RNC Versus Moms In Portland(?)! Chicago To Be Next?

Republicans vs Moms? Who worked out that stunning equation? I don't recall "democrats against organized religion" when Clinton's FBI used tanks and poison gas against a religious compound in Texas. Wasn't it "Feds against Trump" not long ago when the FBI falsified documents and used a foreign agent to attempt a political coup?
Its still vote with cops for Trump, or vote with democrats for criminals.
If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. You think you are in some protected class that will somehow keep your rights after they are stripped from the people you happen to fear right now?
WTF are you whining about? The democrats are the only protected class of criminals.
Look at DA Kim Gardner prosecuting the McCloskys but not the murderers in Chicago.
We have never had secret police in America but we do now, Trump crossed that line and you followed him without complaint. Civil unrest is nothing new and it eventually calms down but emergency police powers are forever to an authoritarian regime. In the coming years do not forget who let the genie out of the bottle.

Bullshit. Obummer, your hero, crossed that Rubicon with his attempted coup.
kyzr poster from RNC: Shows the Complete Disconnect and Incoherence of Donald John Trump, Supreme Leader of that Administration.
See the Posted Disconnect!
The criminals involved are anyone who want to defund the police. We need more cops not less.

17% of Eugene-Springfield PD income calls go to CAHOOTS already, getting 2% of the budget--defunding--to do it. 50 US cities want help from Eugene-Springfield police department to set that up for their defunding of their police department. Defunding has a 30 year successful record in place already. See kyzr posting photos of abusive adults--smacking kids around. The police respond to domestic dispute in progress--even the babies killed, kyzr poster supportive. HE EVEN POSTS SUPPORTER PHOTOS!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Again: Some people mention Matt 25: 14-30, in their "Thy Kingdom" prayers!)
kyzr poster from RNC: Shows the Complete Disconnect and Incoherence of Donald John Trump, Supreme Leader of that Administration.
See the Posted Disconnect!
The criminals involved are anyone who want to defund the police. We need more cops not less.

17% of Eugene-Springfield PD income calls go to CAHOOTS already, getting 2% of the budget--defunding--to do it. 50 US cities want help from Eugene-Springfield police department to set that up for their defunding of their police department. Defunding has a 30 year successful record in place already. See kyzr posting photos of abusive adults--smacking kids around. The police respond to domestic dispute in progress--even the babies killed, kyzr poster supportive. HE EVEN POSTS SUPPORTER PHOTOS!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Again: Some people mention Matt 25: 14-30, in their "Thy Kingdom" prayers!)
What country are you from?
Moms Wearing Masks, Protesters wearing masks, Trump with a mask. Pervert secrecy, no-documentation BluesLegend poster is not shown in Portland, self-identifying.

Moms in opposition to BluesLegend poster, a poster supportive of mutilating baby genitals--and done by federal agents: Is shown, from whatever area derived. See BluesLegend poster in opposition to moms protesting federal agents mutilating baby genitals!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Of Matthew 25: 14-30, of the prayers some people are!)

Looks more like a wall of Karens...
LordBrownTrout posters confirms the Trump Administration RNC agenda! Gas All Moms! Send Them Into Work Camps! Mass Graves Next! LordBrownTrout poster offers confirmation!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, even regarded a source of Holocaust!)

mascale poster confirms he is a jackass. Totally shreds truth to paper miche a meme that is totabl bullshit.

mascale must atone by pulling (his) head out of oversized ass.
Portland, OR appears to be calming down. All Republicans versus All Moms is now the scenario unfolding. Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands. The two federal courthouses on either side of the Portland jail were again the subject of a few hundred protesters. Local police were not called in, nor apparently present. So even the target of the protests is not local law enforcement, but the target is the possibly illegal tactics of untrained federal agents.

The widely becoming noticed--incoherence of the Trump Administration--is becoming some new tactic, even. Trump versus moms and dads is now getting noticed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30--is not even widely noticed in the move of the RNC Convention from North Carolina to Florida, where the likely outcome is,"Nothing to Show For It:" Not a Christian outcome. "Cast into outer darkness," is even a part of the Imperial Roman backdrop of baby abandonment--the historical context.
Because they're moms? You had one too ffs!

They are NOT Portland moms. These are freaks and lesbo drug addicts who moved up to Portland from that shithole California.

Cud chewing obese bimbos. :cow: :cow:
Portland, OR appears to be calming down. All Republicans versus All Moms is now the scenario unfolding. Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands. The two federal courthouses on either side of the Portland jail were again the subject of a few hundred protesters. Local police were not called in, nor apparently present. So even the target of the protests is not local law enforcement, but the target is the possibly illegal tactics of untrained federal agents.

The widely becoming noticed--incoherence of the Trump Administration--is becoming some new tactic, even. Trump versus moms and dads is now getting noticed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30--is not even widely noticed in the move of the RNC Convention from North Carolina to Florida, where the likely outcome is,"Nothing to Show For It:" Not a Christian outcome. "Cast into outer darkness," is even a part of the Imperial Roman backdrop of baby abandonment--the historical context.
Because they're moms? You had one too ffs!

They are NOT Portland moms. These are freaks and lesbo drug addicts who moved up to Portland from that shithole California.

Cud chewing obese bimbos. :cow: :cow:
There's a lot of good grazing around Portland for those heifers.
Portland, OR appears to be calming down. All Republicans versus All Moms is now the scenario unfolding. Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands. The two federal courthouses on either side of the Portland jail were again the subject of a few hundred protesters. Local police were not called in, nor apparently present. So even the target of the protests is not local law enforcement, but the target is the possibly illegal tactics of untrained federal agents.

The widely becoming noticed--incoherence of the Trump Administration--is becoming some new tactic, even. Trump versus moms and dads is now getting noticed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30--is not even widely noticed in the move of the RNC Convention from North Carolina to Florida, where the likely outcome is,"Nothing to Show For It:" Not a Christian outcome. "Cast into outer darkness," is even a part of the Imperial Roman backdrop of baby abandonment--the historical context.
You keep praising that democrat motto Jim Crow lol not very Christian of you
Leftist siding with criminals.

Tell us it ain't so. And no, Americans will never side with you freaks.
Portland, OR appears to be calming down. All Republicans versus All Moms is now the scenario unfolding. Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands. The two federal courthouses on either side of the Portland jail were again the subject of a few hundred protesters. Local police were not called in, nor apparently present. So even the target of the protests is not local law enforcement, but the target is the possibly illegal tactics of untrained federal agents.

The widely becoming noticed--incoherence of the Trump Administration--is becoming some new tactic, even. Trump versus moms and dads is now getting noticed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30--is not even widely noticed in the move of the RNC Convention from North Carolina to Florida, where the likely outcome is,"Nothing to Show For It:" Not a Christian outcome. "Cast into outer darkness," is even a part of the Imperial Roman backdrop of baby abandonment--the historical context.

Its the disheveled moo cow rube brigade

They're all FAT
I saw quite a few grey haired boomers ....mumm hummm

The moms ....rubes
Notice that budget-saving, community-based, lawful intervention did not involve federal agents, or local police: But Moms!
Eugene-Springfield PD, 80 miles south: Has been defunding police for 30 years, now asked by 50 US Municipalities to come in and set up a CAHOOTS-Like program for them.

Lane County, Oregon: Is at least as Liberal as Los Angeles County, anyone notices.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses of the upbringing in the House of Pharaoh, Deut 23: 19-20: Would be said to have confused a nameless, formless deity with an actual living ruler--Hence a basis of complete atheist sentiments!)
Its still vote with cops for Trump, or vote with democrats for criminals.
If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. You think you are in some protected class that will somehow keep your rights after they are stripped from the people you happen to fear right now?
WTF are you whining about? The democrats are the only protected class of criminals.
Look at DA Kim Gardner prosecuting the McCloskys but not the murderers in Chicago.
We have never had secret police in America but we do now, Trump crossed that line and you followed him without complaint. Civil unrest is nothing new and it eventually calms down but emergency police powers are forever to an authoritarian regime. In the coming years do not forget who let the genie out of the bottle.
There is no "secret police" like Stazi, you idiot.
There are uniformed Federal agents protecting Federal property from vandals.
Just remember, Trump voters vote with the police, and democrat voters vote with the criminals.
If democrat mayors did their jobs with local police, there would be no need for Trump to send in the Feds.

They are dressed in paramilitary gear and driving black vans. They drag people off the streets for no reason.Trump voters support ununiformed thugs.
Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands.

I was wondering where my mum got all that malt liquor and the new TV. She said it was an anniversary present.
Trump voters support ununiformed thugs.

You know it, dawg!

Portland, OR appears to be calming down. All Republicans versus All Moms is now the scenario unfolding. Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands. The two federal courthouses on either side of the Portland jail were again the subject of a few hundred protesters. Local police were not called in, nor apparently present. So even the target of the protests is not local law enforcement, but the target is the possibly illegal tactics of untrained federal agents.

The widely becoming noticed--incoherence of the Trump Administration--is becoming some new tactic, even. Trump versus moms and dads is now getting noticed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30--is not even widely noticed in the move of the RNC Convention from North Carolina to Florida, where the likely outcome is,"Nothing to Show For It:" Not a Christian outcome. "Cast into outer darkness," is even a part of the Imperial Roman backdrop of baby abandonment--the historical context.
Because they're moms? You had one too ffs!

They are NOT Portland moms. These are freaks and lesbo drug addicts who moved up to Portland from that shithole California.

Cud chewing obese bimbos. :cow: :cow:
There's a lot of good grazing around Portland for those heifers.

Why are they so ugly and angry...oh wait I guess the first point explains it.
Its still vote with cops for Trump, or vote with democrats for criminals.
If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. You think you are in some protected class that will somehow keep your rights after they are stripped from the people you happen to fear right now?
WTF are you whining about? The democrats are the only protected class of criminals.
Look at DA Kim Gardner prosecuting the McCloskys but not the murderers in Chicago.
We have never had secret police in America but we do now, Trump crossed that line and you followed him without complaint. Civil unrest is nothing new and it eventually calms down but emergency police powers are forever to an authoritarian regime. In the coming years do not forget who let the genie out of the bottle.
There is no "secret police" like Stazi, you idiot.
There are uniformed Federal agents protecting Federal property from vandals.
Just remember, Trump voters vote with the police, and democrat voters vote with the criminals.
If democrat mayors did their jobs with local police, there would be no need for Trump to send in the Feds.

They are dressed in paramilitary gear and driving black vans. They drag people off the streets for no reason.Trump voters support ununiformed thugs.
1. That is their DHS uniform
2. They are assigned to protect Federal property
3. They are arresting rioters damaging Federal property
Everything they are doing is perfectly legal. As the case winds thru the courts you will see.
49 federal arrests in three weeks is not a revolution: Even spread over two full months. Moms in Portland won! Defunding Jackals is also not a crime. Those arrests are for local misdemeanors, even.
Anti-Law-and-Order RNC, and Trump Supporters--shown to be anti-cop, even wasting their funded budgets! That's Donald John Trump! That's kyzr poster. That is Trump Administration!

Even Senator Rand Paul is on to this kind of wasted crap from baby genital mutilators--babies now dead, intended!


Incoherence even today. The White House briefing offered no data, but did try to panic all Republicans into believing The Covid-19 pandemic was getting worse, because of their support of the Administration! Maybe he can maybe be arrested for the attempted murders(?)!

It's on the news all over, if not directly so-stated.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP does pray for their Kingdom, Matt 25: 14-30, even announced today to be in place per their votes in 2016--Way more infections, Way More Deficits, Way More Deaths Now Even Of The Tiny Babies--clearly including those genitalia!)
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