
There is where you confusion lies.

For some reason you are fixated on the fact that Kyle had the AR when he may not have been legal when it doesn't mean jackshit given the events of the night.


Huh. Tell that to Dominick Black, who's facing two felony charges for providing that firearm to Rittenhouse...

I don't give a crap how he got the weapon but I am glad he had it because the BLM shitheads would have probably killed him or done him serious harm had he not had it.

Maybe they would have.

But the fact that you "don't give a crap" about how he got the gun is proof that you're only interested in respecting the law when it supports your argument. Your view of the law is subjective, where an intelligent person takes an objective view of the law. The fact that Rittenhouse broke the law to obtain the gun is not negated by the fact that he used while acting in self defense. The way he obtained it is still illegal.

For some reason, it appears as though you stupidly believe otherwise...

I am a certified firearms instructor and range officer.

I sincerely doubt that...

I live and breath firearm safety.
So what? How often do you deal with riotous mobs on the range?

I see nothing wrong with Kyle having a firearm that night.

Well, see, your opinion means dick, because your uneducated opinion has no bearing on this case whatsoever.

I'm also remarkably safety conscious about firearms and one thing I know is that it's probably not prudent to hand a child an AR-15 and then let him go off unsupervised...

I see nothing wrong with his good friend purchasing the AR for him and keeping it at his house.

Had he kept it at the house, I wouldn't have too big a problem with it, either...

It is not even clear if it is illegal for Kyle to have the weapon on that night.

Maybe a brain dead moron would have difficulty deciphering the law, bubt it's pretty clear and unambiguous...

Of all the things that happen last year with the massive riots and insurrection by the Negroes and Communists the fact a straw purchase was made for Kyle does not defect my give 'o shit meter at all.

Again, your opinion is rather meaningless.

For some reason, you believe that Rittenhouse shouldn't be held to account for his actions because BLM thugs weren't held responsible for theirs.

That proves you have no respect for the law. If you're not going to respect the law where it pertains to Rittenhouse, you have no right to whine about BL:M thugs being let off scott free.

I, on the other hand, want BOTH sides held accountable to the law. You just don't know how to deal with objectivity...

Kyle is innocent. Stop taking their side. It just makes you look like one of the Moon Bats and be subject to ridicule.
You really are a retarded little fuck, aren't you?

I haven't taken "their side". You're just filling your diaper because I haven't taken yours.

Go read everything I have ever posted regarding this case, and you won't find a single post in which I state I want Rittenhouse to be found guilty and be put in jail. You won't find a single post from me which states that, you ignorant little bitch. What you will see is that I've said I believe he will be found guilty. That's very, very different than saying I think he should be. See, that's called "being objective", and it's something you're incapable of.

I believe he'll be found guilty of weapons charges (and so will Dominick Black). I don't hope he's found guilty; that'd be stupid. Him being found guilty or innocent has no bearing on me whatsoever, as it's an impossibility that I'll ever find myself in his position. Based on what I've seen, read and heard, the weapons charges are solid. Murder? No, probably no guilty verdict there. Involuntary manslaughter? Maybe. Again, despite what your idiotin' little brain is telling you, I'm not hoping he's found guilty. I can simply see how a guilty verdict would be possible...
Fuck you, asshole. I was one of those 17-year olds in the Marine Corps in 1968. I spent time in Vietnam--WTF have you done. What an asshole.

Eat a dick, Zippy.

I said there are a handful of 17 year olds in the military. That's a true statement.

As for me, I spent 20 years in uniform; decorated combat Vet.

So eat shit, you ignorant little shit stain..
How did this happen?
-The prosecutor did not know what the witness would say.
-The prosecutor knows a NG verdict is inevitable and he doesn't want to delay things any more than necessary

Again, fuck off. You've got pretty fucking big hands if you think that is a true statement. Eat shit, asshole.

The claim was made that "there are lots" of soldier's who are 17.

That statement remains unsupported.

In my 20+ years in uniform, I never met a single service member, in any branch, who was 17 years old.

Oh, and fuck off, little boy...
. Based on what I've seen, read and heard, the weapons charges are solid. .

You are fixated on this and that is why you are coming across as a Moon Bat asshole. I don't give a shit. Not only is Kyle being fucked but also his friend.

We Americans are much more concerned with the fact that Kyle is getting railroaded because the Liberal government of Kenosha wants to kiss BLM ass and that is despicable. Kyle should never have been charged with anything.

Go over there and sit in the corner with your Moon Bat friends.
Dude was mentally ill and had just left the mental hospital.

You forget to mention he was a violent child rapist.

Why is that?

Is killing a rabid dog a good thing, or a bad thing?
You are fixated on this and that is why you are coming across as a Moon Bat asshole. I don't give a shit.

You giving a shit or not has absolutely no bearing on whether or not charging them is appropriate.

You, just like your ignorant opinion, are meaningless...

Not only is Kyle being fucked but also his friend.

His friend knowingly committed a felony. Why shouldn't he be charged accordingly?

We Americans are much more concerned with the fact that Kyle is getting railroaded because the Liberal government of Kenosha wants to kiss BLM ass and that is despicable. Kyle should never have been charged with anything.

Yes, he certainly should have, because his actions are not mitigated by the actions of someone else...

Go over there and sit in the corner with your Moon Bat friends.

Eat shit, little boy...
There's something about these guys who rush to defend that faggot like he is some patriot because he killed two people they hate. Is that what republicans think if their fellow American?

He murdered to people but they want to beautify him. They'll are bloody mad.
17 year old kid stood up to the violent liberal communist blm and anti-fa mobs looting, attacking, and burning down cities killing two violent criminals and wounding a third. One of the criminals killed was a pedophile who raped very very young boys....and yet Collins is whining that the bad guys were killed and calling the people who work and pay taxes and don't commit crimes unamerican for supporting the 17 year old who stood up.
The claim was made that "there are lots" of soldier's who are 17.

That statement remains unsupported.

In my 20+ years in uniform, I never met a single service member, in any branch, who was 17 years old.

Oh, and fuck off, little boy...
You're fucking stupid. I was in a boot camp platoon that graduated three out of a platoon of 60 Marines--that's 5% of only one platoon, idiot. You don't know shit. BTW, I could be your daddy, little boy.
Fascism in ww2 Germany taught children to incriminate their own parents to serve Hitler's purposes.
The extreme right in America is already becoming confused on who to call an enemy and who to call an ally for their cause. They'll keep no friends in the end.
When a people adopt self-destructive stands such as refusing to be vaccinated, they've already condemned themselves to sickness and death. Their own country's people are now the enemy to serve a mad president's psychotic demands!

Yeah, kind of like how the progressive left here is doing the same to our children.

Thank you for showing the perfect comparison.
Eat a dick, Zippy.

I said there are a handful of 17 year olds in the military. That's a true statement.

As for me, I spent 20 years in uniform; decorated combat Vet.

So eat shit, you ignorant little shit stain..
My husband joined the marines when he was 17...my son joined the navy when he was 17 (but delayed entering due to a knee injury)...By father too by chance joined when he was 17. When my grand father and his 4 brothers signed up for WW2...I am pretty sure that his younger twin brothers were either 16 or 17 at the time. There has been a lot of 17 year olds in the military.
You're fucking stupid. I was in a boot camp platoon that graduated three out of a platoon of 60 Marines--that's 5% of only one platoon, idiot. You don't know shit. BTW, I could be your daddy, little boy.

Hey, in '68 there may well have been a higher number of 17 year old kids in the military.

But we're not discussing the state of the military 50 years ago, you ignorant bitch, so sit down and shut the fuck up and stop making yourself look like an idiot.

As for being my daddy. You fuck guys.

Fuckin' pole-smokin' pillow-biter. Fuck off...
My husband joined the marines when he was 17...my son joined the navy when he was 17 (but delayed entering due to a knee injury)...By father too by chance joined when he was 17. When my grand father and his 4 brothers signed up for WW2...I am pretty sure that his younger twin brothers were either 16 or 17 at the time. There has been a lot of 17 year olds in the military.

Well, that's just fabulous.

I've never said there have never been 17 year olds in the military. I've said there aren't a lot of 17 year old in the military now. I said that in response to someone who stupidly claimed "there are lots of soldiers" who are 17.

That's simply not true and, considering that the claim has not been supported, there's no reason to believe it.

In 2020, The United States Army had 480,893 soldiers. The Army National Guard had 336,129 soldiers and the U.S. Army Reserve had 188,703 soldiers. The combined-component strength of the U.S. Army was 1,005,725 soldiers.

Not a lot of them were 17 years old. Even if there were 1,000 of them, compared to the total force strength, it was a relative few...
No, actually, it's pretty clear...

Actually, the JUDGE disagrees with you. The laws, and exceptions, are so convoluted that it IS NOT clear.

The judge is looking forward to hearing thr arguments so that a ruling can be made.

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