Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial

No liberalism involved just one of jurisprudence and the evidence.
Homosexual convicts raping a 17 year old boy is a liberal wet dream not supported by law

I don't think that Mr. Rittenhouse will be going to the pen for this, but if theoretically he would, I don't think the homos and chomos would touch him. He whacked one of them on videotape, they would steer clear of Kyle lest they face a similar fate.
Liberals travel in packs so rittenhouse would be pretty defenseless in prison

the thought of which drives libs on this forum into ecstasy
He "shouldn't go to jail" huh.
Soooooo any gun nut who feels the urge can just walk around blowing people away on your planet?
No... And That's not what he did. So... I suggest you educate yourself on the topic.

Yeah, no. It's on video. I suggest you follow your own advice.
It is on video. Which you obviously never watched. Much like your complete humiliation in the Sandmann incident. Self defense by protecting himself from your sides child molesters and domestic violence perpetrators. I suggest you STFU as you have now embarrassed yourself yet again. You are bitch slapped as usual.

Ummm what "humiliation in the Sandmann incident" might that be, Tovarich? You mean the way I challenged anyone and everyone to show the board any example at all of media "libel" and nobody could do it?

That was fun. Going on two years now, I like posing questions that I know nobody can answer, just because it makes the mendacious squirm so much they screw themselves right into the ground. Fun to watch them twist every which way just to avoid admitting they were WRONG.

So you were "humiliated" by that were you? Good.
Ummm what "humiliation in the Sandmann incident" might that be, Tovarich? You mean the way I challenged anyone and everyone to show the board any example at all of media "libel" and nobody could do it?
Are you kidding me? ROFLMAO!

So you were "humiliated" by that were you? Good.
Yeah... Someone SHOULD have been humiliated.
He "shouldn't go to jail" huh.
Soooooo any gun nut who feels the urge can just walk around blowing people away on your planet?
No... And That's not what he did. So... I suggest you educate yourself on the topic.

Yeah, no. It's on video. I suggest you follow your own advice.
It is on video. Which you obviously never watched. Much like your complete humiliation in the Sandmann incident. Self defense by protecting himself from your sides child molesters and domestic violence perpetrators. I suggest you STFU as you have now embarrassed yourself yet again. You are bitch slapped as usual.

Ummm what "humiliation in the Sandmann incident" might that be, Tovarich? You mean the way I challenged anyone and everyone to show the board any example at all of media "libel" and nobody could do it?

That was fun. Going on two years now, I like posing questions that I know nobody can answer, just because it makes the mendacious squirm so much they screw themselves right into the ground. Fun to watch them twist every which way just to avoid admitting they were WRONG.

So you were "humiliated" by that were you? Good.

I suspect people could do it.

But who's going to give you the fucking time of day ?
The friend will plea out on the Straw Purchase charge and Kyle is possibly looking at two counts of manslaughter and being in possession of a firearm that he legally was not allow to have.

I doubt they will get him on the killings but having the gun is no way around it...

No, you're wrong. Stop practicing law...you're not a lawyer and you suck at it.

I am wrong on the straw purchase?

Sure I am and now Straw purchase is not against the law because some asshole on the interweb claims it is not...

No, never said that.

You do understand that doing a Straw Purchase is a crime or will you claim nope because rioters made it legal in your mental midget world?

I never said that. Kyle is not accused of that. FOCUS!

Also Kyle was in possession of a firearm illegally obtained which also is against the law or will you disagree again because you believe the law is unconstitutional?

Cite the law. You can't.

Come on and tell me when a straw purchase has ever been legal and when a minor who obtained the firearm through a straw purchase is legal?

I never said straw purchase was legal. Put down the baseball bat, your straw man is dead.
Yeah, because to conservatives, shooting someone in the back is self-defense.
Are you on some sort of drugs?
Well, that depends on a rather convoluted law. It appears very much as though it was not illegal for Kyle to have the gun. I guess we'll be letting the court decide that.

I would find it very surprising that the State of Wisconsin is the only State I have ever seen to allow a minor to possess a firearm and/or ammunition unless under the direct supervision and oversight of an adult guardian.
16-18 year olds are explicitly allowed to possess long guns in Wisconsin as long as they are openly carried and not classes as an SBR or SBS..
Did the friend purchase the gun for Kyle, or did he loan out a gun he already owned to a friend. Big difference legally and easily proven unless the gun was purchased very shortly before the incident.

Either way, he provided a firearm and ammunition to an individual who was too young to legally possess them. They’re both crimes.
Those arent huge crimes.
Except that the charge is providing the ammo and firearm..that resulted in the death of two people..hence two counts..they each carry up to 6 years..so I'd call that serious...also..if he or his family have money..the civil judgement will be huge!
They are charging him with their deaths?
Looks like Kyle is going to stand trial for his alleged crimes:

Kyle Rittenhouse — the 17-year-old charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after the shooting of Jacob Blake — will stand trial on charges of felony homicide and other crimes, a court commissioner ruled Thursday.
During a preliminary hearing at Kenosha County Circuit Court, which was held via video link, commissioner Loren Keating ruled that there was enough evidence to send Rittenhouse to trial over the Aug. 25 killings of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26.
Rittenhouse also faces charges of possession of a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18 and felony attempted homicide for injuring a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz.
Lawyers for Rittenhouse argued that the teen, who has been praised by right-wing commentators and viewed sympathetically by the Trump administration, had acted in self-defense when he opened fire.
But Keating said those arguments were issues for trial — not a preliminary hearing. The teen’s lawyers also asked Keating to dismiss two charges, including possession of a dangerous weapon, but the commissioner declined, saying that was also an issue for trial.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, was released on $2 million bond last month, money mostly raised by conservatives through a legal defense fund.

And in related news..the 19yo who posed as a straw buyer for Kyle's gun has been charged:

Charges have been filed against a 19-year-old man who prosecutors allege purchased and supplied the gun used by 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse in the fatal shootings of two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Dominick Black, of Kenosha, faces two felony counts of intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to a minor, causing death, according to a criminal complaint filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court. If he's found guilty, he faces up to 6 years in prison per count.

According to the criminal complaint, Black enlisted the help of Rittenhouse in guarding the Kenosha car dealership Car Source from property damage and looting. The complaint stated Black “volunteered to go out after curfew” and “asked Mr. Rittenhouse to join him.”

In interviews, the owner of Car Source has denied requesting help from either Black or Rittenhouse in protecting his dealership during the protests.

The straw buyer is as guilty because of knowing they bought a firearm for a minor...

You would rather that the kid had been unarmed when he was attacked by the mob? Would you prefer that he had been the one killed, and if so, why?

I believe what he would prefer is for people who don't agree with him politically to huddle in their houses, terrified, while his comrades roam the streets like the band of vicious, filthy savages that they are.

Is that what you believe then you are just not a moron but a fucking lunatic of a moron!

First off it is against the law to Straw Purchase for a minor or anyone that is not allow to own a firearm but you are ignorant on this fact and will excuse the friend for his illegal action.

It was illegal for Kyle to have that firearm but again you will ignore this and claim I am with the rioters while admitting what Kyle and his friend did with the purchase of the firearm will cost them...

Notice I have yet to really comment on his shooting because I could give a flying fuck those worthless fucks are dead!
Did the friend purchase the gun for Kyle, or did he loan out a gun he already owned to a friend. Big difference legally and easily proven unless the gun was purchased very shortly before the incident.

The charge is straw purchase which mean it was purchased for Kyle because he was underage to obtain the firearm legally.

Another poster did a thread on this defending the purchase, so the friend is in trouble for the straw purchase...

I don't if anyone has considered this angle...the friend--is facing some time..thus the DA has leverage...this friend is sure to testify at Kyle's trial...what he says can be vitally important to Kyle's case. If he testifies that Kyle was just aching to kill someone...bragged about wanting to do it...used any racial slurs in relation to wanting to kill, etc.---it would go straight to the DA's case...that Kyle set up the scenario that allowed him to legally murder.......that would be very bad for Kyle.

True or not...if this guy wants a get out of prison free card.....he probably can have one.
Racial slurs? Like he hates white people? Those kinds of Racial slurs?

The videos and the witness is really all they need and it will be a Kenosha jury. You remember the place getting burned and looted.
And several posters on this very board have publicly called for Rump to PARDON this piece of shit.

So conservatives clamoring to defend homicidal maniacs now. We live in interesting times.
No reason to pardon him... He shouldn't go to jail. He'll get hit for a couple lesser crimes... But...
If found guilty of his crimes he should certainly to go prison.

That far too many on the right perceive Rittenhouse as some sort of ‘hero’ is a symptom of the disease that is conservativism.
He might be found guilty of being a minor in possession of a firearm. That's a very minor crime and real criminal gang members are let slide on that one all the time. No impartial jury will convict him of murder UNLESS there are things not on the publicly available videos. What was shown on the videos is clearly self-defense by a pretty competent person who only shot at those who were an immediate threat to his well being.
Here is a rational, factual post. No hyperbole. No wild associations with nazi’s and fascists and communists. No name calling. Just a rational analysis of the facts of what we have seen (video), prior legal occurrences (minors in possession of a weapon is a wrist slap at worst), and a reasonable assessment of what is to come.... and yet I see the “laughing face” reaction was selected by someone.
seeing that there wasn’t any comedy in there, no joking or sarcasm, I am left to believe that someone is laughing at the post. If anything, selecting that reaction gives insight into your judgment and/or character.
Kyle Rittenhouse — the 17-year-old charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after the shooting of Jacob Blake — will stand trial on charges of felony homicide and other crimes, a court commissioner ruled Thursday.
My family doesn't deal with "commissioners." There's a judge who isn't quite a judge charging a murder that isn't quite a murder, and there's reasonable doubt all over that commissioner's face and ass.
Rittenhouse also faces charges of possession of a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18 and felony attempted homicide for injuring a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz.
Somebody's putting out a shitty-ass lousy binding "precedent" legislating from the bench like that. Any criminal charge for “possession” of any sort of “weapon” is invalid on its face, because of the Second Amendment, and under the Constitution absolutely precludes any criminal charges for any crime that might be committed by the defendant with that weapon.

You have to permit the defendant to hold the weapon in his hand and pull the trigger on it if you want to charge the defendant with murder, manslaughter, or any cocked-up sort of homicide in a dysfunctional anti-Constitutional county-commissioned court system.

Under age have never been allowed to be armed, at least not without parental permission and supervision.
(2) Kenosha Shooter TALKS w/ His Victim - Kyle Rittenhouse Video | LNOD - YouTube

Watch the video. It's a clear case of self-defense.

The prosecutor should be arrested for treason and punished to the full extent of the law. Capital punishment. The people demand it.

All 3 separate incidents where he shot people?
If he was threatened by 3 armed people, he would have been dead.
Only one person he killed was armed, and no weapon was ever drawn on him.
If he was threatened by armed people, he would be dead? Why is that? What kind of assumption is that? I think a safer assumption would be if he wasn’t armed himself, he may have been dead.

If by “armed” you mean in possession of a firearm... he didn’t kill the guy with the gun. He wounded him. what do you mean “no weapon was drawn on him”?? The guy had it in his hand as he came running up on rittenhouse as he was knocked to the ground. He is creeping up on him with it DRAWN in his hand as rittenhouse turns and blasts him (wounding him).
If by “armed” you meant in the traditional sense of the word... in possession of a weapon, then the guy hitting him with a skateboard who attempted to bash his head in would be considered “armed” as well. So there were 2 armed people.

You seem to be implying he wasn’t in danger in “all 3 seperate incidents where he shot people”.
Did you actually watch the videos??
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Not being 18 is a misdeamor ...............and shouldn't matter. The boy needed a gun to protect himself from violent convicted felons (aka dems) trying to kill him....................right to self defense covers his shooting of the violent criminals and should also cover the gun that was necessary to protect himself. Sad that our country has come down to our kids needing to be armed in order to proetect themselves from violent dems burning down our cities.

Turn him loose, lock up the POS prosecutor for malicious prosecutor and abuse of office.

Wisconsin actually has an EXPLICIT exemption for 16-18 year olds (he is) openly carrying (he was) long guns (it is).

It's been a while since I looked at the relevant law, but I thought the exemptions were for specific circumstances that didn't apply in Rittenhouse's case...things like going hunting, with a trainer, somethings along those lines?

EDIT: I see Cecilie posted the law in post #300. Target practice, instruction, hunting, and armed forces exceptions. It certainly does seem as if Rittenhouse was in violation (unless he had a hunting certificate), as well as the friend that gave/loaned him the gun. It would be a more serious crime for the friend.
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[ separate incidents where he shot people?
If he was threatened by 3 armed people, he would have been dead.
Only one person he killed was armed, and no weapon was ever drawn on him.
You are so full of shit your breath stinks.
It's been a while since I looked at the relevant law, but I thought the exemptions were for specific circumstances that didn't apply in Rittenhouse's case...things like going hunting, with a trainer, somethings along those lines?

EDIT: I see Cecilie posted the law in post #300. Target practice, instruction, hunting, and armed forces exceptions. It certainly does seem as if Rittenhouse was in violation (unless he had a hunting certificate), as well as the friend that gave/loaned him the gun. It would be a more serious crime for the friend.

The law is intended for hunting, but this is not actually a requirement. (This was directly from a Wisconsin-licensed criminal lawyer.) Kyle does have the required certificates.
It's been a while since I looked at the relevant law, but I thought the exemptions were for specific circumstances that didn't apply in Rittenhouse's case...things like going hunting, with a trainer, somethings along those lines?

EDIT: I see Cecilie posted the law in post #300. Target practice, instruction, hunting, and armed forces exceptions. It certainly does seem as if Rittenhouse was in violation (unless he had a hunting certificate), as well as the friend that gave/loaned him the gun. It would be a more serious crime for the friend.

The law is intended for hunting, but this is not actually a requirement. (This was directly from a Wisconsin-licensed criminal lawyer.) Kyle does have the required certificates.
It seems odd that he would have the illegal possession charge if he had the required certificate for exemption, but I guess we’ll see when he has his day in court. :dunno:
The friend will plea out on the Straw Purchase charge and Kyle is possibly looking at two counts of manslaughter and being in possession of a firearm that he legally was not allow to have.

I doubt they will get him on the killings but having the gun is no way around it...

No, you're wrong. Stop practicing law...you're not a lawyer and you suck at it.

I am wrong on the straw purchase?

Sure I am and now Straw purchase is not against the law because some asshole on the interweb claims it is not...

No, never said that.

You do understand that doing a Straw Purchase is a crime or will you claim nope because rioters made it legal in your mental midget world?

I never said that. Kyle is not accused of that. FOCUS!

Also Kyle was in possession of a firearm illegally obtained which also is against the law or will you disagree again because you believe the law is unconstitutional?

Cite the law. You can't.

Come on and tell me when a straw purchase has ever been legal and when a minor who obtained the firearm through a straw purchase is legal?

I never said straw purchase was legal. Put down the baseball bat, your straw man is dead.


Cite the law that made it illegal for Kyle to have that gun?

He obtained it through a Straw Purchase which made it illegal and yet you can not understand that, so who the fuck are you to tell me what I can or can not write you simple minded asshole?

Tell me when it has ever been legal to do a straw purchase?

You do understand that Kyle could not buy that gun and his friend did it for him which made it illegal for Kyle to have that gun or are you so fucking obtuse to this and believe Kyle had the legal right to own that gun when it was obtained illegally?

Want me to cite the law?

Look up Straw Purchase and the legal age to buy a firearm for a minor and notice Kyle and his friend broke the fucking law you simpleton!

Let me add if this were some black kid that had shot three Proud Boys you and the other idiots defending Kyle would be calling for his execution or better yet had it been some illegal you idiots would call for a public shooting!

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