Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?


The future is always a good investment. Its paying off in other countries so much that we recruit for student visas for the people in other countries to come here, then they use our information, resources etc and go back home to teach THEIR kids.

Make Americans smarter and more educated and there is no downside except only to jealous pricks who's argument will be "I paid for MINE! WHY DONT THEY HAVE TOO!!!!"

It is up to yourself to make yourself smart. Nobody owes you an education.

We "import" foreign college educated people because they demand less salaries and they generally can't find as good jobs in their home country and that has nothing to do with free tuition for American students.

If you really want to "invest" in America then stop spending more money than the government has. That debt will destroy us one day like it is doing to Greece now. Lower taxes, reduce the size of government and stop so much government interference in business. That will do more to grow this country than any stupid redistribution of wealth scheme.

The future is always a good investment. Its paying off in other countries so much that we recruit for student visas for the people in other countries to come here, then they use our information, resources etc and go back home to teach THEIR kids.

Make Americans smarter and more educated and there is no downside except only to jealous pricks who's argument will be "I paid for MINE! WHY DONT THEY HAVE TOO!!!!"

It is up to yourself to make yourself smart. Nobody owes you an education.

Uhhh, ok, thanks for addressing something unrelated.

We "import" foreign college educated people because they demand less salaries and they generally can't find as good jobs in their home country and that has nothing to do with free tuition for American students.

So we do import them? Thanks that was my point. Are you saying we import them to help THEM find jobs? LOL...Skip over Americans out of kindness...to THEM?

If you really want to "invest" in America then stop spending more money than the government has. That debt will destroy us one day like it is doing to Greece now. Lower taxes, reduce the size of government and stop so much government interference in business. That will do more to grow this country than any stupid redistribution of wealth scheme.

Nope, I'll push for educating our young people. You can talk all around educating young people if you like.
The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this

Giving students $30 billion in Pell grants doesn't make college more expensive?
It sure doesn't make it cheaper.

student loans from the govt are better then those from private places


text books/etc are all skyrocketing,

Pell grants don't need to be repaid, and they are targeted at poor students whose lives would more then likely be ruined if they didn't exist, in fact, all of this government assistance came into place thanks to rising college costs, it's why we need public universities, and a system like that of germany, in my opinion. I'd rather trust the government, which represents the people, for the most part, then private places looking solely for profit. Text books are rising because they want more profit, obviously, same with college prices.

Pell grants don't need to be repaid

Grants don't have to be repaid, otherwise they'd be called Pell loans. Durr.

in fact, all of this government assistance came into place thanks to rising college costs,

And throwing billions of government assistance at colleges has led to rising college costs.

Text books are rising because they want more profit, obviously,

Typically, when prices rise too high, demand falls.
This doesn't happen when Uncle Sam uses unlimited funds to keep demand rising.
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"
And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win
once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?
in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.
"Free" in liberalspeak means "the government pays for it and will either borroew the money or tell everyone the rich aren't paying their fair share."
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

As soon as the institutions realize there is a new revenue stream they will raise the tuition and anything else they can.
And I love this 'free' this 'free' that....
It's NOT free....Someone is paying for it.

Tax and spend tax and spend....

It's in the left's DNA.....

Then explain why college tuition is DECREASING in Washington state.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...

Yes it's very stupid.

Most colleges and universities are PUBLIC owned. Not private.

When more public money is invested in tuition the cost of tuition decreases.

If you want to talk about private schools, they don't get much of any public money. Their tuition soars every year.

Meanwhile tuition in Washington state at public colleges and universities is DECREASING.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare

Then explain why college tuition in Washington state is DECREASING.

Because a REPUBLICAN state senator introduced a bill to cut tuition.

Gee I bet you wish you had researched first, eh?
I'm no "rightwinger" but I'll say this, there is nothing "free" bout this idea. Someone has to pay for it somehow.

Who do you think that will be?

Sanders clearly said it would be paid by a tax on wall street speculators.

Which will do 2 things.

It will pay for tuition.

It will help bring wall street speculation under control.

If we are going to offer two years of community college to all at an average cost of $15,000 a year...

300,000,000 X $30,000 = $9,000,000,000,000 or $9 trillion

...to provide two years of community college to all.

Of course when the government contracts to make a mouse it becomes an elephant so the cost will probably be three times that amount so $27 trillion dollars for this little exercise.



Are you really that stupid?

Not everyone in America is going to college. Some of us have already done that so we won't be using the free tuition. Some Americans, probably you included, have no desire to go to college and won't.

Your figures are inflated too much for any intelligent person to take anything you post seriously.
I hate sanders plan as much as i hate rubios plan to give away taxpayer money to families with kids. "targeted" tax cuts are a liberal idea and never grow the economy.


Then explain the Clinton years.

Clinton's tax cuts were targeted to the middle class.

We had the largest economic expansion since right after WWII.
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

Wow, just wow. Is this the the intelligence of the average socialist voter? Is this seriously how stupid they really are? Did you never take a basic Econ class?

The average high school student that passed economics KNOWS that the basics of supply and demand mean that the more demand of something, the higher someone can charge for a price. EVERYONE knows this. Increased demand doesn't lower price. What are you, insane are just dumb?


As demand goes up prices goes up, to the left.

Is this the the intelligence of the average socialist voter?

Yes, when it comes to economics, the average socialist is worse than clueless.

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