Rio + 20 might call for "Global contraction"

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Nothing like a massive global economic disaster to fix the environment. Don't worry though, global warming/climate change/sustainable development has no hidden political agenda.

United Nations officials refuse to allow observers to read the draft agenda for the Rio+20 conference on climate change, after an earlier draft called for the economic “contraction” in major countries.
“It seems the UN has taken the final pre-conference draft and classified it!” Lord Monckton, a climate skeptic with the Center for a Constructive Tomorrow reported in an email. “We were promised transparency. This is unacceptable.”
A proposal within an earlier draft agenda for the conference called for the “contraction and convergence for over- and under-consumers of natural resources,” CFACT noted. Given President Obama’s oft-repeated statistic that the United States produces 2 percent of the world’s oil but uses 20 percent, this proposal would affect the American economy significantly.

Report: UN classifies climate change agenda |

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