Robert Reich: Who Sent These Thugs to Berkeley?

That's definitely worth pursuing.

But some of the attempts I'm seeing at deflecting the blame still don't explain the reaction I saw all over the internet to the violence, including right here on USMB.

Reading the comments from readers on many news sites, it was clear they were perfectly happy with any actions that stopped Milo from speaking, including violence.

For zealots, the end always justifies the means, and that holds true even if Reich is correct.
I don't believe that the rioters were part of the legit protest @ Berkeley.

I think they got wind of the planned protest and cravenly used the students for cover.

I also say that Reich is all wet.
Oh Milo has been making the rounds to all the campuses and I also think Bannon is behind it and financing him.
Go out and we'll have a team follow you to protest. Its working isn't it.
Was this a black flag op?

Were breitbart and Bannon in cahoots with the thugs? This may have been a planned operation to create " in order to lay the groundwork for a Trump crackdown on universities and their federal funding."

And almost immediately after the riot, there is doniboi's admin saying it needs to crackdown on funding to universities.

Robert Reich: Who sent the thugs to Berkeley? | Opinion

The Stupid is strong with you.....
That's definitely worth pursuing.

But some of the attempts I'm seeing at deflecting the blame still don't explain the reaction I saw all over the internet to the violence, including right here on USMB.

Reading the comments from readers on many news sites, it was clear they were perfectly happy with any actions that stopped Milo from speaking, including violence.

For zealots, the end always justifies the means, and that holds true even if Reich is correct.
I don't believe that the rioters were part of the legit protest @ Berkeley.

I think they got wind of the planned protest and cravenly used the students for cover.

I also say that Reich is all wet.

They had been planning the attack for months....they knew his tour schedule....

Robert Reich: “Rumors” that Berkeley riots were a right-wing false flag, or something - Hot Air

Update: Our old friend Zombie covered the riots from the ground, and notes that the political leanings of the instigators is no great mystery to anyone other than Reich:

Left-wing campus groups had been planning the riot for months, as detailed in “The Official Anti-Milo Toolkit,” a comprehensive strategy document prepared by a coalition of leftist organizations outlining exactly how to get Milo’s Berkeley appearance canceled, and providing shockingly fascistic rationalizations as to why free speech should not be allowed for conservatives.
That's definitely worth pursuing.

But some of the attempts I'm seeing at deflecting the blame still don't explain the reaction I saw all over the internet to the violence, including right here on USMB.

Reading the comments from readers on many news sites, it was clear they were perfectly happy with any actions that stopped Milo from speaking, including violence.

For zealots, the end always justifies the means, and that holds true even if Reich is correct.
I don't believe that the rioters were part of the legit protest @ Berkeley.

I think they got wind of the planned protest and cravenly used the students for cover.

I also say that Reich is all wet.

They had been planning the attack for months....they knew his tour schedule....

Robert Reich: “Rumors” that Berkeley riots were a right-wing false flag, or something - Hot Air

Update: Our old friend Zombie covered the riots from the ground, and notes that the political leanings of the instigators is no great mystery to anyone other than Reich:

Left-wing campus groups had been planning the riot for months, as detailed in “The Official Anti-Milo Toolkit,” a comprehensive strategy document prepared by a coalition of leftist organizations outlining exactly how to get Milo’s Berkeley appearance canceled, and providing shockingly fascistic rationalizations as to why free speech should not be allowed for conservatives.
Interesting. Then my intuition, guided by intelligence, was correct.
Even the Washington Post thinks you are stupid jake....

Washington Post Humiliates Robert Reich

Paul Cassell at the Washington Post’s Volokh Conspiracy finds this totally laughable:

So let’s see: Yiannopoulos, who is an outsider to Berkeley and generally unwelcome there, succeeds in secretly arranging for more than 100 thugs to assemble in this city and then invade the Berkeley campus and cause more than $100,000 in damage, all to create a pretextual motive for Trump to alter federal funding for the UC system. And Yiannopoulos manages to do this without a single one of the thugs spilling the beans and tipping off the fact that this violent criminal conspiracy is organized by Yiannopoulos, not his opponents.

To even describe the plot is to make clear how phantasmagorical the whole idea is. Occam’s razor applies here. Or, as medical students are taught, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras. There is no way Yiannopoulos organized these protests, subjecting himself to serious criminal liability and placing the fate of his career on the sealed lips of more than 100 conspirators. Instead, the simplest explanation is the correct one: The persons responsible are left-wing anarchists, as the New York Times (among others) has described in this recent article.
Was this a black flag op?

Were breitbart and Bannon in cahoots with the thugs? This may have been a planned operation to create " in order to lay the groundwork for a Trump crackdown on universities and their federal funding."

And almost immediately after the riot, there is doniboi's admin saying it needs to crackdown on funding to universities.

Robert Reich: Who sent the thugs to Berkeley? | Opinion


They sent themselves there because that's who the political left is and has always been, violent, sniveling little Nazis.
Cops got fired and institutions got sued over OWS pepper spray incidents. UC Davis students got $1 million after being maced.

I think that's the most plausible reason why campus police stood down and waited in the cafeteria. They didn't want to get fired, and the university didn't want another lawsuit.
Was this a black flag op?

Were breitbart and Bannon in cahoots with the thugs? This may have been a planned operation to create " in order to lay the groundwork for a Trump crackdown on universities and their federal funding."

And almost immediately after the riot, there is doniboi's admin saying it needs to crackdown on funding to universities.

Robert Reich: Who sent the thugs to Berkeley? | Opinion

Jake must be enamored with Don Lemon who is enamored by Reichs' 'fake news'.

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