in our future is a good thing.

There could be a downside like....concerns for you you you but I think selfishness and whining isnt something that is more important than our future.

Are you suggesting that we drug test the students and limit the money to degrees based on actual economic value?


If (heaven forbid) they are going to get taxpayer's money for free tuition then they should be drug tested, have good grades and be majoring in something that is employable like science, medicine or engineering.

"Free" tuition should never be an entitlement simply because you are alive. That is a good way for a country to run up a $19 trillion debt to $25 trillion, isn't it?
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?
I don't see that it requires students to maintain full class loads and earn passing grades, so for me that's a non-starter. I would like to see less borrowing and more money going directly to instruction, which Sanders' bill seems to do. I would also like to see more for child care for single moms trying to go to school.

So you just made up a scenario to give an excuse for your jealousy? I think investing in our future is a good thing.

There could be a downside like....concerns for you you you but I think selfishness and whining isnt something that is more important than our future.

I have no jealously. I paid for my own college and my children's college. My wife paid for her own education also. We didn't steal money from the taxpayers to pay for tuition. We don't have an entitlement mentality like you Moon Bats.

There is no investment in giving away free college tuition to every shithead in the country just because they are alive. Like most feel good stupid Libtard programs it would be a colossus waste of money that will put the country further in debt and accomplish absolutely nothing except get a few votes for the idiots like the Hildabeast or that clown Sanders that suggest it as a campaign promise.
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