Robin Comes Out As Bisexual

Tim Drake is the DC character who fights crime as Robin, and when the sixth installment of the comic book dropped Tuesday the story ended with Tim saying yes to going on a date with a guy named Bernard Dowd.
Robin, a cartoon character is supposed to engage us sexually, I think not.
I'm pretty sure we aren't their audience. The ones who are making the decisions to corrupt the minds of innocents will realize someday that the satisfaction they feel today wasn't really worth the price. Meanwhile, evil continues to party. I've never witnessed a cultural bonfire before. I wonder what they'll toss into the flames next?
I'm pretty sure we aren't their audience. The ones who are making the decisions to corrupt the minds of innocents will realize someday that the satisfaction they feel today wasn't really worth the price. Meanwhile, evil continues to party. I've never witnessed a cultural bonfire before. I wonder what they'll toss into the flames next?
I always though comics sucked along with the newspaper funnies.
I remember when Batman had automatic pistols....but since organized crime was still busy shooting up the streets the pistols were traded in for utility belt with all kinds of gizmos.
Then only the bad guys were using something mundane as guns... Batman had cool stuff and strength.

How ghey can you get dressing and playing like a six year old, and what is up with those bulges?

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