Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

Cool, except for the fact that they were traitors thingy!

Lincoln and his Northern “handlers” were the ones acting in an unconstitutional manner, not the Confederacy.

Ya gotta break an egg to make an omelet.

Democrats drew first blood.

Both lessons for our time.

Oh really. :lmao:

What "Democrats" might this have been? Lincoln??

You know the CSA had no political parties, right? Who does that leave?

You're a silly person.

I'm not the one unable to come up with an answer sooooooooooooooooooo....................

Again, that you do not understand the answer is not my problem.
Lincoln and his Northern “handlers” were the ones acting in an unconstitutional manner, not the Confederacy.

Ya gotta break an egg to make an omelet.

Democrats drew first blood.

Both lessons for our time.

Oh really. :lmao:

What "Democrats" might this have been? Lincoln??

You know the CSA had no political parties, right? Who does that leave?

You're a silly person.

I'm not the one unable to come up with an answer sooooooooooooooooooo....................

Again, that you do not understand the answer is not my problem.

I understand that you don't HAVE an answer. And I knew that before I posed the question.

That clearly isn't my problem.
Our history, who we are, where we came from, who we were, what we endured / fought through to be here and to become who we are now is being PURGED!

Why? Because snowflakes are offended, can't handle the truth of our history?

There is an old saying that states those who do not learn from our mistakes are doomed to repeat them. If you eliminate all memories and lessons from the past you only ensure that past will be repeated.

Video footage can not be shown of 9/11 should be shown all the time. If it was shown more, how enemies of this nation entered this country and murdered 3000 Americans in one day, perhaps Americans would not be so tolerant of politicians facilitating the illegal invasion going on through our porous southern border, allowing human/sex traffickers, Mexican drug cartels, MS 13, rapists, murderers, and pedophile flow into the US.

We are on pace to see 2,000,000 illegals enter the US this year - over 1 million have already entered, most already released into the US populace. 9/11, the need to secure our country, be vigilant, and protect Americans has already been forgotten...We are doomed to repeat and reap the harvest of our nistakes again...

(Robert E Lee, BTW, was one of the most brilliant generals ever. He did not want to fight but finally did so out of loyalty to his state.)
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M
Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today.
We? Are you a resident of Dallas?

Why is there a statue of Lee in Dallas to begin with? What is his connection to that area?

Well, He commanded a Fort in Texas before the Civil War and was captured by the Texas Army after they seceded from the Union.
(All Federal Troops in Texas, 4,000 of them, were surrendered by the Commanding General of Federal Forces in Texas General
Briggs. Ironic that th day after he surrendered all Federal Forces he became a General in the Texas Militia (Army). Those troops were
surrendered in Feb of 1861, 2 months before the South Carolina Army fired on Fort Sumter. The Federal Troops were not imprisoned
by the Texas Army but were escorted out of the State, and out of the South.

Thus Lee was the first High Ranking Federal Officer captured by Southern Forces.
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place
because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M

He was a traitor to the United States who killed more US troops than any enemy ever.

Not wrong .facts.

You can put all the lipstick on that pig, he’s still a textbook traitor.

Actually, no, that is still wrong. Having been corrected, continuing to regurgitate it is a lie.
Explain ? The guy literally is a traitor in every definition of the word .

We should replace his statue wh one of Chelsea Manning . Who is 1,000,000x less a traitor than Lee.
When, exactly, was he convicted of treason?

Republicans don't celebrate the confederacy, though they do realize that the causes of the civil war were far more complex than some simplistic thinkers think.
Republicans fight for flying the confederate flag on government land, they pass laws saying you can’t take down monuments

I'm sure you can provide links to prove that Republicans are fighting for flying the Confederate flag on Government land, right? You just forgot to do it in that post.

I don't think you OR the Taliban should be taking down monuments just because you don't approve of them.
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M
Why would Republicans care?

Remember, they are always telling us they defeated slaveholders in the south.

Why do they idolize a traitor?

Know your history before you speak. That’s your problem that’s why people are always calling you a idiot.

“Near Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee knew he was beaten. Urged by a fellow officer to take to the mountains and lead a guerilla war against the Yankees, Lee refused. He retorted that further resistance was futile and would only bring more bloodshed and a “state of affairs it would take the country years to recover from.” “There is nothing for me to do but go and see General Grant,” he concluded, “and I would rather die a thousand deaths.” He met and surrendered to Grant, and ordered all of his men to do the same. After Lee departed Appomattox Courthouse, Grant sternly told his own troops, “the rebels are our countrymen again.” General Robert E. Lee was not charged with treason and he spent no time in jail. During the brief five years that he lived following the Civil War, Robert E. Lee became the president of Washington College (now Washington and Lee) in Virginia. Interestingly, whenever Lee marched the Washington College military cadets onto and off the campus parade grounds, he declined to march in step with his “troops.” He died on October 12, 1870, respected in the North for his character and beloved in the South for his fighting ability.”

Plus he killed a lot of Yankees:))))
The confederacy killed Americans, they are and were the traitors.

The Confederacy attempted to leave the country civilly and without violence. It was Lincoln who forced things into the realm of military action.

I would suggest that Constitutionally the Confederacy was far more correct than the Federal Government.

Except that Lee is/was a traitor!

“Near Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee knew he was beaten. Urged by a fellow officer to take to the mountains and lead a guerilla war against the Yankees, Lee refused. He retorted that further resistance was futile and would only bring more bloodshed and a “state of affairs it would take the country years to recover from.” “There is nothing for me to do but go and see General Grant,” he concluded, “and I would rather die a thousand deaths.” He met and surrendered to Grant, and ordered all of his men to do the same. After Lee departed Appomattox Courthouse, Grant sternly told his own troops, “the rebels are our countrymen again.” General Robert E. Lee was not charged with treason and he spent no time in jail. During the brief five years that he lived following the Civil War, Robert E. Lee became the president of Washington College (now Washington and Lee) in Virginia. Interestingly, whenever Lee marched the Washington College military cadets onto and off the campus parade grounds, he declined to march in step with his “troops.” He died on October 12, 1870, respected in the North for his character and beloved in the South for his fighting ability.”

Know your history lol
Cool, except for the fact that they were traitors thingy!

Lincoln and his Northern “handlers” were the ones acting in an unconstitutional manner, not the Confederacy.

Ya gotta break an egg to make an omelet.

Democrats drew first blood.

Both lessons for our time.

Oh really. :lmao:

What "Democrats" might this have been? Lincoln??

You know the CSA had no political parties, right? Who does that leave?

TRUMP [emoji631]
1. He fought for his state. The "country" was a "Union of States". The US was much more localized back in 1860. They fought for States' Rights, not just slavery. Slavery was the norm back then, they didn't know what political correctness was. Cheap manual labor was necessary to succeed in farming. There was no real farm machinery. Your idealistic view of the 1860 world is laughable.
2. Show me after his dad died when he was 11 where he owned a plantation. They were essentially beggars living with family.
3. Who is ashamed of annexing Texas? Not most of us.
Mexican–American War - Wikipedia
4. If you were drafted to fight in VN what would you do? The power of the "state" has demands.

Funny how you regulate the owning of other human beings being wrong just a matter of political correctness.

I guess if it were deemed PC you would gladly own other humans?
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What's wrong is applying 2019 politically correct norms to ancient history. Trying to criminalize what was not against the Law.
I don't support slavery, but if I lived in ancient times it would be the norm, to use cheap manual labor. It was not against the Law, was it?
Tell me you support full benefits and the minimum wage for farm workers, so that your fresh produce costs triple or quadruple?

The idea of not owning other human beings is not a matter of political matter how many ways you try to whitewash the institution of slavery.

There is no comparison to low wages and being owned. Fucking pathetic you would try and compare the two

The reality of owning human beings is alive and well in 2019. The UN estimates that about 40m humans are current slaves. What's pathetic is that you act as if slave owners were mass murderers. You do not factor in normal practices of the era. I don't blame the founding fathers for owning slaves, I blame Wall Street and K-Street for outsourcing jobs and factories keeping the middle-class poor.
Modern-Day Slavery by the Numbers | Facts & Trends

My point being that great generals like Robert E. Lee, or the US Founding Fathers, and their statues, should be revered, not destroyed. Yes some of their statues were destroyed by mobs. Why? Because they "owned slaves", which was the norm back in that time.

From what ass do y'all pull this bogus bullshit?

Is it by chance........... orange?

Once AGAIN, y'all can make shit up 'til the sun comes down, doesn't change the history. Which is ironic, since y'all keep leaning on this crutch about "waaaah, destroying history sob" which completely IGNORES the history of the Lost Cause that fucking PUT THEM THERE. "They owned slaves" doesn't have SHIT to do with it.

The first monument he's talking about --- first one New Orleans removed --- was a plaque celebrating a coup d'êtat takeover of the city by a white supremacist organization called the White League. Another one was a statue of P.T. Beauregard. In my state we have "Silent Sam" out at UNC Chapel Hill, erected (again) by the UDC and dedicated by a CSA vet who praised God for CSA having "saved the Anglo-Saxon race" and recounted how he had "horse whipped a Negro wench" near the very spot. NONE of those subjects were Robert E. Lee and none of them owned slaves. That's not the criterion and never has been.

As for Robert E. Lee himself, he specifically left orders to NOT be statued. So if the UDC puts a Lee statue up and a city takes it down ---- guess which one is actually honoring his wishes.

Aren't you the same wag who's never heard of the cotton gin?

Mitch Landrieu is a piece of shit. Trust me.
Great man killed many Yankees
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present.

Um, not, it's being removed because he betrayed the country over slavery.

Time to stop honoring traitors. Take them all down.

Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.

Yes, history is history.

And there was nothing noble or honorable about Lee, which is why he should be expunged from any place of honor. .

Just like George said ....

You have to remove the democrats evil past from public view.

Funny how you regulate the owning of other human beings being wrong just a matter of political correctness.

I guess if it were deemed PC you would gladly own other humans?
Sent from my iPhone using

What's wrong is applying 2019 politically correct norms to ancient history. Trying to criminalize what was not against the Law.
I don't support slavery, but if I lived in ancient times it would be the norm, to use cheap manual labor. It was not against the Law, was it?
Tell me you support full benefits and the minimum wage for farm workers, so that your fresh produce costs triple or quadruple?

The idea of not owning other human beings is not a matter of political matter how many ways you try to whitewash the institution of slavery.

There is no comparison to low wages and being owned. Fucking pathetic you would try and compare the two

The reality of owning human beings is alive and well in 2019. The UN estimates that about 40m humans are current slaves. What's pathetic is that you act as if slave owners were mass murderers. You do not factor in normal practices of the era. I don't blame the founding fathers for owning slaves, I blame Wall Street and K-Street for outsourcing jobs and factories keeping the middle-class poor.
Modern-Day Slavery by the Numbers | Facts & Trends

My point being that great generals like Robert E. Lee, or the US Founding Fathers, and their statues, should be revered, not destroyed. Yes some of their statues were destroyed by mobs. Why? Because they "owned slaves", which was the norm back in that time.

From what ass do y'all pull this bogus bullshit?

Is it by chance........... orange?

Once AGAIN, y'all can make shit up 'til the sun comes down, doesn't change the history. Which is ironic, since y'all keep leaning on this crutch about "waaaah, destroying history sob" which completely IGNORES the history of the Lost Cause that fucking PUT THEM THERE. "They owned slaves" doesn't have SHIT to do with it.

The first monument he's talking about --- first one New Orleans removed --- was a plaque celebrating a coup d'êtat takeover of the city by a white supremacist organization called the White League. Another one was a statue of P.T. Beauregard. In my state we have "Silent Sam" out at UNC Chapel Hill, erected (again) by the UDC and dedicated by a CSA vet who praised God for CSA having "saved the Anglo-Saxon race" and recounted how he had "horse whipped a Negro wench" near the very spot. NONE of those subjects were Robert E. Lee and none of them owned slaves. That's not the criterion and never has been.

As for Robert E. Lee himself, he specifically left orders to NOT be statued. So if the UDC puts a Lee statue up and a city takes it down ---- guess which one is actually honoring his wishes.

Aren't you the same wag who's never heard of the cotton gin?

Mitch Landrieu is a piece of shit. Trust me.

Translation: :lalala:
The confederacy killed Americans, they are and were the traitors.

The Confederacy attempted to leave the country civilly and without violence. It was Lincoln who forced things into the realm of military action.

I would suggest that Constitutionally the Confederacy was far more correct than the Federal Government.

Except that Lee is/was a traitor!

“Near Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee knew he was beaten. Urged by a fellow officer to take to the mountains and lead a guerilla war against the Yankees, Lee refused. He retorted that further resistance was futile and would only bring more bloodshed and a “state of affairs it would take the country years to recover from.” “There is nothing for me to do but go and see General Grant,” he concluded, “and I would rather die a thousand deaths.” He met and surrendered to Grant, and ordered all of his men to do the same. After Lee departed Appomattox Courthouse, Grant sternly told his own troops, “the rebels are our countrymen again.” General Robert E. Lee was not charged with treason and he spent no time in jail. During the brief five years that he lived following the Civil War, Robert E. Lee became the president of Washington College (now Washington and Lee) in Virginia. Interestingly, whenever Lee marched the Washington College military cadets onto and off the campus parade grounds, he declined to march in step with his “troops.” He died on October 12, 1870, respected in the North for his character and beloved in the South for his fighting ability.”

Know your history lol

He fought against and killed Americans, know your history!
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M
He was a traitor big difference. And if you gonna say he was part of history, some might ask for a Hitler know those people that vote for trump and he called them fine people?
Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.

Problem is we're dealing with giant hateful snowflakes. They're emotionally harmed by tiny things that don't affect those with rational heads. That and a lot of faulty wiring. Throw in filthy politicians who play with them.

Progs are tolerant, edge-ucated, progressive, intellectuals, our moral superiors and authority. I know cuz they tell us so.
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present.

Um, not, it's being removed because he betrayed the country over slavery.

Time to stop honoring traitors. Take them all down.

Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.

Yes, history is history.

And there was nothing noble or honorable about Lee, which is why he should be expunged from any place of honor. .

The Civil War was not started over the issue of slavery, dumb many times must we go over this?
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M
He was a traitor big difference. And if you gonna say he was part of history, some might ask for a Hitler know those people that vote for trump and he called them fine people?

Prove your worth Issa by providing a link showing where and when Trump said NAZI supporters are fine people.

Until then we'll assume the towel around your head is a tourniquet for maintaining what's left of your brain from spilling out.

Other than that a point for clogged-head cowardly progs. There are many American Indian statues. I recognize you people are edge-ucated and all, but shock to your system many of them had slaves. You fuckers better get on it huh?
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Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present. ‘Robert E. Lee & The Confederate Soldier’ Sculpture Removed From Dallas Park Sells For $1.4M
He was a traitor big difference. And if you gonna say he was part of history, some might ask for a Hitler know those people that vote for trump and he called them fine people?

You do know your fellow Lefty's has a statue of Lenin in Seattle right?




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