
They'll hang on to the Rittenhouse hope for a long time after the verdict comes down. He's the best hope for legalizing murder by gun in America now that the Chauvin hope was squashed by murder sentences.

But there's nothing that will do the job as well as Chauvin being able to walk! That was premeditated coldblooded murder that may have succeeded in the Trump political climate.
The Chauvin case is not the same. Rittenhouse comitted no murder and the hope is that the law still allows for justified self defense.
Conspiring with his sister's boyfriend to illegally obtain and posses the gun he used to kill two people with certainly is, you stupid fuck...

Are you so fucking stupid that you can't allow for the possibility that those on both sides of this case ran afoul of the law?

Yes, the BLM scumbags certainly were breaking the law. That fact does not preclude Rittenhouse from doing the same. This isn't an "either/or" situation.

I suspect Rittenhouse is found guilty on the weapons charges and ends up doing a year in jail because of it...
The wesppons charges maybe but not the rest.

You are quite wrong. Illegally having a firearm does not negate the right to self defense.
Just saying Concerned American Donald has a point, regardless of whether you agree with his politics.

When we saw what happened to George Zimmerman after that whole scandal, he got into trouble, time after time, despite him being found not guilty. It is a personality type that goes looking for trouble.

It is a factual observation, this kid got too caught up in the drama both sides are selling, when, as young as he is, he should be thinking about investing his time and energy in developing his KSA's for his future. What would Dave Ramsey say about this kid?

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Just saying Concerned American Donald has a point, regardless of whether you agree with his politics.

When we saw what happened to George Zimmerman after that whole scandal, he got into trouble, time after time, despite him being found not guilty. It is a personality type that goes looking for trouble.

It is a factual observation, this kid got too caught up in the drama both sides are selling, when, as young as he is, he should be thinking about investing his time and energy in developing his KSA's for his future. What would Dave Ramsey say about this kid?

Thank you for that uninformed and WRONG opinion. BTW, the commie canuck is wrong too.
Just saying Concerned American Donald has a point, regardless of whether you agree with his politics.

When we saw what happened to George Zimmerman after that whole scandal, he got into trouble, time after time, despite him being found not guilty. It is a personality type that goes looking for trouble.

It is a factual observation, this kid got too caught up in the drama both sides are selling, when, as young as he is, he should be thinking about investing his time and energy in developing his KSA's for his future. What would Dave Ramsey say about this kid?

It may or not be him at a Trump rally.

Which is irrelevant as it is not a crime or negative quality to habe been a trump supporter.
It may or not be him at a Trump rally.

Which is irrelevant as it is not a crime or negative quality to habe been a trump supporter.
Generally? I don't like to respond to you, because intelligent folks know you are a liar, a gas-lighter, and, in all probability, a spook.

However, in interest of posterity, I will humor the forum, as you are an ignorant fraud that knows better, and just trolls intelligent members that expose the Deep State agenda of divide and rule.

To your first point, of course it is him, you probably know this, he might even be under mind control. Who the hell knows what propels such a young kid to such rash and stupid behavior? Why was such a young kid so well trained in fire arm use? He was even supported and encouraged by his family, this is well known.

". . .Identifying a person in a crowd from a few frames is difficult and unreliable. In fact, similar rumors have circulated that ended up being false, such as the claim that Derek Chauvin, the white Minneapolis officer involved in the death of a Black man named George Floyd, was praised by Trump during a rally in 2019. In this case, however, there’s additional supporting evidence.

As noted by Buzzfeed News, Rittenhouse also shared a video from this rally on his since-deleted TikTok page. That video was simply captioned, “Trump Rally!”. . . "


Kyle Rittenhouse · 1-31

Trump rally!


original sound - kylerittenhouse33

Now, to your second point?

No, of course attending a Trump rally is not a crime, nor does it make him any more guilty or suspect of being a trouble maker.

What it DOES speak to, is the folks in his life that were purposefully indoctrinating him, and conditioning his role in this drama. At the time? He was not even of age to vote. So? That begs the question. . . why would he even be at a rally? What was his purpose there? Damn man, HE'S EVEN IN THE FRONT ROW! What is the objective of those whose role it is to guard his future, in having him there?

Any intelligent person that did a thorough deep dive into his social media, and background, who knows criminal profiling, knows what I am getting at here. It is all in the meta-data. I am pretty sure you know this, but that is why you had a knee-jerk impulse to react and try to debunk my post, trying to pretend as if it all means nothing at all. When ever an intelligent person on this forum points out something interesting, and suspicious, to imply, where smoke leads to-- means something, that the controllers of society are jerking our chains. . . here you are, like flies on shit, to tell folks. . . .

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At any rate,
The prosecutor has yet to prove any of the charges brought against Kyle...
There's 7 charges I think to date...(not really sure)

I don't think that any of them will stick. Obviously this case is a show trial...judge has admitted as much. Because obviously Kyle is going to not be convicted for murder or anything else similarly.

At best he will get a minor charge and get "time served"...and that's a maybe.
Rittenhouse is not a hero.

I don't consider those who break the law to be heroes.

Apparently you don't give a fuck about law and order.

That's where we differ...
Apparently you’re good with assholes chasing a kid and attempting to murder him. Seems you don’t give a fuck about law and order.
Maybe. Or maybe they wouldn't have been chasing him if he wasn't carrying the rifle, apparently thinking he was responsible for the bald dude who was shot (it started with someone shouting "there he is, it was him!!" while Kyle was close to the dead guy, then someone shouting "get him")
You know this only serves to support Ritternhouse's claim to self-defense -- right?
It comes to yo poor education or lack of ability to le earn. For a country that is saturated with colleges and universities, how people bellow about their degrees and mensa programme, you have to think it was all wasted on thise idiots .
You are doing a -great- job of rendering yourself irrelevant.
Keep up the good work.
I'm a Canadian and so your insanity isn't my concern. My interest is in keeping it contained to the land of the gun.
The D's are to blame.
The R's are to blame.
Americans are to blame.
Maybe you guys should wall yourselves off from us, socially, militarily and most importantly ECONOMICALLY. Stop sponging off our defense, economy and medical establishment. Canada has never stood on its own for its entire history. First it was the British and when they collapsed you turned to us.

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