Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?


Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to give people an education. That ain't right.

Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to give people healthcare. That ain't right.

Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to give poor people food and a roof above their heads. That ain't right.

You have it right for a change. Good for you. You are learning.

Rather use the force of government to take my money and give $trillions to poor banksters, bomb brown people all over the world, read my email and listen to my phonecalls.

You Libtards elected Obama that gave away billions to Wall Street bankers and Obama is bombing brown people as we speak and it took a Republican Congress to do away with some of Obama's spying on the American people.

If you really believe that then you didn't vote for the right person, did you?
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

Wow, just wow. Is this the the intelligence of the average socialist voter? Is this seriously how stupid they really are? Did you never take a basic Econ class?

The average high school student that passed economics KNOWS that the basics of supply and demand mean that the more demand of something, the higher someone can charge for a price. EVERYONE knows this. Increased demand doesn't lower price. What are you, insane are just dumb?


As demand goes up prices goes up, to the left.
Great deflection, you'll fit right in here. Now you want the answer the question?
Not a deflection, tax rates have been different throughout history with the rich paying more then the poor man, if that violates the 14th amendment, then so be it. I don't care.

Still didn't answer the question. Go away child.
I just did
"The Taxing and Spending Clause[1] (which contains provisions known as the General Welfare Clause[2] and the Uniformity Clause[3]), Article I,Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, grants the federal government of the United States its power of taxation. While authorizing Congress to levy taxes, this clause permits the levying of taxes for two purposes only: to pay the debts of the United States, and to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. Taken together, these purposes have traditionally been held to imply and to constitute the federal government's taxing and spending power.[4]"

Exactly, the general welfare of the United States, how that is to be accomplished is itemized in the remainder of Article 1, Section 8. Guess what hero, giving money to individuals for anything other than providing services to the government of the United States ain't in there.
Making sure all americans have access to higher education is a noble thing to do.

No it's not, it's a criminal thing to do. It's basically a payola scheme for the institutions. This is not about the people that want an education, this is about the Universities and it's political affiliations. Having the government pay for education for anyone that wanted it would be politically advantageous for the liberal elites and the intelligentsia.

No more demand for these degree would be created, but demand for degree making industry would be created. That is what this is about. It's about the constituency of the left. The administrators, professors, and all the other staff of higher ed. It doesn't matter if once folks have a degree there are no jobs for those degrees, that's not the left's problem. It just creating a higher ED. industry that is their constituency, that's what they want to do. With tax dollars.
well well, I see comrade Hillary has come out with her FREE college plan today

How freaking nice they can use OUR TAX DOLLARS for bribes before they are EVEN President in order to get votes

Hillary Clinton to unveil $350B college affordability plan

all of it here:
Hillary Clinton to unveil 350B college affordability plan Fox News

Typical for a filthy ass Democrat to promise more free stuff if you vote for her.

If Clinton wants to give away free college education why don't she spend that $140 million she has to provide scholarships for thousands of students?

She doesn't want to spend her money, she wants to spend yours.

that's why I laugh when I hear the Democrat voter say their party is for "the poor and middle class" It's EASY to be for ANYONE when it's NOT THEIR MONIES they are proposing to GIVE AWAY. but you can't get that through the low information voters in this country
Yes, Pell grants are part of total government spending on college.
Spending that has increased a lot lately.
I know, but pell grants are not affecting college prices, What's your point? Cut pell grants to fuck poor students?

My point is the government is spending more on college. You disagree?
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

The government doesn't give a shit about students. It only cares about University Administrators, Big Ed. and the Banking industry holding the loans.
Your nation has been a member of NATO from the beginning.

Seems to me bad things happening to the US would be of concern to you.

Indeed, and if a lunatic like Trump would end up in power that would be a very bad thing indeed. Not that Hillary would be much better but at least she's rational (sort of anyway).
Your nation has been a member of NATO from the beginning.

Seems to me bad things happening to the US would be of concern to you.

Indeed, and if a lunatic like Trump would end up in power that would be a very bad thing indeed. Not that Hillary would be much better but at least she's rational (sort of anyway).

THe issues destroying America are bi-partisan and have been going on for quite some time.

It is liberals that demagogue any attempt to even address these issues.

Just wanted to say, I appreciate your nations support during the long Cold War. We could not have won it alone.

So, how you liking your increasing immigrant population? Really contributing to your quality of life?

The government doesn't give a shit about students. It only cares about University Administrators, Big Ed. and the Banking industry holding the loans.

The Democrats love the Teacher's Unions. That is one of their cash cows.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

All professors should volunteer their time and not take any pay. That includes the Directors of Transvestite Diversity who make $120,000 a year.
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win
THe issues destroying America are bi-partisan and have been going on for quite some time.

Sure, it started with Reagan and you guys have been going downhill ever since
It is liberals that demagogue any attempt to even address these issues.

That's one of your problems, this whole liberal/conservative thing. In reality you have a one party government, no matter who sits in the oval office, you're always ruled by wall street and the MIC. And that will never change as long as you stick to this democrat/republican football match idea.
Just wanted to say, I appreciate your nations support during the long Cold War. We could not have won it alone

Well, thanks. I think...

Somehow life was much simpler then, it was at least clear who the bad guys and good guys were. These days you can never be sure.
So, how you liking your increasing immigrant population? Really contributing to your quality of life?

It has it's advantages, I like shoarma and surinam sandwiches. My Turkish garage is very good and cheap. Doesn't mean I'd like to see a mosque on every corner of course.

Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

Poor investment.

Tons of taxpayer's money when we are already $19 trillion in debt and not much return for it.Just a watering down of the existing college education and a bunch of worthless degrees with no real economic value.

Government should not be involved in it. The free market of labor should dictate the economic advantage to an individual getting an education not the political posturing of a corrupt politician like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders trying to buy votes with taxpayer's money.
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

Poor investment.

The future is always a good investment. Its paying off in other countries so much that we recruit for student visas for the people in other countries to come here, then they use our information, resources etc and go back home to teach THEIR kids.

Make Americans smarter and more educated and there is no downside except only to jealous pricks who's argument will be "I paid for MINE! WHY DONT THEY HAVE TOO!!!!"

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