RIP Leonard Nimoy

Thinking about this really brings back some strong feelings. As a kid watched what must have been every episode multiple times. In a world of hardships a man who could logically work through every problem and never cried was kind of a hero to me, for good or bad. Odd role model perhaps but thinking back on it Spock influenced my life greatly. Leonard Nimoy was known for much more than just Mr. Spock but he also embodied Spock as actors do. Live long and prosper. Thanks.
If there is a higher plane of existence then Leonard Nimoy stands as good a chance as any of reaching it.

Thanks for the memories and yes, your Spock character will live on for generations to come.

I'm sure William Shatner's publicist will dig around and find something appropriate to say on Shatner's behalf.
Shatner was one of the first to send his condolences.....if you knew anything about those two you would know they were close friends....but as usual....
14 years ago I brought home a kitten.

Made the tiny thing comfortable in our upstairs apartment and went back to work.

When my wife returned from her job she found the little critter in a defiant pose, daring her to come into the room.

She stood there laughing....looking at the gigantic ears supported by a tiny, ferocious kitten and instantly named him "SPOCK"!

He grew to pretty well catch up with the ears but he's still "SPOCK"!


Did I ever mention we were both fans of the original "Star Trek"? Some questioned why we didn't name him Leonard but somehow that wouldn't tell a story.

He's an old cat now and doesn't understand about Leonard Nimoy but probably woldn't even if we had named him.....

Leonard Nimoy, the sonorous, gaunt-faced actor who won a worshipful global following as Mr. Spock, the resolutely logical human-alien first officer of the Starship Enterprise in the television and movie juggernaut “Star Trek,” died on Friday morning at his home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. He was 83.
His wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed his death, saying the cause was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Mr. Nimoy announced last year that he had the disease, which he attributed to years of smoking, a habit he had given up three decades earlier. He had been hospitalized earlier in the week.

My neighbor has just been Dx with COPD. His voice has changed so much in the last 6 months, raspy, having a hard time breathing. He refuses to hoist the oxy tank when he goes in public. Pride goeth before the fall. It must be a horrible illness with no good outcome.
14 years ago I brought home a kitten.

Made the tiny thing comfortable in our upstairs apartment and went back to work.

When my wife returned from her job she found the little critter in a defiant pose, daring her to come into the room.

She stood there laughing....looking at the gigantic ears supported by a tiny, ferocious kitten and instantly named him "SPOCK"!

He grew to pretty well catch up with the ears but he's still "SPOCK"!

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Did I ever mention we were both fans of the original "Star Trek"? Some questioned why we didn't name him Leonard but somehow that wouldn't tell a story.

He's an old cat now and doesn't understand about Leonard Nimoy but probably woldn't even if we had named him.....

Oh, he's beautiful. Looks to be a Maine Coon. They are very smart, large ears and of course the very big fluffy tail. I had one years ago. Quite chatty, too.
I'm sure William Shatner's publicist will dig around and find something appropriate to say on Shatner's behalf.
Shatner’s Twitter reaction:
"I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humor, his talent, and his capacity to love."

Shatner is a prick. He could care less.
Sorry, don't mean to rain on the Spock parade, but I have a close friend who directed him in some ads and he has nothing but disdain for Shitner., um I mean Shatner. Says he's horrible to producers and crew.
His character always weighed the facts and didn't let emotions sway his judgement.

If only more people could make decisions like that in real life.

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