Robert Mueller Should Step Aside: Friends Shouldn't Be Investigating Friends

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him

...Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him.
Thereby playing directly and stupidly into the hands of his legions of political enemies, accompanied by those Pubs who are smart enough to distance themselves after such.
...Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him.
Thereby playing directly and stupidly into the hands of his legions of political enemies, accompanied by those Pubs who are smart enough to distance themselves after such.

That's exactly what I would do if I was Trump, I am would be s 71 year old billionaire and wouldn't give a damn by pushing it to the limit.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


You know if Trump does that, that congress will take him up on impeachment, and the more pardons Trump issues, the greater the chance the senate would convict.
He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


And every republican who has to run for reelection will have to tell the people what side they're on.s

Every pardon Trump issues, is another house or senate seat that flips to the democrats.
Didn't the Trump administration appoint Mueller?
Sessions hired him to investigate the possibility of collusion between the Russians and Trump...but now that Comey testified there was no crime, there was / is no collusion, and was no obstruction AND since Trump is not under investigation there is no longer a need for Mueller.

Sessions should fire him and close down the investigation that has nothing to investigate.
In fact, Comey checked with Mueller to know what he could talk about in open session, that wouldn't interfere with Muellers investigation.

You're right - the only collusion going on is between Comey and Mueller...
Didn't the Trump administration appoint Mueller?
Sessions hired him to investigate the possibility of collusion between the Russians and Trump...but now that Comey testified there was no crime, there was / is no collusion, and was no obstruction AND since Trump is not under investigation there is no longer a need for Mueller.

Sessions should fire him and close down the investigation that has nothing to investigate.

First it was the deputy AG who hired Mueller, Sessions was recused. Second he wasn't hired to investigate Trump, but the trump campaign and whitehouse staffers.
And there is more than enough proof of crimes committed, including lying to the FBI.
...Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him.
Thereby playing directly and stupidly into the hands of his legions of political enemies, accompanied by those Pubs who are smart enough to distance themselves after such.
That's exactly what I would do if I was Trump, I am would be s 71 year old billionaire and wouldn't give a damn by pushing it to the limit..
So be it... see ya at the Impeachment Hearings ;-)

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