
You all said that about chauvin and guess what.
If there's any sucking to be done it will be Kyle in prison.

No, I was never a chauvin supporter, dumbshit. I have stated many times that he is a piece of shit abuser of power and a violent scumbag.

Take your lies and shove them up your ass.
I see. So your "try it" comment wasn't a veiled threat?
You are quoting me as saying "try it"---what a dumb fuck--I didn't EVER say try it, stupid--the quote was "Shut me up keyboard warrior," You aren't very good at keeping up, you insignificant fuck.
BTW, when everyone on this thread is in disagreement with your dumb ass, I'd say that you must be the problem. You damn sure don't know anything about the truth or the law.
That was actually turtlesoup who said that.
Nope, it wasn't turtlesoup--it was you when you said you didn't know any 17 yr. olds in your fucking career--which was a bald-faced lie. Re: your bullshit graph--way to present a link that doesn't address the question, you're an idiot.
What "attacks" are you referring to?
The easiest ones were Sarah, Nancy, and Karen--shit for brains, keep up.
Eat a dick, Zippy.

I said there are a handful of 17 year olds in the military. That's a true statement.

As for me, I spent 20 years in uniform; decorated combat Vet.

So eat shit, you ignorant little shit stain..
Hey fuckwit, nowhere in the original statement does the poster specify US military for 17 year olds. YOU tried to narrow it to that specific thing. There are plenty of 17 year olds in militaries around the world asshole. So you can suck a dick you ignorant asshole.
You are quoting me as saying "try it"---what a dumb fuck--I didn't EVER say try it, stupid--the quote was "Shut me up keyboard warrior," You aren't very good at keeping up, you insignificant fuck.
BTW, when everyone on this thread is in disagreement with your dumb ass, I'd say that you must be the problem. You damn sure don't know anything about the truth or the law.

But not everyone does.

Just the ignorant ones.


Nope, it wasn't turtlesoup--it was you when you said you didn't know any 17 yr. olds in your fucking career--which was a bald-faced lie. Re: your bullshit graph--way to present a link that doesn't address the question, you're an idiot.

You shouldn't drink so much. Or is it drugs? One way or another, you're fucked up.

Turtlesoup said there were a lot of 17 year old soldiers. Mind you, she offered nothing to support that. I said I didn't know a single 17 year ol, in any branch, while I was on active duty. Not one.

Do I care if you believe me? Not in the least, because I'd hardly waste my time trying to convince a human shitbag like you of anything. I don't lie. Clearly you do. Hope that works out for you.


The easiest ones were Sarah, Nancy, and Karen--shit for brains, keep up.
REally say it anywhere and see what happens........And it will be your leftwing that will crush you for it.....unless they deem you useful, then you get a pass.

I say it a lot. But only to those most deserving of it.
They give me a dirty look, but I just smile at them.

They know what they are. Thats why they don't say anything back to me.
Hey fuckwit, nowhere in the original statement does the poster specify US military for 17 year olds. YOU tried to narrow it to that specific thing. There are plenty of 17 year olds in militaries around the world asshole. So you can suck a dick you ignorant asshole.

Try to keep up, dipshit.

Turtlesoup said there are a lot of 17 year old soldiers. I said there aren't.

I'll go out on a limb and say that I've probably got a bit more experience being on active duty than she does, and I knew not a single 17 year old on active duty. Not a single one. I'm not saying they don't exist, but there certainly aren't a lot of them. I even provided something which went through the different age groups on active duty. 17 year olds are so few and far between that their age group isn't even listed.

NOTHING has been provided to demonstrate that "there are a lot" of them.

And we're not talking about militaries around the world, you stupid fuck, we're talking about the American military and the exemptions made for American servicemen, who are 17, when it comes to possessing a weapon. If you were smart, you'd have understood that.

So, yeah, eat my shit, you cum-guzzling little fuck...
Arguing with yourself? Yes, I can see that. Face it, you were wrong about most facts in this case. You are merely butthurt that you have been proven wrong about so much of it.

Arguing with you, dumbass.

I've been proven wrong about one thing; that being that I was unaware that Rosenbaum was armed with a length of chain.

Other than that, not a single thing...
Try to keep up, dipshit.

Turtlesoup said there are a lot of 17 year old soldiers. I said there aren't.

I'll go out on a limb and say that I've probably got a bit more experience being on active duty than she does, and I knew not a single 17 year old on active duty. Not a single one. I'm not saying they don't exist, but there certainly aren't a lot of them. I even provided something which went through the different age groups on active duty. 17 year olds are so few and far between that their age group isn't even listed.

NOTHING has been provided to demonstrate that "there are a lot" of them.

And we're not talking about militaries around the world, you stupid fuck, we're talking about the American military and the exemptions made for American servicemen, who are 17, when it comes to possessing a weapon. If you were smart, you'd have understood that.

So, yeah, eat my shit, you cum-guzzling little fuck...
Some little asshole is triggered because he’s getting his ass handed to him. Now look you ignorant illiterate fuckstain, there are plenty of 17 year olds in military service around the world. Also dumbfuck, YOU need to learn that YOU narrowed it down to one country. Which you’re still losing. So go fuck yourself your closet homo. You’re nothing but a know nothing bitch.
Do I care if you believe me? Not in the least, because I'd hardly waste my time trying to convince a human shitbag like you of anything. I don't lie. Clearly you do. Hope that works out for you.
Yeah, you lie ^^^. You've been trying to convince everyone on this thread that you're a lying moron all day long. Guess what? You succeeded. See ya' Troll.
Wasn't qualified? Did the you the snap shot to the bicep?

Fucking award winning!!!

Actually it's not.

When you decide to use deadly force, you aim for center mass; basically the middle of the torso.

Rittenhouse, despite being so close to Grosskreutz could manage to only hit him in the arm:


How far is that? Maybe six feet? And Rittenhouse couldn't hit the largest section of the human body; the part which everyone trained in the use of deadly force knows to aim for? So, yeah, he wasn't qualified to carry that thing, much less be expected to use it properly...
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Some little asshole is triggered because he’s getting his ass handed to him. Now look you ignorant illiterate fuckstain, there are plenty of 17 year olds in military service around the world.
But we're discussing exemptions made for 17 year olds in the American military. The law does not allow for exemptions for foreign service members...

Also dumbfuck, YOU need to learn that YOU narrowed it down to one country.

Right, because we're talking about how a 17 year old American can lawfully possess a firearm, and how exemptions are made for 17 year old members of OUR military.

You can't possible be this fucking stupid for real. Please tell me you're just acting, because it would be horrible to know there's someone out there who is as legitimately stupid and as ignorant as you appear to be...

Which you’re still losing. So go fuck yourself your closet homo. You’re nothing but a know nothing bitch.
LOL! What a dipshit.

Now you're just projecting...

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