Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

The people who were out there were protesting a serious injustice of an unarmed man being shot in the back by police.
Wrong liar

Tthey were rioting not protesting

The man you referr to was armed and legally shot by the police as he was threatening children
So let's review.

First guy he shot threw a plastic bag at him. Hardly justified shooting an unarmed homeless man half his size.

The second guy he shot was trying to take him into custody for the police.

THird guy he shot didn't point a gun at him. He held it up in the air and tried to reason with him.
WRONG liar

he shot a guy who pursued him cornered him and then tried to take the rifle which is a lethal threat.

the bag had nothing to do with it

The second guy was trrying to beat him to death

The third guy DID POINT the gun at him
The protesters went home before dusk every night. There was no one left on the street but crackpot militias and trouble-makers.
Wrong they did not go home and remained rioting as they did during the day

there were no such protestors
The mother and sister of Kyle Rittenhouse are asking for money so they don't get evicted from their apartment. Supposedly Kyle won't help out.

"According to Faith Rittenhouse, her brother, who has been touring the country giving speeches with the support of Turning Point USA, has refused to help out his sibling and mother"

"With my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we've been left to navigate this journey on our own," while pointing out that medical issues have waylaid her from being able to keep a job"

One hell of a kid you raised, Ms. Rittenhouse.

I thought the murderous little bastard had millions of dollars?
He was photographed all over the place helping injured people and trying to keep the peace. Funny how you ignore the rioters and absolve them of any responsibility.

If I live on a street, and a group of rioters try to set a fire to my neighbors property, should I not defend that property?
He had no business leaving the safety of community and putting himself in the middle of a riot.
He had no business leaving the safety of community and putting himself in the middle of a riot.
He was in his community. He was helping out a friend. It was his friends property that he was defending.

Unlike the rioters, Kenosha is where Kyle worked. That WAS his town. The rioters came from near and far, and you say nothing about them.

Why not?
How is illegally obtaining a rifle and going looking for someone to shoot self defense?
he did not go looking for someone to shoot.

The only people he shot were specifically attacking him in a deadly manner, . That is what makes it dself defense.

Illegally obtaining a weapon does not negate your right to use that weapon to ddefend yourself

So how was it murderous?
He was in his community. He was helping out a friend. It was his friends property that he was defending.

Unlike the rioters, Kenosha is where Kyle worked. That WAS his town. The rioters came from near and far, and you say nothing about them.

Why not?
That was not his community. His home was in a bordering state miles away. He tempted fate and went out looking for trouble and he found it.

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