Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

Pell grants ONLY help poor students afford college, that is it, they rise because the cost of college keeps going up with no signs of stopping.

Yes, Pell grants are part of total government spending on college.
Spending that has increased a lot lately.
I know, but pell grants are not affecting college prices, What's your point? Cut pell grants to fuck poor students?

My point is the government is spending more on college. You disagree?
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.
Yes, Pell grants are part of total government spending on college.
Spending that has increased a lot lately.
I know, but pell grants are not affecting college prices, What's your point? Cut pell grants to fuck poor students?

My point is the government is spending more on college. You disagree?
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
I know, but pell grants are not affecting college prices, What's your point? Cut pell grants to fuck poor students?

My point is the government is spending more on college. You disagree?
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.
My point is the government is spending more on college. You disagree?
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this

Giving students $30 billion in Pell grants doesn't make college more expensive?
It sure doesn't make it cheaper.

student loans from the govt are better then those from private places


text books/etc are all skyrocketing,

Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this

Giving students $30 billion in Pell grants doesn't make college more expensive?
It sure doesn't make it cheaper.

student loans from the govt are better then those from private places


text books/etc are all skyrocketing,

Pell grants don't need to be repaid, and they are targeted at poor students whose lives would more then likely be ruined if they didn't exist, in fact, all of this government assistance came into place thanks to rising college costs, it's why we need public universities, and a system like that of germany, in my opinion. I'd rather trust the government, which represents the people, for the most part, then private places looking solely for profit. Text books are rising because they want more profit, obviously, same with college prices.
Fuck you asshole, I've been paying higher income and property taxes all my life to support other peoples kids. You want them to go to college, unass your own money and keep your hands off mine. How about you tax the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on and leave the working folks alone.
What the hell? Poor people work you know, most of the time, it's hard to get a full time job without a college degree, which happens to cost a lot of money that's hard to get from a part time MW job. Oh shit. Think about it.

Bullshit, I've worked full time jobs all my life without college.
Lucky for you, the reality is, it's hard to find a full time job without a college degree, and businesses hire part time to avoid benefits. Your personal experience means nothing.

Sure it's hard to find any job when you've done nothing to get marketable skills, halfassing your way through high school or dropping out won't get ya there. I had a full time job with benefits before I graduated from high school, just with what I chose to study there. Only worked one part time job since, and that was a second job to earn some extra money.
Of course, the typical right wing line of thought, "I got mine in a completely different time, let's apply those same conditions and assume everyone has an equal chance!" Ah, no. Socio-economic conditions are different for every single person. Half assing through high school? Some kids will be kids and act crazy and such, some are poor and can't get good school supplies/have no internet access, some have to work while doing high school and cant handle the stress but have no choice, so many different individual things that can occur, and you want to tell me that everyone who can't afford college is a half assed loser? Congratulations, what year was this?

The year doesn't matter, the point is I did what I needed to do, my family was lower middle class, I worked all through high school. I did it to buy a car, and pay for gas, insurance, registration and maintenance. I paid $75.00 for my first car and it was 27 years old when I bought it. If people want something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it.
What the hell? Poor people work you know, most of the time, it's hard to get a full time job without a college degree, which happens to cost a lot of money that's hard to get from a part time MW job. Oh shit. Think about it.

Bullshit, I've worked full time jobs all my life without college.
Lucky for you, the reality is, it's hard to find a full time job without a college degree, and businesses hire part time to avoid benefits. Your personal experience means nothing.

Sure it's hard to find any job when you've done nothing to get marketable skills, halfassing your way through high school or dropping out won't get ya there. I had a full time job with benefits before I graduated from high school, just with what I chose to study there. Only worked one part time job since, and that was a second job to earn some extra money.
Of course, the typical right wing line of thought, "I got mine in a completely different time, let's apply those same conditions and assume everyone has an equal chance!" Ah, no. Socio-economic conditions are different for every single person. Half assing through high school? Some kids will be kids and act crazy and such, some are poor and can't get good school supplies/have no internet access, some have to work while doing high school and cant handle the stress but have no choice, so many different individual things that can occur, and you want to tell me that everyone who can't afford college is a half assed loser? Congratulations, what year was this?

The year doesn't matter, the point is I did what I needed to do, my family was lower middle class, I worked all through high school. I did it to buy a car, and pay for gas, insurance, registration and maintenance. I paid $75.00 for my first car and it was 27 years old when I bought it. If people want something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it.
The year does matter, conditions change, the cost of living in the 80's/90's is alot different then today. 75$ LOL. Good luck finding that today, it's unrealistic what you're expecting people to do. Oh sure, make everyone fight like blood thirsty dogs to scrape into the middle class, great plan.
My point is the government is spending more on college. You disagree?
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Not at all.

The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Oh, I'm fine with taxing the endowments, I must have missed that, sorry.
Bullshit, I've worked full time jobs all my life without college.
Lucky for you, the reality is, it's hard to find a full time job without a college degree, and businesses hire part time to avoid benefits. Your personal experience means nothing.

Sure it's hard to find any job when you've done nothing to get marketable skills, halfassing your way through high school or dropping out won't get ya there. I had a full time job with benefits before I graduated from high school, just with what I chose to study there. Only worked one part time job since, and that was a second job to earn some extra money.
Of course, the typical right wing line of thought, "I got mine in a completely different time, let's apply those same conditions and assume everyone has an equal chance!" Ah, no. Socio-economic conditions are different for every single person. Half assing through high school? Some kids will be kids and act crazy and such, some are poor and can't get good school supplies/have no internet access, some have to work while doing high school and cant handle the stress but have no choice, so many different individual things that can occur, and you want to tell me that everyone who can't afford college is a half assed loser? Congratulations, what year was this?

The year doesn't matter, the point is I did what I needed to do, my family was lower middle class, I worked all through high school. I did it to buy a car, and pay for gas, insurance, registration and maintenance. I paid $75.00 for my first car and it was 27 years old when I bought it. If people want something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it.
The year does matter, conditions change, the cost of living in the 80's/90's is alot different then today. 75$ LOL. Good luck finding that today, it's unrealistic what you're expecting people to do. Oh sure, make everyone fight like blood thirsty dogs to scrape into the middle class, great plan.

LMAO, the last college grad I met, asked, do you want fries with that?
Lucky for you, the reality is, it's hard to find a full time job without a college degree, and businesses hire part time to avoid benefits. Your personal experience means nothing.

Sure it's hard to find any job when you've done nothing to get marketable skills, halfassing your way through high school or dropping out won't get ya there. I had a full time job with benefits before I graduated from high school, just with what I chose to study there. Only worked one part time job since, and that was a second job to earn some extra money.
Of course, the typical right wing line of thought, "I got mine in a completely different time, let's apply those same conditions and assume everyone has an equal chance!" Ah, no. Socio-economic conditions are different for every single person. Half assing through high school? Some kids will be kids and act crazy and such, some are poor and can't get good school supplies/have no internet access, some have to work while doing high school and cant handle the stress but have no choice, so many different individual things that can occur, and you want to tell me that everyone who can't afford college is a half assed loser? Congratulations, what year was this?

The year doesn't matter, the point is I did what I needed to do, my family was lower middle class, I worked all through high school. I did it to buy a car, and pay for gas, insurance, registration and maintenance. I paid $75.00 for my first car and it was 27 years old when I bought it. If people want something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it.
The year does matter, conditions change, the cost of living in the 80's/90's is alot different then today. 75$ LOL. Good luck finding that today, it's unrealistic what you're expecting people to do. Oh sure, make everyone fight like blood thirsty dogs to scrape into the middle class, great plan.

LMAO, the last college grad I met, asked, do you want fries with that?
Yeah, it's getting harder to find jobs once you graduate to..
The article I excerpted up thread disagrees with you.

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Not included is the increase in government loans for college.
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Oh, I'm fine with taxing the endowments, I must have missed that, sorry.

What about the text book publishers?
I never said I disagreed with you, when you said "you disagree" I said ":not at all" You're right, the government is doing its best to help stuents.

Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Oh, I'm fine with taxing the endowments, I must have missed that, sorry.

What about the text book publishers?
Regulate the prices, this is unacceptable:
College Textbook Prices Have Risen 1 041 Percent Since 1977 - NBC News
Sure it's hard to find any job when you've done nothing to get marketable skills, halfassing your way through high school or dropping out won't get ya there. I had a full time job with benefits before I graduated from high school, just with what I chose to study there. Only worked one part time job since, and that was a second job to earn some extra money.
Of course, the typical right wing line of thought, "I got mine in a completely different time, let's apply those same conditions and assume everyone has an equal chance!" Ah, no. Socio-economic conditions are different for every single person. Half assing through high school? Some kids will be kids and act crazy and such, some are poor and can't get good school supplies/have no internet access, some have to work while doing high school and cant handle the stress but have no choice, so many different individual things that can occur, and you want to tell me that everyone who can't afford college is a half assed loser? Congratulations, what year was this?

The year doesn't matter, the point is I did what I needed to do, my family was lower middle class, I worked all through high school. I did it to buy a car, and pay for gas, insurance, registration and maintenance. I paid $75.00 for my first car and it was 27 years old when I bought it. If people want something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it.
The year does matter, conditions change, the cost of living in the 80's/90's is alot different then today. 75$ LOL. Good luck finding that today, it's unrealistic what you're expecting people to do. Oh sure, make everyone fight like blood thirsty dogs to scrape into the middle class, great plan.

LMAO, the last college grad I met, asked, do you want fries with that?
Yeah, it's getting harder to find jobs once you graduate to..

And your solution is to provide a glut of over qualified idiots to work at McDonalds, and of course you want to pay them according to their worthless education instead of what their labor is actually worth to the business. You're so free with other peoples money, that's why socialism fails 100% of the time. Why put out effort if the government is going to give you everything you need?
Of course, the typical right wing line of thought, "I got mine in a completely different time, let's apply those same conditions and assume everyone has an equal chance!" Ah, no. Socio-economic conditions are different for every single person. Half assing through high school? Some kids will be kids and act crazy and such, some are poor and can't get good school supplies/have no internet access, some have to work while doing high school and cant handle the stress but have no choice, so many different individual things that can occur, and you want to tell me that everyone who can't afford college is a half assed loser? Congratulations, what year was this?

The year doesn't matter, the point is I did what I needed to do, my family was lower middle class, I worked all through high school. I did it to buy a car, and pay for gas, insurance, registration and maintenance. I paid $75.00 for my first car and it was 27 years old when I bought it. If people want something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it.
The year does matter, conditions change, the cost of living in the 80's/90's is alot different then today. 75$ LOL. Good luck finding that today, it's unrealistic what you're expecting people to do. Oh sure, make everyone fight like blood thirsty dogs to scrape into the middle class, great plan.

LMAO, the last college grad I met, asked, do you want fries with that?
Yeah, it's getting harder to find jobs once you graduate to..

And your solution is to provide a glut of over qualified idiots to work at McDonalds, and of course you want to pay them according to their worthless education instead of what their labor is actually worth to the business. You're so free with other peoples money, that's why socialism fails 100% of the time. Why put out effort if the government is going to give you everything you need?
Where the hell did I say that was my solution? If we're already having a problem with people barely being able to afford college and a lack of jobs, we need to reinvest in job programs, at the federal level, along with encouraging companies to hire new graduates. Socialism/capitalism are mixed in every advanced country bud, both fail when left unchecked.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

what a frikkin joke

want lower prices

get the government out of the college business

no student loan programs no public paid grants
Yes, by pumping up government funds going to colleges, government is raising the cost of college.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Oh, I'm fine with taxing the endowments, I must have missed that, sorry.

What about the text book publishers?
Regulate the prices, this is unacceptable:
College Textbook Prices Have Risen 1 041 Percent Since 1977 - NBC News

Actually it's what you get when the government starts giving money willy nilly, students don't care, it's not their money. Even used text books cost way more than they should.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Oh, I'm fine with taxing the endowments, I must have missed that, sorry.

What about the text book publishers?
Regulate the prices, this is unacceptable:
College Textbook Prices Have Risen 1 041 Percent Since 1977 - NBC News

Actually it's what you get when the government starts giving money willy nilly, students don't care, it's not their money. Even used text books cost way more than they should.
Seriously? This has been happening since 1977, the government steps in to help students deal with this shit.
Oh please, pell grants do nothing to this, student loans from the govt are better then those from private places, regardless, text books/etc are all skyrocketing, we need public education for all.

So why aren't you going after the folks that are gouging students instead of the middle class? BTW you didn't answer my question about taxing the trillions in endowments colleges are sitting on, I guess you have no problem with big schools that gouge their customers.
Oh, I'm fine with taxing the endowments, I must have missed that, sorry.

What about the text book publishers?
Regulate the prices, this is unacceptable:
College Textbook Prices Have Risen 1 041 Percent Since 1977 - NBC News

Actually it's what you get when the government starts giving money willy nilly, students don't care, it's not their money. Even used text books cost way more than they should.


many of the students i come across

do not even know how much their credits are costing

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