Rino Elitist Karl Rove Possibly Behind Herman Cain Scandal


May 29, 2010
Karl Rove by all accounts is a Mitt Romney supporter. Karl Rove had been on TV saying Rick Perry's candidacy was not viable. Now Rove’s moved on to Herman Cain, whose candidacy he’s doing all he can to sink, sidetrack, or otherwise derail. Just the other day on Fox News, Rove did his best Mr. Rogers imitation by holding up a small dry-erase board with words (and phrases) for the day like “abortion, neoconservative, Afghan policy,” etc. According to Rove, Cain’s “gaffes” in these areas have rendered him unelectable. How so? Well, according to Rove: “I think it has created an image of him as not being up to this task. That’s really deadly.”

Next, Rove talked about how there was “a hint” that Cain’s numbers had peaked sometime between October 6th and October 10th, and they “had begun to slide slightly since then.” In other words, “Move on, people; there’s nothing to see here.” However, the latest Zogby poll, taken October 18-21, well after Cain’s supposed “slide” had begun, shows that Cain would trounce Romney and, by extension, Rove into the ground. This is something Rove can't let happen and this desperate attempt to smear Cain has Rove's fingerprints and GOP treachery all over it for the shear fact that a non politician and outsider is unstoppable right now.

The bottom line is that a super majority of Republicans DO NOT LIKE Romney. They rather have a conservative and if Romney gets the nomination, then Obama will win. Karl Rove doesn't see it that way though.

Here it is.

Karl Rove: The Herman Cain Boomlet Is Over - Business Insider

Rove insisted Cain was “finished”, you have to assume he had already put the “sexual harassment” dossier in the mail to Politico.

IF this is the case? Should be an interesting meeting between Neal Boortz, Karl Rove, And Jamie Dupree here in my city on the 18th Of November...(Special appearence by Herman Cain)...:eusa_whistle:

Herman Cain commits to Jacksonville event

Rut-Roh! :eek::lol:
Cain has waffled all over the place on this issue, but it seems he now admits that the women were paid off.
I hate giving USARetard any credence, but, yeah, this does smell of a hit piece.

Jennifer Rubin, Paid Romney Mouthpiece at the Washington Post, had an attack column all ready for today. That was fast.

Still, Cain has no one to blame but himself. He should have known this would come up at some point. Just like Bush should have known his DUI arrest would come up.
"White Pride World Wide

Bring Back President Eisenhowers Government Program 'OPERATION WETBACK' To Rid The Country Of Anchor Babies And Illegal Mexicans

Don't You Just Love My Avatar?"

No, I think it's disgusting, and you're a disgraceful Ugly 'Merican racist, and a one man GOP killer. Hoping for your recovery, ASSHOLE. tyvm. Change the channel, first of all.
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While I enjoy a good Rove conspiracy theory as much as the next person, this is one of the least supported I've seen. Rove's motive is weak, his opportunity speculative at best, and there are too many other suspects. This sort of thing is usually impossible to disprove, but here I think it can be safely discounted.
While I enjoy a good Rove conspiracy theory as much as the next person, this is one of the least supported I've seen. Rove's motive is weak, his opportunity speculative at best, and there are too many other suspects. This sort of thing is usually impossible to disprove, but here I think it can be safely discounted.


But Rove plays politics as a full-contact sport, he’d do anything to win – particularly torpedo a candidate he knows can’t win.

did cain bang sarah before or after glenn rice?

Karl Rove by all accounts is a Mitt Romney supporter. Karl Rove had been on TV saying Rick Perry's candidacy was not viable. Now Rove’s moved on to Herman Cain, whose candidacy he’s doing all he can to sink, sidetrack, or otherwise derail. Just the other day on Fox News, Rove did his best Mr. Rogers imitation by holding up a small dry-erase board with words (and phrases) for the day like “abortion, neoconservative, Afghan policy,” etc. According to Rove, Cain’s “gaffes” in these areas have rendered him unelectable. How so? Well, according to Rove: “I think it has created an image of him as not being up to this task. That’s really deadly.”

Next, Rove talked about how there was “a hint” that Cain’s numbers had peaked sometime between October 6th and October 10th, and they “had begun to slide slightly since then.” In other words, “Move on, people; there’s nothing to see here.” However, the latest Zogby poll, taken October 18-21, well after Cain’s supposed “slide” had begun, shows that Cain would trounce Romney and, by extension, Rove into the ground. This is something Rove can't let happen and this desperate attempt to smear Cain has Rove's fingerprints and GOP treachery all over it for the shear fact that a non politician and outsider is unstoppable right now.

The bottom line is that a super majority of Republicans DO NOT LIKE Romney. They rather have a conservative and if Romney gets the nomination, then Obama will win. Karl Rove doesn't see it that way though.

I'm sorry, but in no way have I ever had the impression that Rove is capable of the kind of hacking that you seem to suggest. The reason many of us don't want Romney, is that we don't trust Romney, right or wrong, though we may be. It is all about whom one trusts, and we judge these candidates by their actions of the past as well as the present and by what our intuition tells us. We want someone who is consistent and has a record of advocating for limited government, low taxes, and far fewer regulations on private business. We'll get to the social issues later.

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