rittenhouse instigated bloodshed a blm protest

when was there a pedophile in this?
Joseph Rosenbaum, the first perp who chased Kyle and lunged for his gun, thus earning his Darwin award, served about a decade in an Arizona prison after being convicted of molesting 3 little boys between the ages of 9 and 11.

After his mother kicked him out of her house, a couple felt sorry for him and took him in. The faggot pedophile repaid their selfless act of kindness by raping their children.

While in prison he received a litany of infractions, including assaulting staff on 5 separate occasions.

Under the conditions of his probation, the convicted pedophile was not allowed to have any contact with anyone under the age of 18. The day he attacked Kyle, Kyle was only 17.
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None of those things come into play with regards to Rittenhouse, and he can't use them as reasons he feared for his life. He simply didn't know that the people chasing him were a pedophile, or an arsonist, or anything else.
Of course you are simply wrong again. Obviously you haven't done enough research, so you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Of course Kyle knew Rosenbaum and his buddy, who fired the first shot, were arsonists/terrorists. He was there when they lit a dumpster on fire and started pushing it down the street towards the police and/or the gas station. It's on video.

He helped put out the fucking fires.


And apparently Rosenbaum threatened Kyle and his friend. Rosenbaum said that if he caught either one of them alone, he would kill them. And judging by his behavior, that's exactly what he intended to do when the violent predator chased down Kyle like he was prey and lunged after his gun.

If Kyle didn't feel threatened by him, why the fuck do you think Kyle was running away from him in the first place?

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I'm as staunch a supporter of the 2nd Amendment as anyone. I also obey the law, and expect that others will do the same. Rittenhouse chose not to. Plain and simple. He chose to break the law and their will be ramifications for that. It's called being "objective",
You're not objective at all. You automatically presume that Rittenhouse is guilty without presenting a shred of evidence. How the fuck do you call that objective?

I seriously doubt your claim that you support the 2nd amendment. According to the 2nd amendment, Rittenhouse has a right to keep and bear arms, jackass.

You stupidly believe the fake news media's false narrative. The prosecution is also presenting that false narrative, claiming in their opening statement that an AR-15 wielding Rittenhouse "chased down" Rosenbaum and shot him. Objectively, that is nothing but an obvious lie.

Objectively, the video evidence proves that Rosenbaum chased down Rittenhouse, it wasn't the other way around. Sure, the prosecutor vehemently objected to the defense using that video evidence in their opening statement, but the judge shot down that objection.

Hmmm..... why does the prosecutor object to the jury seeing the actual video evidence?

Obviously because the video proves beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever that it's a clear cut case of self-defense. That's why the prosecutor was trying to suppress the video evidence.

Objectively, the video evidence totally destroys the prosecution's false narrative.
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You're not objective at all. You automatically presume that Rittenhouse is guilty without presenting a shred of evidence. How the fuck do you call that objective?
You're wetting your diaper over the fact that I don't agree with you. The fact of the matter is that he broke the law. That's not even debatable. The question which remains is whether or not he's going to be punished. If you read everything I've ever posted on this case, never once have I said I think he should go to jail. I simply believe that he will...

I seriously doubt your claim that you support the 2nd amendment. According to the 2nd amendment, Rittenhouse has a right to keep and bear arms, jackass.

I don't care what you doubt, meathead. I've got over 40 weapons, of various caliber, which say you're wrong...

You stupidly believe the fake news media's false narrative. The prosecution is also presenting that false narrative, claiming in their opening statement that an AR-15 wielding Rittenhouse "chased down" Rosenbaum and shot him. Objectively, that is nothing but an obvious lie.

I believe what I've seen. I've never said Rittenhouse chased anyone.

You'd appear a lot smarter if you'd stop insisting that I believe things which I don't. Doing that makes you look ignorant and stupid...

Objectively, the video evidence proves that Rosenbaum chased down Rittenhouse, it wasn't the other way around. Sure, the prosecutor vehemently objected to the defense using that video evidence in their opening statement, but the judge shot down that objection.


Thank you for providing nothing more to the conversation with that. Again, I never said Rittenhouse chased anyone.

See, your problem (because you're retarded) is that you think that anyone who disagrees with you accepts, lock, stock and barrel the "false narrative" which you believe is coming from the prosecution...
Hmmm..... why does the prosecutor object to the jury seeing the actual video evidence?
Well, gee, F. Lee, probably because it hurts their case...

Obviously because the video proves beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever that it's a clear cut case of self-defense. That's why the prosecutor was trying to suppress the video evidence.
The video, in and of itself, "proves" nothing...

Objectively, the video evidence totally destroys the prosecution's false narrative.

Rittenhouse conspired with his sister's boyfriend to illegally arm himself. He then went to a state where it was illegal for him to be armed. While illegally armed, he killed two people. Sorry, but this isn't something which gets swept under the rug...
Under the conditions of his probation, the convicted pedophile was not allowed to have any contact with anyone under the age of 18. The day he attacked Kyle, Kyle was only 17.

That's of absolutely no consequence in this case.

Rittenhouse was armed. Rosenbaum saw that Rittenhouse was armed.

Seeing as the law in Wisconsin says that a person needs to be 18 years of age to be armed, it would be logical to believe that Rosenbaum assumed that Rittenhouse was at least 18...
That's of absolutely no consequence in this case.

Rittenhouse was armed. Rosenbaum saw that Rittenhouse was armed.

Seeing as the law in Wisconsin says that a person needs to be 18 years of age to be armed, it would be logical to believe that Rosenbaum assumed that Rittenhouse was at least 18...
There you go, making excuses for the pedophile again.

It's very telling how many scuzballs here like you suddenly rushed to Rosenbaum's defense as soon as you found out he was a convicted pedophile.

Even if Kyle was over 18, that still wouldn't have given your pedophile psychopath hero the right to commit arson and attack Kyle for putting out the fires, you fucking imbecile.
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Fuck BLM. The Illinois Governor should dispatch officers with fire hoses and snarly dogs to deal with those BLMtards at the court house.

Yeah. Like that's ever gonna happen.
The trial is in Racine, WISCONSIN!!!!!
The trial is in Racine, WISCONSIN!!!!!

I thought that at first but pulled up a link to double check. The first article I pulled up mentioned something aboutBLM protesting somewhere in Illinois, so I assumed the trial was in Illinois. I have a busy schedule and sometimes don't get to read all the details.
Joseph Rosenbaum, the first perp who chased Kyle and lunged for his gun, thus earning his Darwin award, served about a decade in an Arizona prison after being convicted of molesting 3 little boys between the ages of 9 and 11.

After his mother kicked him out of her house, a couple felt sorry for him and took him in. The faggot pedophile repaid their selfless act of kindness by raping their children.

While in prison he received a litany of infractions, including assaulting staff on 5 separate occasions.

Under the conditions of his probation, the convicted pedophile was not allowed to have any contact with anyone under the age of 18. The day he attacked Kyle, Kyle was only 17.
aww yeah read that all these people went after kyle were not even supposed to have guns or any weapons. not your average pillars of society.
aww yeah read that all these people went after kyle were not even supposed to have guns or any weapons. not your average pillars of society.
Rosenbaum wasn't just a child molester who liked to rape little boys up the ass like a perverted Catholic priest, he was also a woman beater who just got out of the loony bin just hours before he earned his Darwin award.

He and his fiancee got into an argument because she had found pornography on his smart phone and under the conditions of his probation he wasn't allowed to possess pornography, drink alcohol or take any controlled substances without a prescription..

He ended the argument by beating the living shit out of her. He was arrested for that. After he got out of jail he was admitted to the loony bin for a month or so. After he was discharged from the mental hospital he went to a drug store to get his medication, but the drug store was closed due to the communist insurgent riots.

Then he went to his ex-fiancee's residence but she booted him out because of the court protection order that said that he was not supposed to have any contact with her whatsoever.

That's when he went downtown and joined the rioters.

He was literally a violent pedophile psychopath off his meds fresh out of the looney bin on a crime spree.
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Rosenbaum wasn't just a child molester who liked to rape little boys up the ass like a perverted Catholic priest, he was also a woman beater who just got out of the loony bin just hours before he earned his Darwin award.

He and his fiancee got into an argument because she had found pornography on his smart phone and under the conditions of his probation he wasn't allowed to possess pornography, drink alcohol or take any controlled substances without a prescription..

He ended the argument by beating the living shit out of her. He was arrested for that. After he got out of jail he was admitted to the loony bin for a month or so. After he was discharged from the mental hospital he went to a drug store to get his medication, but the drug store was closed due to the communist insurgent riots.

Then he went to his ex-fiancee's residence but she booted him out because of the court protection order that said that he was not supposed to have any contact with her whatsoever.

That's when he went downtown and joined the rioters.

He was literally a violent pedophile psychopath off his meds fresh out of the looney bin on a crime spree.
good lord and he is out of jail? geez

yeah right. blm instigated the whole thing in the first place. burning and tearingh up shit. now it looks like they are protesting in front of the court house.
Total self defense from subhuman leftist animals and pedophiles

Kyle's a young idealist kid and a patriot and one hell of a young fighter who did absolutely nothing wrong

Boy did he ever get a red pill on the establishment , the feds ,and a family run local establishment



yeah right. blm instigated the whole thing in the first place. burning and tearingh up shit. now it looks like they are protesting in front of the court house.

with what the prosecution is doing in the trial, Rittenhouse should be declared not guilty and released immediately…..

The prosecutor did not seize the phone of the thug who pointed his pistol at Rittenhouse……..did not record the interview with that criminal……this is the only time in Kenosha police history that the cell phone of a witness and violent criminal in a case were not seized and its contents downloaded…………also, the “FBI” lost video evidence…

A mistrial should be called and Rittenhouse should be freed….

Also on Tuesday, news broke that the FBI had failed to share evidence with the defense and then “lost” some of that same evidence. Although the testimony wasn’t televised, Branca writes,
Wednesday’s most interesting story also involved mishandled evidence. Rittenhouse made available to the prosecution the contents of his cell phone. He had nothing to hide.

Things were different went it came to Gaige Grosskreutz’s phone. Grosskreutz was the man who simultaneously stuck a gun and his phone, with the camera working, into Kyle’s face when Kyle shot his arm.

Police investigators obtained a search warrant for Grosskreutz’s phone, which would certainly have contained material evidence. Bizarrely, though, the police did not serve the warrant, did not seize his phone, and never tried to gain access to the contents.

The very young detective in charge of the case conceded that this was the only time in his experience at the Kenosha PD that the police did not serve a search warrant for a phone download. The reason given was “Marcy’s Law,” which protects victims of crimes from invasive investigations. So Grosskreutz, who stuck a gun in Kyle’s face, was framed as a “victim,” from day one. However, the detective admitted that, in his experience, the police had never before used Marcy’s Law to prevent a search warrant for cell phone evidence. The police also didn’t record their interview with Grosskreutz, another anomaly in a

day three of the trial—proved particularly fascinating because it was like a Master Class on how not to question your own witnesses. The two witnesses were Richard McGinnis, a videographer for The Daily Caller, and Ryan Balch, a former Army infantryman who patrolled the area with Rittenhouse.

The prosecution’s job was to get these two men to prove affirmatively that Rittenhouse wasn’t acting in self-defense. This would mean showing that he was not the wronged innocent in all this, or that he was not in imminent danger, or that his actions were out of proportion to the threat, orthat he was not acting reasonably at the time.

What happened, instead, was that the prosecution’s insistent questioning regarding the circumstances of Rosenbaum’s death revealed that Kyle was an amiable young man who avoided confrontations and was actively trying to help people; that Rosenbaum threatened to kill him; and that he was desperately trying to run away from Rosenbaum only to find himself trapped in a dead-end, at which point Rosenbaum (who, again, had threatened to kill him) tried to grab Kyle’s weapon.

In other words, the prosecution’s witnesses proved every element of self-defense: Kyle wasn’t the aggressor, Rosenbaum was an imminent threat, Kyle’s actions were therefore proportionate to the threat; and, having first tried to escape the threat, Kyle acted reasonably in defending himself.

with what the prosecution is doing in the trial, Rittenhouse should be declared not guilty and released immediately…..

The prosecutor did not seize the phone of the thug who pointed his pistol at Rittenhouse……..did not record the interview with that criminal……this is the only time in Kenosha police history that the cell phone of a witness and violent criminal in a case were not seized and its contents downloaded…………also, the “FBI” lost video evidence…

A mistrial should be called and Rittenhouse should be freed….

Also on Tuesday, news broke that the FBI had failed to share evidence with the defense and then “lost” some of that same evidence. Although the testimony wasn’t televised, Branca writes,
Wednesday’s most interesting story also involved mishandled evidence. Rittenhouse made available to the prosecution the contents of his cell phone. He had nothing to hide.

Things were different went it came to Gaige Grosskreutz’s phone. Grosskreutz was the man who simultaneously stuck a gun and his phone, with the camera working, into Kyle’s face when Kyle shot his arm.

Police investigators obtained a search warrant for Grosskreutz’s phone, which would certainly have contained material evidence. Bizarrely, though, the police did not serve the warrant, did not seize his phone, and never tried to gain access to the contents.

The very young detective in charge of the case conceded that this was the only time in his experience at the Kenosha PD that the police did not serve a search warrant for a phone download. The reason given was “Marcy’s Law,” which protects victims of crimes from invasive investigations. So Grosskreutz, who stuck a gun in Kyle’s face, was framed as a “victim,” from day one. However, the detective admitted that, in his experience, the police had never before used Marcy’s Law to prevent a search warrant for cell phone evidence. The police also didn’t record their interview with Grosskreutz, another anomaly in a

day three of the trial—proved particularly fascinating because it was like a Master Class on how not to question your own witnesses. The two witnesses were Richard McGinnis, a videographer for The Daily Caller, and Ryan Balch, a former Army infantryman who patrolled the area with Rittenhouse.

The prosecution’s job was to get these two men to prove affirmatively that Rittenhouse wasn’t acting in self-defense. This would mean showing that he was not the wronged innocent in all this, or that he was not in imminent danger, or that his actions were out of proportion to the threat, orthat he was not acting reasonably at the time.

What happened, instead, was that the prosecution’s insistent questioning regarding the circumstances of Rosenbaum’s death revealed that Kyle was an amiable young man who avoided confrontations and was actively trying to help people; that Rosenbaum threatened to kill him; and that he was desperately trying to run away from Rosenbaum only to find himself trapped in a dead-end, at which point Rosenbaum (who, again, had threatened to kill him) tried to grab Kyle’s weapon.

In other words, the prosecution’s witnesses proved every element of self-defense: Kyle wasn’t the aggressor, Rosenbaum was an imminent threat, Kyle’s actions were therefore proportionate to the threat; and, having first tried to escape the threat, Kyle acted reasonably in defending himself.

That's just more proof that the DA's office is not interested in the truth. They are attempting to railroad Kyle and make him a political prisoner.

Grosskreutz is on video ordering those people to attack Kyle. He was acting as the communist insurgent/terrorist commander in the area.
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In your dreams.

The defense has claimed self defense, but they don't have to prove it. If the prosecution casts enough doubt on that claim, the claim will be rejected by the jury.

What will be interesting is this: in cases where self defense is claimed, the accused often takes the stand. The jury wants to hear the accused say he was in fear for his life. Without putting him on the stand, the claim of self defense will be difficult to demonstrate, because only one person can say how Rittenhouse felt at the time he pulled the trigger.

But does the defense really want to put a barely 18 year old kid up against a seasoned prosecutor like Binger?

When a rapist is defended the defense always tries to make the victim into a raving sexual whore. Perhaps that is the method they should use here. Showing the the terrorists as the low lives they truly are. Seems that two of them shot had prior felonies, in fact one had a pistol illegally.
The backgrounds of these three upstanding individuals follows:

Joseph Rosenbaum a registered sex offender.. He’s the guy who threw what, on video, looked like a Molotov cocktail at Rittenhouse but which seems to have “only” been a brick in a plastic bag.

Anthony Huber was video taped beating Rittenhouse with his skateboard before being shot. An eight time domestic abuser using dangerous weapons.

Gaige GrosskreutzHe is a convicted felon (burglary) — some of the terror sympathizers are claiming his convictions for burglary was merely a misdemeanor, but that remains to be seen — and is not allowed to possess any weapon but was carrying a concealed semiautomatic pistol. He’s also a member of the anarchist group “People’s Revolution Movement” affiliated with Antifa.

See: The Men Shot in Kenosha Were Convicted Criminals Who Were Shot While Acting Like Criminals
There you go, making excuses for the pedophile again.

It's very telling how many scuzballs here like you suddenly rushed to Rosenbaum's defense as soon as you found out he was a convicted pedophile.

Even if Kyle was over 18, that still wouldn't have given your pedophile psychopath hero the right to commit arson and attack Kyle for putting out the fires, you fucking imbecile.

Fuck you, dipshit.

I never said that Rosenbaum had the right to do anything, so stop lying, you stupid lying fuck...
Joseph Rosenbaum a registered sex offender.. He’s the guy who threw what, on video, looked like a Molotov cocktail at Rittenhouse but which seems to have “only” been a brick in a plastic bag.
Actually that bag didn't have a brick in it. One of the witnesses looked inside it to make sure it did not contain a chemical weapon that needed to be safely disposed of.

Rosenbaum had just been discharged from a mental hospital that day. And when homeless people such as Rosenbaum are discharged from that mental institution they are routinely given a sort of care package for personal hygiene. A bottle of body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash etc.

That's what Rosenbaum attempted to use as a weapon when he was chasing Rittenhouse before he tried to steal his gun and earned his Darwin award.

Of course Rittenhouse had no way to know what was in the bag when Rosenbaum threw it at him. That night some of the terrorist communist insurgents had been throwing plastic bags that contained glass bottles filled with chlorine bleach and ammonia. When the bottles break and those chemicals are combined they will exude chlorine gas, a potentially deadly chemical weapon that was extensively used during WWI.
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Fuck you, dipshit.

I never said that Rosenbaum had the right to do anything, so stop lying, you stupid lying fuck...
I stand corrected. You did not make any statement in which you said that Rosenbaum had a right to commit those crimes.

However, you did present an excuse for him when you said that Rosenbaum could assume that Kyle was 18.

Kyle was only 17, and he's got a baby face that makes him look like he could be even younger than that. And under the terms of his probation, Rosenbaum wasn't allowed to have any contact with anyone under 18 years old.

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