Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M
He was a traitor big difference. And if you gonna say he was part of history, some might ask for a Hitler know those people that vote for trump and he called them fine people?

You do know your fellow Lefty's has a statue of Lenin in Seattle right?

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And a statue of Lenin in Los Angeles

You know Joe B..... Believe it or not I am not a war monger. At some point the apologies have to stop. Most of the modern nations in the world were/are war mongers for their benefit. You live good off it. So leave or live a sparse existence. China is not going to play games when they see their chance. The past can not be changed. To learn from it is to not forget it. But we are removing our history because people do not like parts of it. So we will repeat it easily at some point.

We aren't removing our history... we are just putting it in the proper context.

The Confederacy wasn't fighting for a noble cause, they were fighting so a few rich people could keep owning other people. This is nothing to be proud of, we should be profoundly ashamed of it.

Erasing it would be what Japan does with World War II. Your average Japanese really doesn't know a lot about what their country did during that war.

The proper context is... this was wrong, it was bad... and the guys who fought for it shouldn't be honored.

Sorry JoeB131 I disagree. I find it dangerous to assume
one side can dictate how to interpret history. If a group of
people create a statue or a park, let them keep it. Treat
it like religious freedom, where each group can have its
own places of worship. To decide whose leaders or
take on history is right or wrong is dangerous to take
"one side over another" to justify destroying or removing sites.

Like the groups suing to remove a Cross from a memorial.
Let private groups buy the site and preserve it if they wish.

Trying to destroy the history of another group risks becoming
as dictatorial, tyrannical and destructive as the group
BEING COMPLAINED ABOUT so this is self-defeating.

Just reactionary, but flipping to the other extreme.
Instead of both sides taking turns destroying the history
and heritage of the other, why not preserve both and let
each invest in developing their own sites instead of destroying both!
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present.

Um, not, it's being removed because he betrayed the country over slavery.

Time to stop honoring traitors. Take them all down.

Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.

Yes, history is history.

And there was nothing noble or honorable about Lee, which is why he should be expunged from any place of honor. .

You're not very smart, are ya?

Despite the nuances involved, the Civil War mainly pertained to states rights. States rights = the right to self determination. This is literally the exact same principle this whole goddamn country was founded upon. We didn't like how GB was telling us to live, so we rebelled. We won. Victors write the history.

On the same token the South, 100 years later, didn't like how the rest of the country was telling them to live. They rebelled. They lost. Again - VICTORS wrote the history. Virtue signal all you'd like, had the South won you'd be singing their praises - so to label them "traitors" is disingenuous at best. We're ALL fucking traitors, we just happened to come out on the winning side.

Remember that before you start denigrating an entire populace.
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M

It all reflects the utter ignorance and stupidity of the Left taught them by their bigoted professors. Do you think the Italians are proud of the brutal history of the Roman Empire? Yet you don't see them tearing down the ruins of the ancient relics like the Colosseum, Parthenon and other remaining structures. It is part of their history. And without knowing where you came from, you can't know where you are going. Just as ISIS destroyed countless irretrievable artifacts of the Middle East, the idiot Left now wantonly tries to erase our history as if somehow that will change the past. And someday, all future generations will have to show for it is pictures and drawings in books, if that.
Because they stand as a lesson to future generations as a reminder of the Democrats' untoward history of oppression and barbarism, which they seek to repeat on a wider scale by placing all Americans in slavery to The State.

I think your doctor needs to adjust your medication, buddy.

1. He fought for his state. The "country" was a "Union of States". The US was much more localized back in 1860. They fought for States' Rights, not just slavery. Slavery was the norm back then, they didn't know what political correctness was. Cheap manual labor was necessary to succeed in farming. There was no real farm machinery. Your idealistic view of the 1860 world is laughable.

The only "State Right" they were fighting over was slavery... You can't start a country on the premise of "All Men are Created Equal" and then have people owning other people.

2. Show me after his dad died when he was 11 where he owned a plantation. They were essentially beggars living with family.

The point is, he was living with other well-off relatives who had the influence to get him into West Point. He wasn't out there with a cardboard sign that read, "Will Betray my Country for Food".

3. Who is ashamed of annexing Texas? Not most of us.

You mean other than we invaded another country, tried to impose our laws on it, and started a war with them when they didn't.

So by your logic, now that the Southwest is being overrun with Mexicans, they can impose their laws on us now, right?

4. If you were drafted to fight in VN what would you do? The power of the "state" has demands.

Hard to say... I know as a young man, I joined the Army and I was in for 11 years as active duty and reserves... but now I really am very cynical about how we use our military. Vietnam was before my time, though.

I'd be all for a draft, as long as we put the children of the rich and politicians in an elite airborne unit that is the first deployed to any war zone.
You do realize that this nation was originally set up with a Strong State Government - Weak Federal Government model, Right? The Feds were to be the servants of the People and the States, not the other way around. That’s why the 10th Amendment was included in the Constitution. Mr Lincoln and his Northern backers didn’t like that idea and were willing to see 600,000 lives lost to reverse thst paradigm.

Yeah, good thing they did that. they ended the ABOMINATION that was slavery and made us the strongest country in the world. THOSE BASTARDS.

The only reason why you knuckle draggers pine for the day your state can be a refuge for backwards thinking is you know you've lost the national conversation and can't win without cheating.
Lee's wife owned the land where Arlington Cemetery is. Lee will always have a connection to American soldiers and honor with or without statues. This coming from a Connecticut Yankee.

YOu do realize that putting Arlington on Lee's land was a big "Fuck you" to him, right? that his family wasn't paid for that land.

Psst. Psst. they didn't bury rednecks who wore the Gray there.
Bullshit. Lee was actually offered the command of the union army. The reason he declined was to defend his home state of Virginia, where his family was from and resided.

So he betrayed his country.

What we should have done at the end of the civil war was have Nuremburg like trials and hung every Confederate officer, politician and plantation owner for Crimes Against Humanity.

Kind of like we did to the Germans and Japanese at the end of WWII.

They've been amazing well-behaved since. As opposed to the dumb rednecks in the South who still think they were in the right almost destroying the country so a few rich assholes could keep raping their slaves.
Cool, except for the fact that they were traitors thingy!

Lincoln and his Northern “handlers” were the ones acting in an unconstitutional manner, not the Confederacy.

Ya gotta break an egg to make an omelet.

Democrats drew first blood.

Both lessons for our time.

Oh really. :lmao:

What "Democrats" might this have been? Lincoln??

You know the CSA had no political parties, right? Who does that leave?

TRUMP [emoji631]

Amazing how diaphanous their attempts are at hiding the Democrat responsibility for slavery are.
Our history, who we are, where we came from, who we were, what we endured / fought through to be here and to become who we are now is being PURGED!

Why? Because snowflakes are offended, can't handle the truth of our history?

There is an old saying that states those who do not learn from our mistakes are doomed to repeat them. If you eliminate all memories and lessons from the past you only ensure that past will be repeated.

Video footage can not be shown of 9/11 should be shown all the time. If it was shown more, how enemies of this nation entered this country and murdered 3000 Americans in one day, perhaps Americans would not be so tolerant of politicians facilitating the illegal invasion going on through our porous southern border, allowing human/sex traffickers, Mexican drug cartels, MS 13, rapists, murderers, and pedophile flow into the US.

We are on pace to see 2,000,000 illegals enter the US this year - over 1 million have already entered, most already released into the US populace. 9/11, the need to secure our country, be vigilant, and protect Americans has already been forgotten...We are doomed to repeat and reap the harvest of our nistakes again...

(Robert E Lee, BTW, was one of the most brilliant generals ever. He did not want to fight but finally did so out of loyalty to his state.)
I see video of 9-11 all the time
Cool, except for the fact that they were traitors thingy!

Lincoln and his Northern “handlers” were the ones acting in an unconstitutional manner, not the Confederacy.

Ya gotta break an egg to make an omelet.

Democrats drew first blood.

Both lessons for our time.

Oh really. :lmao:

What "Democrats" might this have been? Lincoln??

You know the CSA had no political parties, right? Who does that leave?

TRUMP [emoji631]

Amazing how diaphanous their attempts are at hiding the Democrat responsibility for slavery are.
Slavery existed in America 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed
Bullshit. Lee was actually offered the command of the union army. The reason he declined was to defend his home state of Virginia, where his family was from and resided.

So he betrayed his country.

What we should have done at the end of the civil war was have Nuremburg like trials and hung every Confederate officer, politician and plantation owner for Crimes Against Humanity.

Kind of like we did to the Germans and Japanese at the end of WWII.

They've been amazing well-behaved since. As opposed to the dumb rednecks in the South who still think they were in the right almost destroying the country so a few rich assholes could keep raping their slaves.
Family first.
Lee's wife owned the land where Arlington Cemetery is. Lee will always have a connection to American soldiers and honor with or without statues. This coming from a Connecticut Yankee.

YOu do realize that putting Arlington on Lee's land was a big "Fuck you" to him, right? that his family wasn't paid for that land.

Psst. Psst. they didn't bury rednecks who wore the Gray there.
How Arlington National Cemetery Came to Be | History | Smithsonian

seems you're pushing around some details to lie.

the graveyard as i'm understanding it was a FU but it was to keep them from trying to get the land back that the gov took w/o due process. their initial bid of $26k was around $5k short of fair value. later the gov lost their court case and had to pay $150k.

"He was. Both sides agreed on a price of $150,000, the property's fair market value. Congress quickly appropriated the funds. Lee signed papers conveying the title on March 31, 1883, which placed federal ownership of Arlington beyond dispute. The man who formally accepted title to the property for the government was none other than Robert Todd Lincoln, secretary of war and son of the president so often bedeviled by Custis Lee's father. If the sons of such adversaries could bury past arguments, perhaps there was hope for national reunion.

or is the smithsonian lying about it, and several other sites i read this am?

your desire to get your own FUCK YOUs in leads you to say some really ignorant shit.
Lee's wife owned the land where Arlington Cemetery is. Lee will always have a connection to American soldiers and honor with or without statues. This coming from a Connecticut Yankee.

YOu do realize that putting Arlington on Lee's land was a big "Fuck you" to him, right? that his family wasn't paid for that land.

Psst. Psst. they didn't bury rednecks who wore the Gray there.
How Arlington National Cemetery Came to Be | History | Smithsonian

seems you're pushing around some details to lie.

the graveyard as i'm understanding it was a FU but it was to keep them from trying to get the land back that the gov took w/o due process. their initial bid of $26k was around $5k short of fair value. later the gov lost their court case and had to pay $150k.

"He was. Both sides agreed on a price of $150,000, the property's fair market value. Congress quickly appropriated the funds. Lee signed papers conveying the title on March 31, 1883, which placed federal ownership of Arlington beyond dispute. The man who formally accepted title to the property for the government was none other than Robert Todd Lincoln, secretary of war and son of the president so often bedeviled by Custis Lee's father. If the sons of such adversaries could bury past arguments, perhaps there was hope for national reunion.

or is the smithsonian lying about it, and several other sites i read this am?

your desire to get your own FUCK YOUs in leads you to say some really ignorant shit.
Thank you. I prefer to think we as Americans can even honor adversaries.
None of you yucks even lived through the war yet you think are one of them what a joke..

It's a proud heritage.
They are proud of being losers?

That was the purpose of those monuments.To inculcate the younger generations with the white supremecist ideals personified by those " noble heroes" who fought for their cause.
As you can see by this thread. It worked quite well on some.
You know Joe B..... Believe it or not I am not a war monger. At some point the apologies have to stop. Most of the modern nations in the world were/are war mongers for their benefit. You live good off it. So leave or live a sparse existence. China is not going to play games when they see their chance. The past can not be changed. To learn from it is to not forget it. But we are removing our history because people do not like parts of it. So we will repeat it easily at some point.

We aren't removing our history... we are just putting it in the proper context.

The Confederacy wasn't fighting for a noble cause, they were fighting so a few rich people could keep owning other people. This is nothing to be proud of, we should be profoundly ashamed of it.

Erasing it would be what Japan does with World War II. Your average Japanese really doesn't know a lot about what their country did during that war.

The proper context is... this was wrong, it was bad... and the guys who fought for it shouldn't be honored.

Sorry JoeB131 I disagree. I find it dangerous to assume
one side can dictate how to interpret history. If a group of
people create a statue or a park, let them keep it. Treat
it like religious freedom, where each group can have its
own places of worship. To decide whose leaders or
take on history is right or wrong is dangerous to take
"one side over another" to justify destroying or removing sites.

Like the groups suing to remove a Cross from a memorial.
Let private groups buy the site and preserve it if they wish.

Trying to destroy the history of another group risks becoming
as dictatorial, tyrannical and destructive as the group
BEING COMPLAINED ABOUT so this is self-defeating.

Just reactionary, but flipping to the other extreme.
Instead of both sides taking turns destroying the history
and heritage of the other, why not preserve both and let
each invest in developing their own sites instead of destroying both!

Those statues were erected over the objections of a minority of blacks. Presenting their side of the confederacy never mattered. Sorry boy, but majority rule

Now those minorities are now majorities and are making the decisions of how city property should be used

So whites who have a majority at the state level pass laws saying you are not allowed to move monuments without our permission
Lee's wife owned the land where Arlington Cemetery is. Lee will always have a connection to American soldiers and honor with or without statues. This coming from a Connecticut Yankee.

YOu do realize that putting Arlington on Lee's land was a big "Fuck you" to him, right? that his family wasn't paid for that land.

Psst. Psst. they didn't bury rednecks who wore the Gray there.
How Arlington National Cemetery Came to Be | History | Smithsonian

seems you're pushing around some details to lie.

the graveyard as i'm understanding it was a FU but it was to keep them from trying to get the land back that the gov took w/o due process. their initial bid of $26k was around $5k short of fair value. later the gov lost their court case and had to pay $150k.

"He was. Both sides agreed on a price of $150,000, the property's fair market value. Congress quickly appropriated the funds. Lee signed papers conveying the title on March 31, 1883, which placed federal ownership of Arlington beyond dispute. The man who formally accepted title to the property for the government was none other than Robert Todd Lincoln, secretary of war and son of the president so often bedeviled by Custis Lee's father. If the sons of such adversaries could bury past arguments, perhaps there was hope for national reunion.

or is the smithsonian lying about it, and several other sites i read this am?

your desire to get your own FUCK YOUs in leads you to say some really ignorant shit.
There were other locations available
Arlington was turned into a cemetery to insult Lee
Last thing this country needs is to have stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats and filthy ass welfare Neggras rewriting history for us.
Can we nonuse racial slurs?

That really does not help. It does nothing but raise ire, suppress reason, and deeply insults our fellow countrymen.

We can have a civil discussion without that.



You mean it doesn't help your position.
I applaud his honesty. We all know that is really what it's all about but some like yourself like to pretend otherwise.
Why? White devils deserve no respect .
The same goes for you.

Respect breeds respect.

You want it? Give it.


Respect for those who support white supremacy is impossible.

Why? White supremacy built this nation into the place that you and all your degenerate friends want to freeload in?
This is a white nation where whites are supreme...have you ever looked at statistics?
We were founded by whites, we’re funded and run by do you think we got to where we’re at? Scary shit to acknowledge huh?
Are the Japanese “supreme” in Japan?

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