
Well, you're just fucking brilliant.

The statement wasn't that a lot of 17 year olds sign up. The statement was that there "are lots of soldiers who are 17". That means, right now, there are a lot of 17 year old soldiers in the Army.

That statement remains unsupported...

Forty percent of the US Armed Forces are 25 years old and younger. So, using a simple estimate based on the average age per number of people, the number of 17 year olds is at least 10,000.
Mea culpa. I'd not seen that photo.

Did he have that chain with him when Rittenhouse shot him? I don't recall seeing it on the ground where he was laying after being shot, and if he had it with him just prior to being shot it doesn't make sense that he would throw a plastic bag with medicine in it at Rittenhouse as opposed to a length of heavy duty chain...

He threw the chain at Rittenhouse. It was what made that clanking sound when the bag hit the pavement. Rittenhouse heard the gun shot behind him, turned, and saw the pedo lunging for him. He shot him because the pedo was trying to grab Kyles rifle. FULLY justifiable shooting.
Fuck off , Nancy. You latch onto some bullshit claim and then, when you're shown how fucking stupid that claim is, you resort to threatening to beat someone up.

You're a two-bit pussy, incapable of beating anyone...
Please show me where I made a threat. Again, you have comprehension problem. If you review the thread. YOU made an unsupported allegation that "only a handful of 17 year olds are in the military" even going as far as attempting to qualify it as they grow older. You have hown that you are triggered to the point of making ignorant personal attacks and when you feel your BS argument slipping away, such keyboard warrior statements as STFU. Now run along, before you hurt yourself.
Forty percent of the US Armed Forces are 25 years old and younger. So, using a simple estimate based on the average age per number of people, the number of 17 year olds is at least 10,000.
I can see it now as the prosecutor brings state troopers screaming hysterically to arrest National Guard and Army or even Air Force troops that aren't 18....then wants to prosecute the Government for issuing the firearm...
Forty percent of the US Armed Forces are 25 years old and younger. So, using a simple estimate based on the average age per number of people, the number of 17 year olds is at least 10,000.
That's supposed to be convincing?

Here's a chart which covers the different age ranges in the military. Granted, it only goes to 2008, but that shouldn't be a problem since we've got Methuselah bragging about his 'Nam days. The number of people 17 years old who were in the military was so small they weren't even listed:


Number and percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds in the armed forces, by age group and sex: 2000 through 2008
Please show me where I made a threat. Again, you have comprehension problem.
I see. So your "try it" comment wasn't a veiled threat?

I guess I can accept that, seeing as pussies like you rarely make veiled threats...

If you review the thread. YOU made an unsupported allegation that "only a handful of 17 year olds are in the military"

Which was in response to an unsupported allegation that there are "lots" of 17 year old soldiers.

So, you're a hypocrite, too. Someone can post all the unsupported bullshit they want, as long as they agree with you.

Got it, you hypocritical fuck...

even going as far as attempting to qualify it as they grow older.
That was actually turtlesoup who said that.

Sorry to tell you, Sarah, but you're the one with the comprehension problem...

You have hown that you are triggered to the point of making ignorant personal attacks and when you feel your BS argument slipping away,

My, aren't you the little drama queen.

What "attacks" are you referring to?

such keyboard warrior statements as STFU. Now run along, before you hurt yourself.

You're nothing but a lying, hypocritical little bitch. You're a worthless bag of air...
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I can see it now as the prosecutor brings state troopers screaming hysterically to arrest National Guard and Army or even Air Force troops that aren't 18....then wants to prosecute the Government for issuing the firearm...
My God, you're stupid.

Read the law. Specific exemptions are given for those in military service, dipstick...
All I see was 2 dead morons and useless criminals......good riddance
All I see is 38,300 deaths by gun in America in 2021.
Some dead morons, useless criminals, and many of questionable quality.

It's the price America pays to be free!

In Canada we get our 'free' for free!
That's supposed to be convincing?

Here's a chart which covers the different age ranges in the military. Granted, it only goes to 2008, but that shouldn't be a problem since we've got Methuselah bragging about his 'Nam days. The number of people 17 years old who were in the military was so small they weren't even listed:

View attachment 561097

Number and percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds in the armed forces, by age group and sex: 2000 through 2008

So, based on that breakdown, the number of 17 year olds would be closer to 20,000. Thanks.
All I see is 38,300 deaths by gun in America in 2021.
Some dead morons, useless criminals, and many of questionable quality.

It's the price America pays to be free!

In Canada we get our 'free' for free!

30,000 of which are suicide. But you already knew that. Furthermore, the Japanese have a much higher suicide rate, and no guns. So clearly the guns aren't the issue.
So, based on that breakdown, the number of 17 year olds would be closer to 20,000. Thanks.

Your make believe math is hardly a convincing argument.

Why not find something which supports what you say, as opposed to simply regurgitating it?
Your make believe math is hardly a convincing argument.

Why not find something which supports what you say, as opposed to simply regurgitating it?

I'm using simple extrapolation. If that hurts your head try arguing with a simpleton.
17 year old kid stood up to the violent liberal communist blm and anti-fa mobs looting, attacking, and burning down cities killing two violent criminals and wounding a third. One of the criminals killed was a pedophile who raped very very young boys....and yet Collins is whining that the bad guys were killed and calling the people who work and pay taxes and don't commit crimes unamerican for supporting the 17 year old who stood up.

Again, it doesn't matter if he killed 10 paedophiles, he doesn't gave a right to kill anyone. Be cause you hate blm is no excuse also.
So carry on like nut cases defending a murderer, he will go to jail and you can suck eggs. Get that up ya.
Again, it doesn't matter if he killed 10 paedophiles, he doesn't gave a right to kill anyone. Be cause you hate blm is no excuse also.
So carry on like nut cases defending a murderer, he will go to jail and you can suck eggs. Get that up ya.

He has the RIGHT to self defense. That's what he did. The fact that he killed one of your pedo's is merely gravy.
He has the RIGHT to self defense. That's what he did. The fact that he killed one of your pedo's is merely gravy.

He killed 2 people and he will go to jail for it so make all the excuses you want if it gives you a warm inner glow.
He killed 2 people and he will go to jail for it so make all the excuses you want if it gives you a warm inner glow.

He killed two violent felons who were attempting to murder him. He won't go to jail, so enjoy the suck.
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Again, it doesn't matter if he killed 10 paedophiles, he doesn't gave a right to kill anyone.
The fact he was being chased by people who meant to do him harm, however, does.
So carry on like nut cases defending a murderer, he will go to jail and you can suck eggs. Get that up ya.
This is a lie.
He killed two violent felons who were attempting to murder him. He won't go to jail, so enjoy the suck.

You all said that about chauvin and guess what.
If there's any sucking to be done it will be Kyle in prison.

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