RNC Releases Ad: The Left Is Crazytown


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I hope this appears in prime time on every TV channel across the country!

The Republican National Committee released a new campaign ad on Wednesday showing how the Democratic Party has become completely unhinged as they have embraced leftism.

The ad specifically takes a shot at Bob Woodward's new book that targets Trump, which states that a Trump official claimed that the Trump administration was a "crazytown."

The ad specifically shows left-wing protesters at Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing this week who were arrested for erratic and disruptive behavior.


Again, the question is whether or not the GOP will actually take advantage of the Kavanaugh hearings to show how unhinged the left has become.
There is so much material that there could be a dozen similar spots. But call them democrats that's what they are.
This is the brilliance of Trump, he triggers the left and they lower their guard, take off their phony masks and show the American people who they really are, bat shit crazy nut jobs.
Crazy is such a generic term, I think I would rather call them exceptionally irresponsible and lacking any foresight. Their inability to make decisions using all of the facts is demonstrating another problem.

Democrats do not even admit they had a flawed candidate or she failed to campaign in important politically decisive cities and states. Clinton offered more of the same garbage that the majority of people had grown tired of, seeing the same results administration after administration. And Clinton's actual reason for running was not to help the people, but she deserved it because "IT WAS HER TURN."

The irrational hatred for Trump completely ignores the enormous amount of accomplishments Trump has had in the 19 months he has been in office. And it was due to his own quirky prowess and skill that those achievements occurred,

I believe that too many people have been personally affected by his accomplishments (tax cuts, unemployment, new jobs, economic optimism etc) that his next election just may be easier than the last.
While I think that ad shows the depths we have dropped to I think it is VITAL to focus on the prosperity that the nation is having. People need to be reminded of reality vs the fiction the left is putting forward.

I hope this appears in prime time on every TV channel across the country!

The Republican National Committee released a new campaign ad on Wednesday showing how the Democratic Party has become completely unhinged as they have embraced leftism.

The ad specifically takes a shot at Bob Woodward's new book that targets Trump, which states that a Trump official claimed that the Trump administration was a "crazytown."

The ad specifically shows left-wing protesters at Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing this week who were arrested for erratic and disruptive behavior.


Again, the question is whether or not the GOP will actually take advantage of the Kavanaugh hearings to show how unhinged the left has become.

I find this picture an amusing reflection of what Democrats regard a positive free speech exercise. Scream at your opponent, interfere with legal proceedings and get paid for it by the DNC.

I only wish that someone would interview one of these rejects and ask them just what did Kavavaugh say during the hearings that bothered you so much. And press them for what opinions (name case and number) that you believe the people should know about. Then have a Republican address her concerns. Better yet, have Kavanaugh there to explain the opinion that he drew.

These puppets are probably out oc central casting and need more money to fund their habits
Crazy is such a generic term, I think I would rather call them exceptionally irresponsible and lacking any foresight. Their inability to make decisions using all of the facts is demonstrating another problem.

Democrats do not even admit they had a flawed candidate or she failed to campaign in important politically decisive cities and states. Clinton offered more of the same garbage that the majority of people had grown tired of, seeing the same results administration after administration. And Clinton's actual reason for running was not to help the people, but she deserved it because "IT WAS HER TURN."

The irrational hatred for Trump completely ignores the enormous amount of accomplishments Trump has had in the 19 months he has been in office. And it was due to his own quirky prowess and skill that those achievements occurred,

I believe that too many people have been personally affected by his accomplishments (tax cuts, unemployment, new jobs, economic optimism etc) that his next election just may be easier than the last.
i disagree. If any political individual or movement demonstrates a lack of foresight it has to be Trump and his followers. Demeaning allies while cozying up to Authoritarians shows lack of foresight. Instigating trade wars shows lack of foresight. And constantly beating the drum to use the Justice Department to attack political opponents not only shows lack of foresight, but an irresponsible and dangerous shift away from the rule of law and toward a disturbingly comfortable acquaintanceship with Totalitarianism.

While it is true Sec. Clinton was a deeply flawed candidate, you cannot hold up Donald Trump as the paragon of moral and political excellence. She. Clinton did not insult POWs, the disabled, Gold Star families, women, Latinos, Southerners, the press and Muslims.

There is no 'irrational hatred for Trump'. Hatred of Trump is based on his boorish comportment, his cruel zero tolerance immigration policy, his eagerness and openness to obstruct justice, his scandalous appointees, his lies and his use of distractive wedge issues used to divide American from American and America from the world at large.

Trump's accomplishments are shouted down by tweets, statements and actions by Trump himself and his dysfunctional White House staff. If they want the sun to shine upon themselves, act as if their accomplishments are more significant than their need to constantly be on the defense while constantly being on the attack. In other words, get themselves out of their own way.
Thank you for your response. Her more points to ponder..

Demeaning allies while cozying up to Authoritarians shows lack of foresight. Instigating trade wars shows lack of foresight. And constantly beating the drum to use the Justice Department to attack political opponents not only shows lack of foresight, but an irresponsible and dangerous shift away from the rule of law and toward a disturbingly comfortable acquaintanceship with Totalitarianism.

Yes, he did demean Kim. But it brought him to the table to get our prisoners back, the remains of fallen soldiers and the negotiating table to denuclearize his country. If he is polite to an adversary, that is not a problem as long as the adversary is not addecting our country negatively.
Is he using the DOJ. Obviously not because there has not been any mention of acts from the DOJ that would be problematic to the left.

While it is true Sec. Clinton was a deeply flawed candidate, you cannot hold up Donald Trump as the paragon of moral and political excellence. She. Clinton did not insult POWs, the disabled, Gold Star families, women, Latinos, Southerners, the press and Muslims.

Trump did not run as the paragon of moral and political excellence. And obviously people did want a man of substance and skills to make the country work again. His comments were sometimes unfortunate just as any public speaker would have wished they hadn't said something to be remembered by. Obama had is "corps - corpse" moment, The 57 states in the US , "We did not give money to Iran in the Iran deal," "I bowl like I am in the Special Olympics." Statements he would admit he would have liked to take back.

There is no 'irrational hatred for Trump'. Hatred of Trump is based on his boorish comportment, his cruel zero tolerance immigration policy, his eagerness and openness to obstruct justice, his scandalous appointees, his lies and his use of distractive wedge issues used to divide American from American and America from the world at large.

His "cruel, zero intolerance immigration" includes welcoming legal immigrants, some of his appointees were not the best. But look at the VIP's of Obama's FBI that are now fired or under investigation. I thought the appointing of Van Jones troubling. A self prophessed Communist! Yates, Lynch and even Hillary round out the decisions that were certainly less than stellar. It is a benefit that Obama had Eric Holder in his back pocket to stave off legal problems with his appointees.

Now tell me about dividing the country. He and Michelle racially divided this country so it it was reminiscent of the 60's. We still haven't recovered from that debacle.

You don't question any of Trump's accomplishments. Safely done. We are respected aropund the world, have let countries know that their lacking lf funding the UN was unacceptable, stopping the imbalance of trade and international intellectual property, building a strong military to be respected and feared throughut the world., improving VA medical care and so much more.

Dysfunctional??? Hardly. Look in the mirror and see what party that refers to.

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