Robbing a Gun Store...

Should a Criminal rob a gun store?

  • Yes. It's the last thing they'd expect!

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Yes. They wouldn't realize your were hostile when you entered with a gun (and no case)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, because that would be one less criminal in the world.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No, because he might end up paralyzed from the neck down instead of dying.

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
I read about such an event several months ago in an East Coast newspaper online. The idiot didn't know which way to hop when six other customers drew down on him. He dropped the toy gun and ran.

But not nearly as fast as he should have.
I don't think it is politics...but...I have no idea where it would fit :dunno:
Should a nutter who claims to be all about the 2nd Amendment be introducing self defense against criminals as a primary focal point of his argument?
stupid choices. If I were desperate enough, hell yes, it's one of the better choices, IF I know how to make the AR's, etc, rock and roll, IF I know how to silence them, IF i know where to get 10k each for such guns, IF i'm willilng to take payment in dope, IF I know how to properly evaluate the place, IF I've got armor, a real gun and load, IF I'm really skilled with it, etc, I could do this. But a gold coin store would be a lot less hassle to move the proceeds of the robbery, (altho more likely to shoot you and better security). The proceeds would be much less bulky/heavy, too. With a lb of gold coins bringing. 18k or so, an 8 lb assault rifle doesn't look like much of a score.
some of them do. and some of the customers just LOVE being anally raped, too. It's all about conspicuous consumption and snob appeal.
Makes about as much sense as a person going to a church simply to stand up and cuss...
Depends on how it's done. When I was in the army the IRA used to rob gun shops now and again. But their primary weapons weren't guns, but some kind of aerosole knockout gas they'd spray in sales assistant/owner's face before jumping the counter and grabbing anything that wasn't fastened to the wall or counter. I'm assuming they carried sidearms, and had a getaway driver, but I suppose I should also mention that since shooting is a comparatively minority sport/hobby overhere, it's unlikely that there'd be any armed customers to contend with.
Depends on how it's done. When I was in the army the IRA used to rob gun shops now and again. But their primary weapons weren't guns, but some kind of aerosole knockout gas they'd spray in sales assistant/owner's face before jumping the counter and grabbing anything that wasn't fastened to the wall or counter. I'm assuming they carried sidearms, and had a getaway driver, but I suppose I should also mention that since shooting is a comparatively minority sport/hobby overhere, it's unlikely that there'd be any armed customers to contend with.

Over here it's a bit different, there is a gun behind every blade of grass.
Depends on how it's done. When I was in the army the IRA used to rob gun shops now and again. But their primary weapons weren't guns, but some kind of aerosole knockout gas they'd spray in sales assistant/owner's face before jumping the counter and grabbing anything that wasn't fastened to the wall or counter. I'm assuming they carried sidearms, and had a getaway driver, but I suppose I should also mention that since shooting is a comparatively minority sport/hobby overhere, it's unlikely that there'd be any armed customers to contend with.
Even then it's risky on the part of the criminal. If the owner/assistant somehow shakes off the knockout gas, and grabs a gun from under the counter, the criminal is toast. There is also the possibility that another assistant may be in the back, and in a gun shop, you can bet that he'll have access to guns.
Is this a good idea or a bad idea for a criminal?

I'm pretty sure these aren't gun free zones...

Why not?

Wait till they close and throw a brick through the window

More money to be made selling stolen guns to gun nuts than a liquor store

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