Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?


Nope, I'll push for educating our young people. You can talk all around educating young people if you like.

We already educate our young people with the best college network in the world. You just want it free because that is the greedy Liberal mindset on everything.

Reducing taxes to stimulate capitalism will do a million times more good for this country than give some stupid pothead free tuition so he can get a worthless unemployable humanities degree.

Nope, I'll push for educating our young people. You can talk all around educating young people if you like.

We already educate our young people with the best college network in the world. You just want it free because that is the greedy Liberal mindset on everything.

Reducing taxes to stimulate capitalism will do a millions times more good for this country than give some stupid pothead free tuition so he can get a worthless unemployable humanities degree.
... while raising taxes and/or borrowing money to pay for it.

"Free Tuition!" = buying votes
Wanting the future to prosper equals greed? Lmao..uh, ok then

This country doesn't "posper" when money is taken by the force of government from the people that earned it and given to the people that didn't earn it.

If you want to go college then that is fine. Pay for it yourself. It is thievery to use the government to get somebody else to pay your bills for you.
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If we are going to offer two years of community college to all at an average cost of $15,000 a year...

300,000,000 X $30,000 = $9,000,000,000,000 or $9 trillion

...to provide two years of community college to all.

Of course when the government contracts to make a mouse it becomes an elephant so the cost will probably be three times that amount so $27 trillion dollars for this little exercise.



Are you really that stupid?

Not everyone in America is going to college. Some of us have already done that so we won't be using the free tuition. Some Americans, probably you included, have no desire to go to college and won't.

Your figures are inflated too much for any intelligent person to take anything you post seriously.


I see so you're now saying that only certain special people will be allowed to go to college... Are we limiting this to certain races, sex, age, etc...? Have you heard of the 14th Amendment or the Civil Rights Act which disallows discrimination to all? And even if someone chooses not to utilize their college benefits that are being offered why can't they pass the 2 or more years on to their children like the military does now? That last one I'll support if this is resolution to socialize is to go anywhere.

You're right my figures are off. There's at least 330 million people in this country right now which means that 9 trillion dollars for everyone to go to college is actually $10 trillion as a starting figure. Which makes the elephant into $30 trillion.


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Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.
You know, I've given this some thought and I may have a solution to get the ball rolling.

Hillary has a Foundation already set up that brings in around a quarter-billion dollars a year, with practically nothing going out to actual charities.

Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since Hillary has expressed an interest in this plan, what better way for her to show her support than to invest that money right here in the good old USA!!!!!!!
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Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.
I'm no "rightwinger" but I'll say this, there is nothing "free" bout this idea. Someone has to pay for it somehow.

Who do you think that will be?

Sanders clearly said it would be paid by a tax on wall street speculators.

Which will do 2 things.

It will pay for tuition.

It will help bring wall street speculation under control.

Do you have a 401K account? If yes, then you are a wall street speculator. Do you want the govt taking 10-25% of your retirement funds to give free college to Trump's kids? Because if its free for one, it has to be free for all.
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.

Who gets to decide who goes to the free colleges? Is it strictly based on grades and test scores? If so, what will you say to the libs when all of the spots go to whites and asians?
Any movement to make college free to the next generation of citizens has support from me.
Yes, I know, "College isnt FREE, Someone has to pay blah blah"

And yes we should invest in the next generation. Its a win win

once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.

Who gets to decide who goes to the free colleges? Is it strictly based on grades and test scores? If so, what will you say to the libs when all of the spots go to whites and asians?

You're always looking for a way to divide arent you? Everyone does. If they want to attend they should be able too. Of course whites have first pick. Better now?
once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.

Who gets to decide who goes to the free colleges? Is it strictly based on grades and test scores? If so, what will you say to the libs when all of the spots go to whites and asians?

You're always looking for a way to divide arent you? Everyone does. If they want to attend they should be able too. Of course whites have first pick. Better now?

so in your fantasy world, every kid who graduates from high school gets to go to college free, if they want to?

Are you on drugs?
We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.

Who gets to decide who goes to the free colleges? Is it strictly based on grades and test scores? If so, what will you say to the libs when all of the spots go to whites and asians?

You're always looking for a way to divide arent you? Everyone does. If they want to attend they should be able too. Of course whites have first pick. Better now?

so in your fantasy world, every kid who graduates from high school gets to go to college free, if they want to?

Are you on drugs?

Is that a rebuttal?
once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.

Who gets to decide who goes to the free colleges? Is it strictly based on grades and test scores? If so, what will you say to the libs when all of the spots go to whites and asians?

You're always looking for a way to divide arent you? Everyone does. If they want to attend they should be able too. Of course whites have first pick. Better now?
Wow... Another Lib who thinks blacks should go to the back of the bus!!!!!
once again, who is going to pay for all this free college? Who is going to decide who gets to go and who does not? If its free, will it be free for the kids of the very rich?

in democrat/liberal parlance---------invest = spend tax revenue.

We are, thats why I called it an investment. I mean if you dont think investing in the future is important and why your pennies and small mindedness based in jealousy or greed is a better idea, thats cool too.

Free tuition is a stupid idea. If you are poor there are already ways to get loans, grants, and scholarships. Your hero obama went to Harvard on loans and scholarships (so he claims, but he won't tell us what kind of loans and scholarships). Rich people can afford tuition, would you make it free for them too?

If we want to invest tax revenue in the future of this country, we should invest in in a border wall and in destroying ISIS.

Yeah, I know there are ways to start your career in debt. Yes, it would be free for all...thats fair.

Who gets to decide who goes to the free colleges? Is it strictly based on grades and test scores? If so, what will you say to the libs when all of the spots go to whites and asians?

You're always looking for a way to divide arent you? Everyone does. If they want to attend they should be able too. Of course whites have first pick. Better now?

LIar. You'll be the first to cry racism and demand more college slots for blacks, regardless of their ability.

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