I don't care who does them, I just wish they'd ask about what the candidates would do while in office. Wow, crazy shit, huh?.
I think we have a good idea of what they will do. Most of the republicans want to gut ssi, gut our ability to maintain our own country and give out big fucking tax breaks to the rich.
I would still rather hear it from them, in their own words, not from a lefty who has nothing but contempt for them.

Yesterday, Megyn Kelly said no journalist would agree to any restrictions on what he/she could or could not ask.

And while I don't think the candidates should be able to dictate the subject matter in any way, I wonder why in the world we are having journalists or television hosts moderate the debates. Why not ask competent academics or interrogators or business types, etc. to state that they will focus on the issues with an interest to generate non partisan information not widely known by the public and, if they understand and agree to that, why would they not make far better moderators than journalists eager to make a name for themselves?

Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Get some real experts in their field to ask the questions rather than journalists.

I like it!

10/1 the RW's would still whine like 13 year old girls ..
I don't know why the Republicans agreed to let NBC or any affiliate of NBC to host a debate in the first place. I mean, it's not like they didn't know this was going to happen.
I don't care who does them, I just wish they'd ask about what the candidates would do while in office. Wow, crazy shit, huh?.
I think we have a good idea of what they will do. Most of the republicans want to gut ssi, gut our ability to maintain our own country and give out big fucking tax breaks to the rich.
I would still rather hear it from them, in their own words, not from a lefty who has nothing but contempt for them.

Yesterday, Megyn Kelly said no journalist would agree to any restrictions on what he/she could or could not ask.

And while I don't think the candidates should be able to dictate the subject matter in any way, I wonder why in the world we are having journalists or television hosts moderate the debates. Why not ask competent academics or interrogators or business types, etc. to state that they will focus on the issues with an interest to generate non partisan information not widely known by the public and, if they understand and agree to that, why would they not make far better moderators than journalists eager to make a name for themselves?

Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Get some real experts in their field to ask the questions rather than journalists.

I like it!

10/1 the RW's would still whine like 13 year old girls ..
You're mistaken those are Rinos...
Actually, there was more substance and talk of policy and issues in the Dem debate than there ever has been in the current Rep debates.

Dems aren't really interested in name calling, they want to show the differences in their policies and what direction they think the country should go.
I don't care who does them, I just wish they'd ask about what the candidates would do while in office. Wow, crazy shit, huh?.
I think we have a good idea of what they will do. Most of the republicans want to gut ssi, gut our ability to maintain our own country and give out big fucking tax breaks to the rich.
I would still rather hear it from them, in their own words, not from a lefty who has nothing but contempt for them.

Yesterday, Megyn Kelly said no journalist would agree to any restrictions on what he/she could or could not ask.

And while I don't think the candidates should be able to dictate the subject matter in any way, I wonder why in the world we are having journalists or television hosts moderate the debates. Why not ask competent academics or interrogators or business types, etc. to state that they will focus on the issues with an interest to generate non partisan information not widely known by the public and, if they understand and agree to that, why would they not make far better moderators than journalists eager to make a name for themselves?

Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Get some real experts in their field to ask the questions rather than journalists.

I like it!

10/1 the RW's would still whine like 13 year old girls ..
Just like Democrats have for years.

The first debate was the first debate I've seen Fox host.

Then Megan Kelly pulls a fast one....fucking c ¥#t.

Whining about Trump calling Rosie a fatty.

My God!!!

Back-stabbing bitch!!!
If they can't argue the question. Well, they should go back home.

And we give a crap about someone who wouldn't vote for a GOP candidate anyway thinks because........ why?

Do you realize how many DNC candidates I've seen dodge every difficult question? Dozens.

I say they should all go home too. That would wipe out Hillary, Biden, Bernie, and Kerry for starters.... and most of the top DNC people.

Do you care what I think? No? I don't give a crap what you think either.
Let the little GOP whiners take turns moderating their own debates!
Democrats won't allow Fox to hold debates...

So paybacks are a motherfucker...

Listen to these lefties Mud, lol. They know exactly what happened, and even the media is talking how the moderators got their asses handed to them.

But, all we really need do is hold the Republican debate where ever; radio, some off station, PBS, who cares. The republicans will find it, or find a podcast of it. All of this is just making the left media money. The Republicans do NOT need the liberal media until the debate where Hillary gets her fat a** handed to her by any of the Republicans that were on the stage; in other words, the general election debates.

The campaigns are meeting Sunday WITHOUT an RNC representative, and the outside 4 are going to dictate from here forward what is going to happen, or they aren't showing. And you know what! If they don't show, nobody is going to watch the debate, which means the broadcaster makes 0 money.

Seems to me, unlike the weak rino establishment, the outside 4 have politically handed the media, the establishment of both parties, and the RNC their tushes. Oh yeah, Jeb is a dead man walking in the race, and Kasich will soon assume room temperature also. Seems to me the outside 4 aren't as dumb as the left, and the establishment thought, now are they, lol!
Trump clearly won
No it was Carson
Nope, Cruz won
Rubio was the winner ..

as witnessed on this board.

These dolts can't even pick a clear winner, and the mods/station/format is their BIG problem ??????

the country is laughing at the right ...
Yeah..............great...............give the GOP places where they have fawning fans that only ask softball questions, and nothing about policy.

Hell, you don't want them becoming the Democratic debates where everyone falls all over the candidates and ask the tough questions, such as what is your favorite color.
Let Fox News host the remaining GOP debates!

Yup, with Neil Cavuto, Stuart Varney and Lou Dobbs as moderators.

Good plan.

Good plan - with government haters and racists. Did you ever see the Family Guy episode entitled "Tea Peter"? It's about Peter joining the Tea Party and shutting down the government.

This is your problem. You are like a zombie, or a ten year old kid. Propaganda informs your view of reality. You see things in black and white. You go to extremes. The MSM tells you what to think, and how to think, and that is how the world is in your POV. No independent or creative thought emanates from your thick skull.

Do everyone a favor, get rid of your TV, and open a book.

In reality, folks aren't like that. No, really, they aren't. Fox news is bullshit, CNBC is bullshit, and guess what? The Family Guy is satire.

Actually, there was more substance and talk of policy and issues in the Dem debate than there ever has been in the current Rep debates.

Dems aren't really interested in name calling, they want to show the differences in their policies and what direction they think the country should go.

You would see a lot more substance in the GOP debates too if the moderators were not throwing out gotcha questions or doing the 'lets you and him fight routine. They did not do that to the Democrats. In fact I recall one MSNBC commentator saying that the Democrats were serious people who wanted to get into the substance and depth of the issues. The clear implication, from that person's point of view, is that the Republicans are not serious people. Bias? Inequality of treatment? Sure looks like it.
I don't care who does them, I just wish they'd ask about what the candidates would do while in office. Wow, crazy shit, huh?.
I think we have a good idea of what they will do. Most of the republicans want to gut ssi, gut our ability to maintain our own country and give out big fucking tax breaks to the rich.
I would still rather hear it from them, in their own words, not from a lefty who has nothing but contempt for them.

Yesterday, Megyn Kelly said no journalist would agree to any restrictions on what he/she could or could not ask.

And while I don't think the candidates should be able to dictate the subject matter in any way, I wonder why in the world we are having journalists or television hosts moderate the debates. Why not ask competent academics or interrogators or business types, etc. to state that they will focus on the issues with an interest to generate non partisan information not widely known by the public and, if they understand and agree to that, why would they not make far better moderators than TV celebrities eager to make a name for themselves?
This is all bizarre to me. There's no excuse for just asking explosive questions, outside of being a ratings whore.

I'd like to know what candidates would do in certain situations, and it amazes me that we can't get there.
An absolutely EXCELLENT move from the generally inept RNC.

Reince Priebus ought to STILL get fired, of course.

But this is a good start.

It's probably just a head fake. But maybe it will rattle the fake journalists in the main stream media a bit. Maybe not as much as the ass kicking they took at CNBC during the debate, however.
Let the little GOP whiners take turns moderating their own debates!

The debate moderators were rude and unprofessional, but I'm not the least bit surprised you are okay with that because you yourself are rude and unprofessional.
Trump clearly won
No it was Carson
Nope, Cruz won
Rubio was the winner ..

as witnessed on this board.

These dolts can't even pick a clear winner, and the mods/station/format is their BIG problem ??????

the country is laughing at the right ...

Damn you are dopey.

It doesn't matter which one of the GOP contenders "won'" one debate, you dolt.

What matters is that the faux "journalists" got their asses kicked and their liberal bias well exposed.

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