Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

Where the hell did I say that was my solution? If we're already having a problem with people barely being able to afford college and a lack of jobs, we need to reinvest in job programs, at the federal level, along with encouraging companies to hire new graduates. Socialism/capitalism are mixed in every advanced country bud, both fail when left unchecked.

You want to send every swinging richard to college, even as many now why pay their way aren't qualified to enter the job market.
Show me in the Constitution where jobs programs are a federal function.
No, I don't, I think everyone should have the opportunity to go to college without having to worry about debt. Oh please, the constitution is flexible and an old document, new deal like programs sound good to me.

Then what's all this crap about free college? And no the Constitution is not flexible and it's age doesn't alter the FACT that it is still the supreme law of the land. You want it changed, see Article 5.
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.
Seriously? This has been happening since 1977, the government steps in to help students deal with this shit.

And it does nothing but make the problem worse, more dollars chasing a limited supply, that is the prescription for inflation, hyperinflation in this case.
No, it really doesn't many people would have not gone to college at all if it weren't for the government helping.

You don't know much about economics do you?
Neither do you it seems, it's an undeniable fact that without pell grants/etc students wouldn't be able to go to college/wouldn't bother.

More dollars chasing a fixed supply = inflation. Period end of story. That's economics, not bleeding heart BS.
That doesn't refute what I've said, nor does it correlate with pell grants/federal loans. I'm sure theres some connection, we just need to eliminate tuition in public universities all together..

And then what happens?
Maggie never messed with the British Socialized Medicine.
You want to send every swinging richard to college, even as many now why pay their way aren't qualified to enter the job market.
Show me in the Constitution where jobs programs are a federal function.
No, I don't, I think everyone should have the opportunity to go to college without having to worry about debt. Oh please, the constitution is flexible and an old document, new deal like programs sound good to me.

Then what's all this crap about free college? And no the Constitution is not flexible and it's age doesn't alter the FACT that it is still the supreme law of the land. You want it changed, see Article 5.
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.

Actually yes, see the 10th Amendment, many of the new deal proposals were deemed unconstitutional, then FDR intimidated the court to get some through. Didn't make them any more constitutional, just made him a tyrant.
No, I don't, I think everyone should have the opportunity to go to college without having to worry about debt. Oh please, the constitution is flexible and an old document, new deal like programs sound good to me.

Then what's all this crap about free college? And no the Constitution is not flexible and it's age doesn't alter the FACT that it is still the supreme law of the land. You want it changed, see Article 5.
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.

Actually yes, see the 10th Amendment, many of the new deal proposals were deemed unconstitutional, then FDR intimidated the court to get some through. Didn't make them any more constitutional, just made him a tyrant.
And yet the american people didn't care. FDR was a hero.
And it does nothing but make the problem worse, more dollars chasing a limited supply, that is the prescription for inflation, hyperinflation in this case.
No, it really doesn't many people would have not gone to college at all if it weren't for the government helping.

You don't know much about economics do you?
Neither do you it seems, it's an undeniable fact that without pell grants/etc students wouldn't be able to go to college/wouldn't bother.

More dollars chasing a fixed supply = inflation. Period end of story. That's economics, not bleeding heart BS.
That doesn't refute what I've said, nor does it correlate with pell grants/federal loans. I'm sure theres some connection, we just need to eliminate tuition in public universities all together..

How many new students do you think that will generate? Most public schools are already at capacity and turning people away, where do you get the money for the new facilities and staff to deal with the flood?
No, it really doesn't many people would have not gone to college at all if it weren't for the government helping.

You don't know much about economics do you?
Neither do you it seems, it's an undeniable fact that without pell grants/etc students wouldn't be able to go to college/wouldn't bother.

More dollars chasing a fixed supply = inflation. Period end of story. That's economics, not bleeding heart BS.
That doesn't refute what I've said, nor does it correlate with pell grants/federal loans. I'm sure theres some connection, we just need to eliminate tuition in public universities all together..

How many new students do you think that will generate? Most public schools are already at capacity and turning people away, where do you get the money for the new facilities and staff to deal with the flood?
No one said it would produce a barrage of new students, it would help students deal with debt/bring forward more public universities. Already discussed.
Then what's all this crap about free college? And no the Constitution is not flexible and it's age doesn't alter the FACT that it is still the supreme law of the land. You want it changed, see Article 5.
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.

Actually yes, see the 10th Amendment, many of the new deal proposals were deemed unconstitutional, then FDR intimidated the court to get some through. Didn't make them any more constitutional, just made him a tyrant.
And yet the american people didn't care. FDR was a hero.

That is a matter of opinion, and he single handily caused the 22nd Amendment. That's really love, isn't it?
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.

Actually yes, see the 10th Amendment, many of the new deal proposals were deemed unconstitutional, then FDR intimidated the court to get some through. Didn't make them any more constitutional, just made him a tyrant.
And yet the american people didn't care. FDR was a hero.

That is a matter of opinion, and he single handily caused the 22nd Amendment. That's really love, isn't it?
Almost everything you read places FDR as one of the top few. Americans loved him, and still do.
You don't know much about economics do you?
Neither do you it seems, it's an undeniable fact that without pell grants/etc students wouldn't be able to go to college/wouldn't bother.

More dollars chasing a fixed supply = inflation. Period end of story. That's economics, not bleeding heart BS.
That doesn't refute what I've said, nor does it correlate with pell grants/federal loans. I'm sure theres some connection, we just need to eliminate tuition in public universities all together..

How many new students do you think that will generate? Most public schools are already at capacity and turning people away, where do you get the money for the new facilities and staff to deal with the flood?
No one said it would produce a barrage of new students, it would help students deal with debt/bring forward more public universities. Already discussed.

You really are delusional. I'm done.
Neither do you it seems, it's an undeniable fact that without pell grants/etc students wouldn't be able to go to college/wouldn't bother.

More dollars chasing a fixed supply = inflation. Period end of story. That's economics, not bleeding heart BS.
That doesn't refute what I've said, nor does it correlate with pell grants/federal loans. I'm sure theres some connection, we just need to eliminate tuition in public universities all together..

How many new students do you think that will generate? Most public schools are already at capacity and turning people away, where do you get the money for the new facilities and staff to deal with the flood?
No one said it would produce a barrage of new students, it would help students deal with debt/bring forward more public universities. Already discussed.

You really are delusional. I'm done.
Actually it's what you get when the government starts giving money willy nilly, students don't care, it's not their money. Even used text books cost way more than they should.
Seriously? This has been happening since 1977, the government steps in to help students deal with this shit.

And it does nothing but make the problem worse, more dollars chasing a limited supply, that is the prescription for inflation, hyperinflation in this case.
No, it really doesn't many people would have not gone to college at all if it weren't for the government helping.

You don't know much about economics do you?
Neither do you it seems, it's an undeniable fact that without pell grants/etc students wouldn't be able to go to college/wouldn't bother.
There were no Pell grants for over 100 years and students still went to college. Maybe if gov't hadnt interfered colleges would not have raised tuitions at rates well exceeding inflation for over 30 years.
You want to send every swinging richard to college, even as many now why pay their way aren't qualified to enter the job market.
Show me in the Constitution where jobs programs are a federal function.
No, I don't, I think everyone should have the opportunity to go to college without having to worry about debt. Oh please, the constitution is flexible and an old document, new deal like programs sound good to me.

Then what's all this crap about free college? And no the Constitution is not flexible and it's age doesn't alter the FACT that it is still the supreme law of the land. You want it changed, see Article 5.
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.
That's what "enumerated powers" means.
The New Deal was a failure.
Then what's all this crap about free college? And no the Constitution is not flexible and it's age doesn't alter the FACT that it is still the supreme law of the land. You want it changed, see Article 5.
That's what it essentially is, tuition free college. Err, the constitution isn't against federal job programs.

Yet you can't show me where it is an authorized expenditure, see Article 1. Section 8. aka, the enumerated powers of the federal government.
Does something have to be specifically laid out to be allowed? No, LOL. We already had the new deal anyway, it worked well.

Actually yes, see the 10th Amendment, many of the new deal proposals were deemed unconstitutional, then FDR intimidated the court to get some through. Didn't make them any more constitutional, just made him a tyrant.
And yet the american people didn't care. FDR was a hero.
So was Stalin.

Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

The US spends more money on education than any country in the world and has terrible results. There is absolutely no guarantees that spending more money would change anything. In fact if history is any indication spending more would result in poorer results. Lately spending more money has been nothing more than welfare for the teacher's unions that contribute to the Democrats.

If we spent money wisely we could cut back on spending and have a better product.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The US has a very good higher education system. Almost a million foreign students come to the US every year to attend college.

Using the force of government to take money away from the people that earned it and giving it some pot smoking liberal arts asshole so he/she doesn't have to do anything to earn his worthless degree isn't going to do anything to improve this country.

Free college institution is a terrible "investment". We need to be paying off this horrendous debt and cutting taxes instead of giving money away. Our economy would be much stronger then.

I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.

Nobody is keeping anybody from getting a degree.

If you want to go to college then by all means go.

I'll pay for my degree and you pay for yours. Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to pay for your degree. That ain't right.
well well, I see comrade Hillary has come out with her FREE college plan today

How freaking nice they can use OUR TAX DOLLARS for bribes before they are EVEN President in order to get votes

Hillary Clinton to unveil $350B college affordability plan

all of it here:
Hillary Clinton to unveil 350B college affordability plan Fox News

Typical for a filthy ass Democrat to promise more free stuff if you vote for her.

If Clinton wants to give away free college education why don't she spend that $140 million she has to provide scholarships for thousands of students?

She doesn't want to spend her money, she wants to spend yours.
Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to pay for your degree. That ain't right.

Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to give people an education. That ain't right.

Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to give people healthcare. That ain't right.

Don't use the force of government to steal money from me to give poor people food and a roof above their heads. That ain't right.


Rather use the force of government to take my money and give $trillions to poor banksters, bomb brown people all over the world, read my email and listen to my phonecalls.


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