RNC Versus Moms In Portland(?)! Chicago To Be Next?

1. That is their DHS uniform
2. They are assigned to protect Federal property
3. They are arresting rioters damaging Federal property
Everything they are doing is perfectly legal. As the case winds thru the courts you will see.

So what now? Your founding fathers took care to create many different local police forces. Now you have suddenly one united police. How fits this to the USA? One titanic problem of Germany after the rise of the Nazis had it been that the boss of the SS was suddenly made also to the boss of all policemen in all German countries and cities. Without this step of the Nazis in 1933/34 the extermination camps and millions of murders of the Nazis in 1942 and later would had been impossible. So what is really going on in the USA now? This totally stupid enemyship of US-Americans against US-Americans has to stop. Yesterday and forever! The USA needs deescalation.
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1. That is their DHS uniform
2. They are assigned to protect Federal property
3. They are arresting rioters damaging Federal property
Everything they are doing is perfectly legal. As the case winds thru the courts you will see.

So what now? Your founding fathers took care to create many different local police forces. Now you have suddenly one united police. How fits this to the USA? One titanic problem of Germany after the rise of the Nazis had it been that the boss of the SS was suddenly made also to the boss of all policemen in all German countries and cities. Without this step of the Nazis in 1933/34 the extermination camps and millions of murders of the Nazis in 1942 and later would had been impossible. So what is really going on in the USA now? This totally stupid enemyship of US-Americans against US-Americans has to stop. Yesterday and forever! The USA needs deescalation.
The Federal agents are protecting Federal property in Portland, period.
If Trump sends the Federal agents into Chicago to stop the gun violence then they will be doing "local" law enforcement. The Chicago police want the Federal help.
Generally speaking the local police are still under local control. There is no concern for a national "Gestapo" police force.
However, the democrats are using "brown shirt" Gestapo tactics for political advantage.
1. That is their DHS uniform
2. They are assigned to protect Federal property
3. They are arresting rioters damaging Federal property
Everything they are doing is perfectly legal. As the case winds thru the courts you will see.

So what now? Your founding fathers took care to create many different local police forces. Now you have suddenly one united police. How fits this to the USA? One titanic problem of Germany after the rise of the Nazis had it been that the boss of the SS was suddenly made also to the boss of all policemen in all German countries and cities. Without this step of the Nazis in 1933/34 the extermination camps and millions of murders of the Nazis in 1942 and later would had been impossible. So what is really going on in the USA now? This totally stupid enemyship of US-Americans against US-Americans has to stop. Yesterday and forever! The USA needs deescalation.
The Federal agents are protecting Federal property in Portland, period.

To own something gives no one any right to use a private army. And what means "federal agents"? Who are this people? Who pays them and how are they organized - what is their chain of command?

If Trump sends the Federal agents into Chicago to stop the gun violence then they will be doing "local" law enforcement. The Chicago police want the Federal help.

I heard the mayor of Portland said Trumps police has to go. Did they stop to do whatever they did do and left Portland afterwards immediatelly?

Generally speaking the local police are still under local control. There is no concern for a national "Gestapo" police force.

The Gestapo (="secret state police") was a terroristic secret service. I spoke about the private army SS of the Nazis, which also controlled every policeman in all German countries from 1933/34 to 1945.

However, the democrats are using "brown shirt" Gestapo tactics for political advantage.

What a nonsense. A brown shirt makes no one to a Nazi. Shit in the brain makes Nazis.

A problem of the person Donald Trump is it that he seems to be the elected president of the USA - but on the other side not to be a real president of the USA. He replaces loyalite to the country USA with loyalite to the person Donald Trump. His plan for the USA is "I am the best", that's all., while he damages what needs decades to be repaired. Indeed Trump is only an agressive idiot - and a narcissist. We had once someone who tried to become the most famous German of all times - he was also an aggressive idiot and narcissist. I guess soon I will hang the picture of Donald Trump on my toilet - as my ancestors did do with the picture of Adolf Hitler.
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1. That is their DHS uniform
2. They are assigned to protect Federal property
3. They are arresting rioters damaging Federal property
Everything they are doing is perfectly legal. As the case winds thru the courts you will see.

So what now? Your founding fathers took care to create many different local police forces. Now you have suddenly one united police. How fits this to the USA? One titanic problem of Germany after the rise of the Nazis had it been that the boss of the SS was suddenly made also to the boss of all policemen in all German countries and cities. Without this step of the Nazis in 1933/34 the extermination camps and millions of murders of the Nazis in 1942 and later would had been impossible. So what is really going on in the USA now? This totally stupid enemyship of US-Americans against US-Americans has to stop. Yesterday and forever! The USA needs deescalation.
The Federal agents are protecting Federal property in Portland, period.

To own something gives no one any right to use a private army. And what means "federal agents"? Who are this people? Who pays them and how are they organized - what is their chain of command?

If Trump sends the Federal agents into Chicago to stop the gun violence then they will be doing "local" law enforcement. The Chicago police want the Federal help.

I heard the mayor of Portland said Trumps police has to go. Did they stop to do whatever they did do and left Portland afterwards immediatelly?

Generally speaking the local police are still under local control. There is no concern for a national "Gestapo" police force.

The Gestapo (="secret state police") was a terroristic secret service. I spoke about the private army SS of the Nazis, which also controlled every policeman in all German countries from 1933/34 to 1945.

However, the democrats are using "brown shirt" Gestapo tactics for political advantage.

What a nonsense. A brown shirt makes no one to a Nazi. Shit in the brain makes Nazis.

A problem of the person Donald Trump is it that he seems to be the elected president of the USA - but on the other side not to be a real president of the USA. He replaces loyalite to the country USA with loyalite to the person Donald Trump. His plan for the USA is "I am the best", that's all., while he damages what needs decades to be repaired. Indeed Trump is only an agressive idiot - and a narcissist. We had once someone who tried to become the most famous German of all times - he was also an aggressive idiot and narcissist. I guess soon I will hang the picture of Donald Trump on my toilet - as my ancestors did do with the picture of Adolf Hitler.
1. The Federal agents in question are uniformed Border Guards, under DHS.
2. The Portland mayor is a loon. He excuses the rioters and does not protect Federal Property, such as Federal Court Buildings. They will keep protecting the buildings until the riots stop.
3. In the US the local police are controlled by the local mayors.
4. You have what we call "TDS", Trump Derangement Syndrome. You don't like Trump, OK. Many of us don't like him personally either, he is a narcissist, but we do like how he runs the country. Trump had the economy better than anyone until COVID happened. We don't want a socialist/moron president like Biden to wreck the country with his idiotic policies.
There are reports--supportive of kyzr poster's contentions in support of shooting all Moms--that one problem Portland, OR police were having was the absence of verifiable data from the FBI informants--at work in the crowds. FBI and DHS were probably looking for "Antifa:" the famous conspiracy that doesn't exist. Portland PD likely knows already that there are as many "Antifa" organizations--in any local protests--as there are local protesters. All that FBI or DHS had to do was ask around?!

NYPD cleared its protesters quietly--even without a lot of newscasts about it, nightly on-going for about two months! There were no federal security forces sent into to instigate any murders!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not too many even ask much about the economics of Matt 25: 14-30, going back centuries, and even before that!)
There are reports--supportive of kyzr poster's contentions in support of shooting all Moms--that one problem Portland, OR police were having was the absence of verifiable data from the FBI informants--at work in the crowds. FBI and DHS were probably looking for "Antifa:" the famous conspiracy that doesn't exist. Portland PD likely knows already that there are as many "Antifa" organizations--in any local protests--as there are local protesters. All that FBI or DHS had to do was ask around?!

NYPD cleared its protesters quietly--even without a lot of newscasts about it, nightly on-going for about two months! There were no federal security forces sent into to instigate any murders!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not too many even ask much about the economics of Matt 25: 14-30, going back centuries, and even before that!)

Yep, they left peacefully...like they had a choice.

They raised these rioters, pillagers. Tear gas them too.

ever hear of the word MOLL? I think that it is not much in use currently. It refers to the women who hang around criminals-----and do get pregnant at
very young age too.
So the proper words is MOMS, Not molls. FBI informants were possibly a reason for holding up a police response--unable to make any assessment of what was happening.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(If Street Gang A follows Deut 23: 19-20; and Street Gang B follows Deut 23: 1920: Does that mean we have World Peace?)
So the proper words is MOMS, Not molls. FBI informants were possibly a reason for holding up a police response--unable to make any assessment of what was happening.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(If Street Gang A follows Deut 23: 19-20; and Street Gang B follows Deut 23: 1920: Does that mean we have World Peace?)
Terrorists use human shields all the time. Willing Isis brides are loyal to the terrorist cause. These moms are no different.
1. That is their DHS uniform
2. They are assigned to protect Federal property
3. They are arresting rioters damaging Federal property
Everything they are doing is perfectly legal. As the case winds thru the courts you will see.

So what now? Your founding fathers took care to create many different local police forces. Now you have suddenly one united police. How fits this to the USA? One titanic problem of Germany after the rise of the Nazis had it been that the boss of the SS was suddenly made also to the boss of all policemen in all German countries and cities. Without this step of the Nazis in 1933/34 the extermination camps and millions of murders of the Nazis in 1942 and later would had been impossible. So what is really going on in the USA now? This totally stupid enemyship of US-Americans against US-Americans has to stop. Yesterday and forever! The USA needs deescalation.
The Federal agents are protecting Federal property in Portland, period.

To own something gives no one any right to use a private army. And what means "federal agents"? Who are this people? Who pays them and how are they organized - what is their chain of command?

If Trump sends the Federal agents into Chicago to stop the gun violence then they will be doing "local" law enforcement. The Chicago police want the Federal help.

I heard the mayor of Portland said Trumps police has to go. Did they stop to do whatever they did do and left Portland afterwards immediatelly?

Generally speaking the local police are still under local control. There is no concern for a national "Gestapo" police force.

The Gestapo (="secret state police") was a terroristic secret service. I spoke about the private army SS of the Nazis, which also controlled every policeman in all German countries from 1933/34 to 1945.

However, the democrats are using "brown shirt" Gestapo tactics for political advantage.

What a nonsense. A brown shirt makes no one to a Nazi. Shit in the brain makes Nazis.

A problem of the person Donald Trump is it that he seems to be the elected president of the USA - but on the other side not to be a real president of the USA. He replaces loyalite to the country USA with loyalite to the person Donald Trump. His plan for the USA is "I am the best", that's all., while he damages what needs decades to be repaired. Indeed Trump is only an agressive idiot - and a narcissist. We had once someone who tried to become the most famous German of all times - he was also an aggressive idiot and narcissist. I guess soon I will hang the picture of Donald Trump on my toilet - as my ancestors did do with the picture of Adolf Hitler.
1. The Federal agents in question are uniformed Border Guards, under DHS.
2. The Portland mayor is a loon. He excuses the rioters and does not protect Federal Property, such as Federal Court Buildings. They will keep protecting the buildings until the riots stop.
3. In the US the local police are controlled by the local mayors.
4. You have what we call "TDS", Trump Derangement Syndrome. You don't like Trump, OK.

Sure I don't like Trump. I'm a German. No German, who I know, likes Trump - most see in him an extreme criminal idiot.

Many of us don't like him personally either, he is a narcissist, but we do like how he runs the country.

You like it to see him to destroy the USA and to found an new country, which knows only enemies any longer? "In Trump we trust"?

Trump had the economy better than anyone until COVID happened.

Economy is a servant - not a god. You are in the danger now to cause an unbelievebale amount of poor people without social care. If the superrich double their money and poor people die because of a lack of money then this is not economy - then this is sicknesss.

We don't want a socialist/moron president like Biden to wreck the country with his idiotic policies,

What do YOU like to do? A civil war? Every shot a vote? What is the plan? To attack one by the next state of the USA to convince people with weapons in the hands from the "right" political way? How can it be that against the will of the mayor and governor Tumps 'policemen' are in Portland?
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Portland, OR appears to be calming down. All Republicans versus All Moms is now the scenario unfolding. Large numbers of the so-called "Looters and Hooligans," appear to self-identify as "Moms" when asked to raise their hands. The two federal courthouses on either side of the Portland jail were again the subject of a few hundred protesters. Local police were not called in, nor apparently present. So even the target of the protests is not local law enforcement, but the target is the possibly illegal tactics of untrained federal agents.

The widely becoming noticed--incoherence of the Trump Administration--is becoming some new tactic, even. Trump versus moms and dads is now getting noticed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30--is not even widely noticed in the move of the RNC Convention from North Carolina to Florida, where the likely outcome is,"Nothing to Show For It:" Not a Christian outcome. "Cast into outer darkness," is even a part of the Imperial Roman backdrop of baby abandonment--the historical context.
You have to love how these dumb feminist c***s are all about “equality”, yet will revert to the “I’m just a woman” victimhood when it suits them.
Its still vote with cops for Trump, or vote with democrats for criminals.
If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. You think you are in some protected class that will somehow keep your rights after they are stripped from the people you happen to fear right now?

Yep, next time I burn a business, or loot or riot I'll keep your words of wisdom in mind...dumbass.

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