Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

Entitlement mentality? I'm talking about investing in the future and you're pretending that I'm talking about giving everyone a new boat lol.

So you just made up a scenario to give an excuse for your jealousy? I think investing in our future is a good thing.

There could be a downside like....concerns for you you you but I think selfishness and whining isnt something that is more important than our future.

I have no jealously. I paid for my own college and my children's college. My wife paid for her own education also. We didn't steal money from the taxpayers to pay for tuition. We don't have an entitlement mentality like you Moon Bats.

There is no investment in giving away free college tuition to every shithead in the country just because they are alive. Like most feel good stupid Libtard programs it would be a colossus waste of money that will put the country further in debt and accomplish absolutely nothing except get a few votes for the idiots like the Hildabeast who suggest it as a campaign promise..
I'm not for Bernie's no student accountability plan, but if you attended a public college/uni, someone paid for your education.
Entitlement mentality? I'm talking about investing in the future and you're pretending that I'm talking about giving everyone a new boat lol.

There is no investment in giving free tuition to everybody in the United States simply because they are alive. All that will do is put this country further in debt and be a windfall for the colleges and degree mills. It will also give a bunch lazy shitheads an excuse not to work for a few more years.

If you want to invest in America you need to cut taxes, get the government off of everybody's back and stimulate capitalism. The payoff on that would millions of times more than giving out freebees to people that are too sorry to earn it themselves.
There is no investment in giving free tuition to everybody in the United States simply because they are alive.

You can repeat that but its just not true. Put in standards then. Make sure tehy arent weed smokers and only take majors you deem worthy and you would STILL oppose it because you object based on emotion and not on any measures

I'm not for Bernie's no student accountability plan, but if you attended a public college/uni, someone paid for your education.

I suspect that many of the students that attended state universities had their state tuition subsidies paid for well in advance by the enormous state taxes their parent paid. In addition to that they had to shell out a pretty hefty tuition payment. It is that additional tuition bill burden that shitheads like Clinton and Sanders wants to put on the backs of the American taxpayer.

Neither one of those shitheads have said if they want to finance the program with debt or tax increases. Somehow the Libtards never never seem to mention how they plan to pay for their stupid entitlement programs, do they?
It's OT, but I don't see anything that supports taxing the 1% more does anything to hamper economic expansion. Taxing businesses more, as opposed to remo

I'm not for Bernie's no student accountability plan, but if you attended a public college/uni, someone paid for your education.

I suspect that many of the students that attended state universities had their state tuition subsidies paid for well in advance by the enormous state taxes their parent paid. In addition to that they had to shell out a pretty hefty tuition payment. It is that additional tuition bill burden that shitheads like Clinton and Sanders wants to put on the backs of the American taxpayer.

Neither one of those shitheads have said if they want to finance the program with debt or tax increases. Somehow the Libtards never never seem to mention how they plan to pay for their stupid entitlement programs, do they?
Well, again, I don't agree with Bernies plan, but he does say where he'd get the money.

There is some support for a notion that just giving colleges more money does not reduce tuition. But, Bernies not totally nuts because he ties any new aid directly to colleges paying for instruction, and not for buildings or administration. If the overall effect is to reduce the amount of loans with direct govt support that has a revenue stream, I'm not automatically opposed. But, I think any reform to loans has to have a requirement that the kid actually pass 12 semester hours or they get no more aid.
There is no investment in giving free tuition to everybody in the United States simply because they are alive.

You can repeat that but its just not true. Put in standards then. Make sure tehy arent weed smokers and only take majors you deem worthy and you would STILL oppose it because you object based on emotion and not on any measures

My objections are based upon reality.

Free tuition will result in higher taxes and/or, higher debt for the government.We have enough of that already.

It will result in more degree inflation that will harm the kids that don't go to college.

It will be a big boom to the degree mill industry and that is about it.

It will give young people a way to escape the real world for awhile without having to worry about economic reality.

Just another way of making the American people more dependent upon the government rather than being responsible for their own well being. Disgusting, isn't it?

Stupid entitlement programs never work out the way you Libtards think they will.
Well, again, I don't agree with Bernies plan, but he does say where he'd get the money.

The only thing I have heard the idiot say is that he would expand the Pell Grants by "taxing Wall Street", whatever the hell that means.

Does that mean that my 401K is now going to be taxed to pay for some sorry shithead to get a freebie?

The government needs to stay out of the business of taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it to another person that didn't earn it.
The record profits of Wall Street corporations on the DOW under obama are one of the only bright spots of his presidency.
of course these are the very same corporations the Left was vowing to "Occupy" and shut down not that long ago; thank God they failed at that too.

now LWNJs want to tax the phuk out of them to PANDER FOR VOTES, when in reality it is government invlovement in the tuition process that IS a major reason college costs so much.

the Left always wants to used billions of other people's money to pander for votes
The record profits of Wall Street corporations on the DOW under obama are one of the only bright spots of his presidency.
of course these are the very same corporations the Left was vowing to "Occupy" and shut down not that long ago; thank God they failed at that too.

now LWNJs want to tax the phuk out of them to PANDER FOR VOTES, when in reality it is government invlovement in the tuition process that IS a major reason college costs so much.

the Left always wants to used billions of other people's money to pander for votes
I'm not going to pretend to follow Sec. 5 of his bill. LOL


But, in general, I find the notion that taxing the 1% more is going to detract from overall econ performance to be laughable because they are actually paying a lesser rate that people working. If we went back to the rates in effect in 1984, deficits would be .... pfft. If we just backed up rates on the 1% to 1984, we wouldn't be shutting down the fed govt this fall in a fight over cutting domestic spending while increasing defense.
The record profits of Wall Street corporations on the DOW under obama are one of the only bright spots of his presidency.
of course these are the very same corporations the Left was vowing to "Occupy" and shut down not that long ago; thank God they failed at that too.

now LWNJs want to tax the phuk out of them to PANDER FOR VOTES, when in reality it is government invlovement in the tuition process that IS a major reason college costs so much.

the Left always wants to used billions of other people's money to pander for votes
I'm not going to pretend to follow Sec. 5 of his bill. LOL


But, in general, I find the notion that taxing the 1% more is going to detract from overall econ performance to be laughable because they are actually paying a lesser rate that people working. If we went back to the rates in effect in 1984, deficits would be .... pfft. If we just backed up rates on the 1% to 1984, we wouldn't be shutting down the fed govt this fall in a fight over cutting domestic spending while increasing defense.

they MAY pay a lesser rate on earned income after deductions/loopholes. my understanding is that the richest make most of their money, and pay taxes on, capital gains, and i doubt between the taxes paid on earned income and on capital gains that most rich people pay a lower percentage then "working" people. they also pay enormous property taxes.

"if you went back to the rates in......................." doesnt mean anything, because it isnt 1984.

I'm not going to pretend to follow Sec. 5 of his bill. LOL


But, in general, I find the notion that taxing the 1% more is going to detract from overall econ performance to be laughable because they are actually paying a lesser rate that people working. If we went back to the rates in effect in 1984, deficits would be .... pfft. If we just backed up rates on the 1% to 1984, we wouldn't be shutting down the fed govt this fall in a fight over cutting domestic spending while increasing defense.

Doesn't the idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to shitheads that didn't earn it make you sick? That is using the government for simple thievery and it should make anybody sick. Are you a thief? What is the difference between voting for somebody that promises to steal the money on your behalf any different than you stealing it yourself? Why do you think you should have the right to take other people's money? What is wrong with you?

The problem with socialism is that when you use the government for thievery it won't be too long before the people you are stealing the money from runs out of money and then you are pretty well fucked. Ask the people of Greece if you don't believe me. Spain, Portugal, Italy and most other socialists countries are not far behind. The US is heading down the same path and that will mean destruction for our country.

Bernie Sanders is a commie lunatic that will screw up the country the same as idiotic socialists have screwed up every other country they ever tried to run.

Only an idiot would vote for Sanders and believe his moronic and immoral ideas of stealing from the rich, don't you agree?

I'm not going to pretend to follow Sec. 5 of his bill. LOL


But, in general, I find the notion that taxing the 1% more is going to detract from overall econ performance to be laughable because they are actually paying a lesser rate that people working. If we went back to the rates in effect in 1984, deficits would be .... pfft. If we just backed up rates on the 1% to 1984, we wouldn't be shutting down the fed govt this fall in a fight over cutting domestic spending while increasing defense.

Doesn't the idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to shitheads that didn't earn it make you sick? That is using the government for simple thievery and it should make anybody sick. Are you a thief? What is the difference between voting for somebody that promises to steal the money on your behalf any different than you stealing it yourself? Why do you think you should have the right to take other people's money? What is wrong with you?

The problem with socialism is that when you use the government for thievery it won't be too long before the people you are stealing the money from runs out of money and then you are pretty well fucked. Ask the people of Greece if you don't believe me. Spain, Portugal, Italy and most other socialists countries are not far behind. The US is heading down the same path and that will mean destruction for our country.

Bernie Sanders is a commie lunatic that will screw up the country the same as idiotic socialists have screwed up every other country they ever tried to run.

Only an idiot would vote for Sanders and believe his moronic and immoral ideas of stealing from the rich, don't you agree?

I don't think students, and especially single moms trying to gain skills, are shit heads. I think I was clear in my opinion that bills like this typically fail to require student accountability, which btw was the basis of Reagan's opposition to calif tuition provisions when he was governor.

Sanders is a decent man, who is a socialist, and who blessedly has zero chance of being potus. Fiscally, the defiicits are impossible to defend, but neither are taxes on the 1%, imo.
I don't think students, and especially single moms trying to gain skills, are shit heads. I think I was clear in my opinion that bills like this typically fail to require student accountability, which btw was the basis of Reagan's opposition to calif tuition provisions when he was governor.

Sanders is a decent man, who is a socialist, and who blessedly has zero chance of being potus. Fiscally, the defiicits are impossible to defend, but neither are taxes on the 1%, imo.

Anybody that uses the government to steal money from somebody else that earned is a shithead no matter how you look at it.

Sanders is not a decent man. He is a far left confused lunatic that is spouting that same old Marxist bullshit and class warfare hatred that has failed for the last 100 years. Obama has been the express train to economic disaster for this country. Sanders will be the bullet train.

The 1% that you hate so much and want to steal more money from already pays the great amount of the damn $1 trillion a year in income tax that 48% of the people don't have to pay. When are you Libtards going to stop being so friggin greedy? When is enough going to be enough for you greedy bastards?

I don't hate anyone. But, the facts are facts, and generally the top 1% pay less a % of income in income taxes than most of the rest of working people. A flat tax might actually be more "even." Removing all the various tax credit incentives that encourage us to do things, like houses, and lowering the overall rates might make things more "even."

There is class warfare, and the middle class is losing. By simply focusing on socialists (who will never win anything) for your ire, you simply fail to notice what's occurred over the past 35 years or so.
I don't hate anyone. But, the facts are facts, and generally the top 1% pay less a % of income in income taxes than most of the rest of working people. A flat tax might actually be more "even." Removing all the various tax credit incentives that encourage us to do things, like houses, and lowering the overall rates might make things more "even."

There is class warfare, and the middle class is losing. By simply focusing on socialists (who will never win anything) for your ire, you simply fail to notice what's occurred over the past 35 years or so.

You are confused. That seems to be a problem with you Moon Bats.

The Middle Class is "losing" because the cost of government is robbing the economy of economic growth that helps the lower and middle class achieve upward mobility. This friggin combined government of ours takes over 40% of the GNP and that is why poverty is increasing, family income is decreasing and we have the fewest number of Americans working percentage wise than since Jimmy Carter was President. On top of that we are $19 trillion in debt.

Most of that $1 trillion a year that is collected in income tax is collected from the top earners in this country, not from the average working man, who many don't even pay one cent of that trillion.

The top 1% pays half the income tax.

Top 1 pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

When is your greed going to be satisfied?

Top 20 of Earners Pay 84 of Income Tax - WSJ

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

And the bottom 20%? They get paid by Uncle Sam. We compare tax burdens as Tax Day approaches.

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