rittenhouse instigated bloodshed a blm protest

yeah right. blm instigated the whole thing in the first place. burning and tearingh up shit. now it looks like they are protesting in front of the court house.

Fuck BLM. The Illinois Governor should dispatch officers with fire hoses and snarly dogs to deal with those BLMtards at the court house.

Yeah. Like that's ever gonna happen.
Today's new video proves that 100% false. Complete self-defense proved CONCLUSIVELY.

In your dreams.

The defense has claimed self defense, but they don't have to prove it. If the prosecution casts enough doubt on that claim, the claim will be rejected by the jury.

What will be interesting is this: in cases where self defense is claimed, the accused often takes the stand. The jury wants to hear the accused say he was in fear for his life. Without putting him on the stand, the claim of self defense will be difficult to demonstrate, because only one person can say how Rittenhouse felt at the time he pulled the trigger.

But does the defense really want to put a barely 18 year old kid up against a seasoned prosecutor like Binger?
Fuck BLM. The Illinois Governor should dispatch officers with fire hoses and snarly dogs to deal with those BLMtards at the court house.

Yeah. Like that's ever gonna happen.

Why would the Governor of Illinois do that?
In your dreams.

The defense has claimed self defense, but they don't have to prove it. If the prosecution casts enough doubt on that claim, the claim will be rejected by the jury.

What will be interesting is this: in cases where self defense is claimed, the accused often takes the stand. The jury wants to hear the accused say he was in fear for his life. Without putting him on the stand, the claim of self defense will be difficult to demonstrate, because only one person can say how Rittenhouse felt at the time he pulled the trigger.

But does the defense really want to put a barely 18 year old kid up against a seasoned prosecutor like Binger?
Any reasonable person would be in fear for their life if they were in KR's shoes. He was being chased by an irate fucking crazy nutjob pedophile rapist, arsonist, rioter and terrorist, who got out of the looney bin earlier that day, who had wrapped his shirt around his head, obviously to hide his identity.

Why do scuzballs like you always automatically take the side of the pedophile?
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In your dreams.

The defense has claimed self defense, but they don't have to prove it. If the prosecution casts enough doubt on that claim, the claim will be rejected by the jury.

What will be interesting is this: in cases where self defense is claimed, the accused often takes the stand. The jury wants to hear the accused say he was in fear for his life. Without putting him on the stand, the claim of self defense will be difficult to demonstrate, because only one person can say how Rittenhouse felt at the time he pulled the trigger.

But does the defense really want to put a barely 18 year old kid up against a seasoned prosecutor like Binger?

When a rapist is defended the defense always tries to make the victim into a raving sexual whore. Perhaps that is the method they should use here. Showing the the terrorists as the low lives they truly are. Seems that two of them shot had prior felonies, in fact one had a pistol illegally.
The backgrounds of these three upstanding individuals follows:

Joseph Rosenbaum a registered sex offender.. He’s the guy who threw what, on video, looked like a Molotov cocktail at Rittenhouse but which seems to have “only” been a brick in a plastic bag.

Anthony Huber was video taped beating Rittenhouse with his skateboard before being shot. An eight time domestic abuser using dangerous weapons.

Gaige GrosskreutzHe is a convicted felon (burglary) — some of the terror sympathizers are claiming his convictions for burglary was merely a misdemeanor, but that remains to be seen — and is not allowed to possess any weapon but was carrying a concealed semiautomatic pistol. He’s also a member of the anarchist group “People’s Revolution Movement” affiliated with Antifa.

See: The Men Shot in Kenosha Were Convicted Criminals Who Were Shot While Acting Like Criminals
Seems that two of them shot had prior felonies, in fact one had a pistol illegally.

There's not a snowball's chance in Hell the defense would make an issue of that, since that makes their client every bit as guilty.

The histories of the individuals Rittenhouse shot may not be much help, simply because there's no way Rittenhouse could've known any of that information, and therefore wouldn't be able to use it as a cause for his self defense...
You would love to dig up Bull Connor, wouldn't you?

No. Actually I'd love to bury those BLMtards in their own back yards.

But I would bury them with their asses sticking out of the ground so you can kiss 'em every night. :laughing0301:
Any reasonable person would be in fear for their life if they were in KR's shoes. He was being chased by an irate fucking crazy nutjob pedophile rapist, arsonist, rioter and terrorist, who got out of the looney bin earlier that day, who had wrapped his shirt around his head, obviously to hide his identity.

None of those things come into play with regards to Rittenhouse, and he can't use them as reasons he feared for his life. He simply didn't know that the people chasing him were a pedophile, or an arsonist, or anything else. There's no way Rittenhouse could've known the guy had just been released from anywhere...

Why do scuzballs like you always automatically take the side of the pedophile?

Oh, fuck off, you useless bag of shit.

I'm as staunch a supporter of the 2nd Amendment as anyone. I also obey the law, and expect that others will do the same. Rittenhouse chose not to. Plain and simple. He chose to break the law and their will be ramifications for that. It's called being "objective", which you're simply incapable of because it requires a level of intellect that you'll never be fortunate to possess.

I don't give a fuck about the three people he shot. I care that he broke the law in order to do it.

The difference between you and I is that you have no respect for the law...
There's not a snowball's chance in Hell the defense would make an issue of that, since that makes their client every bit as guilty.

The histories of the individuals Rittenhouse shot may not be much help, simply because there's no way Rittenhouse could've known any of that information, and therefore wouldn't be able to use it as a cause for his self defense...

It speaks to their character and validates Rittenhouse's reasonable fear of them.

Also, we have the video of them attacking him.
There's not a snowball's chance in Hell the defense would make an issue of that, since that makes their client every bit as guilty.

The histories of the individuals Rittenhouse shot may not be much help, simply because there's no way Rittenhouse could've known any of that information, and therefore wouldn't be able to use it as a cause for his self defense...

No one is claiming that Rittenhouse knew these people before the incident. However, it goes to proves that the three were not there as observers. They were active in the arson, looting and especially the violence..
Any reasonable person would be in fear for their life if they were in KR's shoes. He was being chased by an irate fucking crazy nutjob pedophile rapist, arsonist, rioter and terrorist, who got out of the looney bin earlier that day, who had wrapped his shirt around his head, obviously to hide his identity.

Why do scuzballs like you always automatically take the side of the pedophile?
when was there a pedophile in this?
Fuck BLM. The Illinois Governor should dispatch officers with fire hoses and snarly dogs to deal with those BLMtards at the court house.

Yeah. Like that's ever gonna happen.
Heading on the right track but I would prefer that the military be called and out to exterminate the cockroaches.
No one is claiming that Rittenhouse knew these people before the incident. However, it goes to proves that the three were not there as observers. They were active in the arson, looting and especially the violence..

Bringing up their criminal pasts is meaningless...

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