Riley Gaines should sue each and every person who held her hostage as well as SFSU as an entity. There must be accountability for behavior


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
3 fucking hours and no one from the faculty or UPD stepped in?


How the fuck was no one arrested? Sue the police as well. People should be arrested for that shit.

If it was DYLAN MULVANEY who was held hostage, the left would be grabbing their pearls and demanding arrests.

Fuck these pieces of trash.
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Sue the kids, sue their parents, sue the school.

This is UNACCEPTABLE and must stop now. The left hate free speech.

So Riley Gaines intends to overturn the existing Precedent? There have been more than one Supreme Court Decision that made it clear that Police have no duty to protect someone.

Now it doesn’t matter how I feel about those decisions. That is the law of the land. And any lawyer who takes the case has a duty to inform her of this simple truth.
So Riley Gaines intends to overturn the existing Precedent? There have been more than one Supreme Court Decision that made it clear that Police have no duty to protect someone.

Now it doesn’t matter how I feel about those decisions. That is the law of the land. And any lawyer who takes the case has a duty to inform her of this simple truth.

A mob can hold an individual hostage and demand money to be released?

In SF she will end-up paying legal fees. Who on a SF jury would either not be a fag or know someone close that is? The mentally deficient are a protected class there.

People of note should only go to red states to speak....And I don't mean the blue areas within those states either.
Nashville Cops risked their lives to save school kids from a terrorist. SFU campus police were afraid to rescue a woman from unarmed sissies.
Too hard to sue the hostage takers. Very easy to sue the school for providing inadequate safety.
A mob can hold an individual hostage and demand money to be released?


Actually. Sort of.

One of the Supreme Court Cases was a non custodial father who kidnapped his daughters. He took them to an amusement park. He called the Mother/Ex Wife and told her where he was and that he intended to kill the girls. Mommy called the police. She had a Restraining Order. The cops did nothing. They did literally nothing.

The man killed his daughters in the amusement park with Mommy still begging the police to do something.

The Supreme Court decided that the police had no duty to either enforce the Restraining Order or protect the children.

Mommy has no children, and no Justice. And that is the Law my friend.
westwall seems to disagree with my post regarding Supreme Court Precedent. So I thought I’d post the link to the Wikipedia page on it.

For some time I’ve encouraged the users of this board to learn what the laws actually say and mean. Most often it isn’t what you think it means. And it doesn’t say what you think it should say.

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