Robert Sherrill. The man who created the precedence for Trump/Acosta


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Maybe people don't remember him. Maybe there'd not be a place for him in today's "news" where the same issue gets seemingly dozens of spins from outlets with different consumer demographics that are massaged for getting them to buy shit from advertisers.

Depends/Goldinvestments/miraclenewharddickdrug/curefordiabtes and incurablecancers

The reason the Johnson admin gave for banning his was he punched a Fla Governors press secretary! YEAH

He pissed off gays (referred to Trump's lawyer cohn as 'queer" and didn't have much sympathy for him dying of aids, gun banners, but supported gun laws, he hated crooks ... everyone except maybe just people working and living lives.

Robert Sherrill, Author Who Skewered Right and Left, Dies at 89

RIP, Robert Sherrill: A Man Who Never Kissed Ass

And wrote a really scathing book on Ted Kennedy.

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