Robmoney has hit the 13% mark

You see this why the republicans have to cheat to win elections.

when your candidate cant get small donors it reflects his ability to attract voters.

robmoney is trying to win by pure force of cash
Racism is at the heart of Black Liberation Theology you dumb dumb.

How would you know? Your handlers told you so and you ate it up like so much pablum.

Ever been to a black church? Ever actually listen to teh entirety of wright's quote or do you just hear "God Damn" and get your knickers twisted?

On your way.

“Black theology will accept only a love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”

- James Cone

Why are you quoting Cone? why on earth should we trust what he has to say just because he is an advocate and practitioner of Black Liberation theology. Clearly your handlers made him say that.
Is that what the founders planned for our elections?

pure force of cash?
How would you know? Your handlers told you so and you ate it up like so much pablum.

Ever been to a black church? Ever actually listen to teh entirety of wright's quote or do you just hear "God Damn" and get your knickers twisted?

On your way.

“Black theology will accept only a love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”

- James Cone

And that is supposed to prove what?

So all whites are enemies?

That is not what the quote says that is what you are reading into.

You are using a bifurcation logical fallacy strawman, and you are failing.

You lose, again.
because he has fewer voting supporters.

there are fewer wealthy people in this country if you havent noticed

and Obama gets MORE of his campaign funding from those fewer people than he does from non-wealthy people.

How does that make you feel, to know your party is dying because of it?

Both parties are dying. They are both falling into the hands of the fringe elements on both sides and frankly we need a few more parties to make things interesting.
'God’s revelation on earth has always been black, red, or some other shocking shade, but never white.

Whiteness, as revealed in the history of America, is the expression of what is wrong with man. It is a symbol of man’s depravity. God cannot be white even though white churches have portrayed him as white. When we look at what whiteness has done to the minds of men in this country, we can see clearly what the New Testament meant when it spoke of the principalities and powers. To speak of Satan and his powers becomes not just a way of speaking but a fact of reality. When we can see a people who are controlled by an ideology of whiteness, then we know what reconciliation must mean.

The coming of Christ means a denial of what we thought we were. It means destroying the white devil in us. Reconciliation to God means that white people are prepared to deny themselves (whiteness), take up the cross (blackness) and follow Christ (black ghetto).'

- James Cone
You see this why the republicans have to cheat to win elections.

when your candidate cant get small donors it reflects his ability to attract voters.

robmoney is trying to win by pure force of cash

Money can pay for advertising regardless of it's source. advertisements attract voters. And you can buy those whether the money came from a rich man or a poor man or out of your own pocket.

I predict a Romney landslide. I may be wrong. But that's my prediction. And that will happen regarldess of who donates what.
you defend the buying of elections by the wealthy then

Obama campaign raises record sums from the wealthy
By Patrick Martin
15 July 2011

'Proving that President Obama is the first choice of Wall Street and the American super-rich, his reelection campaign announced Wednesday that it had broken all previous records for fundraising, raking in $86 million during the second quarter of this year.'

Obama campaign raises record sums from the wealthy
Romney small donor contributions: $15,660,063

Bachmann small donor contributions: $4,804,219

Cain small donor contributions: $8,929,955

Gingrigh small donor contributions: $11,233,233

Huntsman small donor contributions:$506,084

Paul small donor contributions: $17,955,821

Pawlenty small donor contributions: $581,322

Perry small donor contributions: $1,064,963

Santorum small donor contributions: $11,209,498
Obama has the luxury of being the only Democratic candidate.

Romney had several runners competing for Republican donor cash.
Summary data for Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

wow hes improved his number of small donors from 12% to 13%.

that means 13% of his money come from little guys.

You know regular joes.

Obama number is 43%

your party is NOT the party of the people


According to YOUR SOURCE, Open Secrets, Obama gets 58% of his individual contributions from 'large' contributors.

Source of Funds

Individual Contributions
- Small Individual Contributions
- Large Individual Contributions

$109,557,183 (43%)
$148,100,312 (58%)


PAC Contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






How complete are this candidate's campaign finance reports?
You see this why the republicans have to cheat to win elections.

when your candidate cant get small donors it reflects his ability to attract voters.

robmoney is trying to win by pure force of cash

what does that say when Obama gets MORE money from large donors, as your source says he is? Must reflect his ability to attracts voters... right?

Or does that only apply to those with an R after their names?
I'd rather the wealthy buy elections than the Democrats or the poor, both Democrats and the poor will just take my stuff to win elections.

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