Robert Mueller Should Step Aside: Friends Shouldn't Be Investigating Friends

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.
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Swamp Rat Mueller needs to recuse himself for his Swamp Rat connections to the Swamp Rats like Comey or The Donald needs to shut this witch hunt the fuck down. Enough of the bullshit already. It is troubling that jewish politicians are leading the way on the persecution of The Donald for no reason other than he is White. You would think they would be more sensitive in persecuting people based on race!
Mueller was appointed to investigate Trump Russia collusion.
- Comey testified there is none...and Trump has never been inder investigation. According to Comey there is no more need for Special Council.

Mueller and Comey are ex-colleagues / buds.
- Mueller needs to remove himself.
Since Trump is not a target of any investigation, there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel. The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him.

Robert Mueller should step aside: Friends shouldn't be investigating friends
He's not the target YET... but he will be..Who do you think sent so many of his staff to Russia?? And for what reason?
We're in the very early stages of these investigations. DT lived his whole life being dirty. Funny you don't want to believe it.
Excellent point OP, now that Comey outed himself as a leaker his pal should recuse himself.
Comey's a whistle blower.And he mentioned this because of his unwavering honesty. That's why most sane people believe him when it comes to DT trying to shut down the Flynn investigation.
Excellent point OP, now that Comey outed himself as a leaker his pal should recuse himself.
Comey's a whistle blower.And he mentioned this because of his unwavering honesty. That's why most sane people believe him when it comes to DT trying to shut down the Flynn investigation.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Obama tried to shut down the Hillary investigation, multiple times, on national TV. You fools don't have a leg to stand on its funny.
Swamp Rat Mueller needs to recuse himself for his Swamp Rat connections to the Swamp Rats like Comey or The Donald needs to shut this witch hunt the fuck down. Enough of the bullshit already. It is troubling that jewish politicians are leading the way on the persecution of The Donald for no reason other than he is White. You would think they would be more sensitive in persecuting people based on race!
"Swamp Rat Mueller" ???

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is an honorable man who has dedicated his life to service to The People and The Republic.

You could squeeze the accomplishments of twenty of your miserable lifetimes into this fellow's one life... quite likely, more.

I trust his judgment related to self-recusal FAR more than I'd trust yours.

And, as to firing Special Counsel... yeah... because that worked-out so well for Richard Nixon, didn't it, Bright Boy?

Ignorant pissant.
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Hey Kondor3, Mueller is a Swamp Rat. Get over it you butthurt punk.

Mueller and Comey are ex-colleagues / buds.

Apparently Comey actually consulted with Mueller before testifying the other day. Total conflict of interest. Very troubling. Jared Kushner needs to resign and then there is nobody at all to investigate.
Hey Kondor3, if I want your opinion I will slap it out of you!...
You tell 'em, Princess...

Mueller and Comey are ex-colleagues / buds.
Apparently Comey actually consulted with Mueller before testifying the other day. Total conflict of interest. Very troubling. Jared Kushner needs to resign and then there is nobody at all to investigate.
It was a matter of the former Director of the FBI, checking-in with the Special Counsel, to ensure that he did not say anything that would hamper the Special Counsel.

Zero conflict of interest.


Entirely above-board and appropriate... legally... ethically... morally.

Three areas in which your knowledge appears to be sorely lacking.
I still think Steve is one of you guys who posts also as a satirist.
Hey Kondor3, Mueller is a Swamp Rat. Get over it you butthurt punk.

Mueller and Comey are ex-colleagues / buds.

Apparently Comey actually consulted with Mueller before testifying the other day. Total conflict of interest. Very troubling. Jared Kushner needs to resign and then there is nobody at all to investigate.
The entire FBI wants nothing to do with justice and obviously has destroying the president as it's number one gaol
...The entire FBI wants nothing to do with justice and obviously has destroying the president as it's number one gaol

The President needs no help.

He's been in Self-Destruct Mode since January 20, 2017.
Apparently Comey actually consulted with Mueller before testifying the other day. Total conflict of interest. Very troubling. Jared Kushner needs to resign and then there is nobody at all to investigate.

Comey and Mueller both ran the FBI, they're both familiar with the problem of testifying to congress about an ongoing investigation. Remember how congress derailed the prosecution of Oliver North.

In fact, Comey checked with Mueller to know what he could talk about in open session, that wouldn't interfere with Muellers investigation.

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