Rock & Roll Legend Carlos Santana Talks about How Christian Faith Saved Him After 7 Suicide Attempts


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Just one of millions of such stories.

Mexican-American musician Carlos Santana revealed how believing in Jesus Christ helped him to overcome the chains of depression. When his wife Deborah left him after 34 years of marriage, suicidal thoughts haunted Santana. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he admitted he attempted suicide seven times. It was only through God's grace that his life was spared, he said.

He explained going to a local church, hearing accusing voices saying his life was very miserable. But it was Jesus' voice that gave him hope to live and brought him renewed joy that he never found in music.

Aside from the breakdown of his marriage life, Santana carried the weight of his turbulent childhood years.

Santana openly talked about growing up in a dysfunctional family where his father abandoned him. At the age of ten, he was repeatedly molested by a friend's father who bribed him into silence. The pedophile's actions instilled guilt and fear in the boy. It had taken years before Santana forgave his molester. With the help of God's grace, the burden of his past was finally lifted.

"I was able to remove the anger by forgiving that man.... Forgiveness, man, forgiveness is incredibly liberating. And I'm here to tell you, with all my heart and spirit, that it can be done. You can be freed," Santana said in an interview with Rolling Stone in October 2008.

Santana came to a point where he realized that his life is in the hands of God, not his own. His dark past helped him to trust in God's plan for his life. His father's abandonment of their family, the family friend who molested him and his tumultuous marriage life made him realize that it is only through God's grace that a man can survive. "You have to go through the darkest night of the soul to get to the brightest light of the day," the 69-year-old guitarist pointed out in an article in Plain Truth.

Many rock musicians are reluctant to talk about their spiritual life, but Santana openly expressed his faith in God. In fact, before concerts, he leads his band in fifteen minutes of prayer. He said it is like a doctor washing his hands before doing surgery.

Santana had a plan to retire as a musician in 2015 to become a pastor. He said he want to help people who are undergoing troubles in their life. He still doesn't know how the plan is going to unfold, but he said: "God is not done with me."

Carlos Santana is a Mexican-American musician who has ten Grammy Awards. He is also number 15 on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. He his name was inaugurated in the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1997. And in 1998, he recognized in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Rock & Roll Legend Carlos Santana Talks about How Christian Faith Saved Him After Seven Suicide Attempts
Just one of millions of such stories.

Mexican-American musician Carlos Santana revealed how believing in Jesus Christ helped him to overcome the chains of depression. When his wife Deborah left him after 34 years of marriage, suicidal thoughts haunted Santana. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he admitted he attempted suicide seven times. It was only through God's grace that his life was spared, he said.

He explained going to a local church, hearing accusing voices saying his life was very miserable. But it was Jesus' voice that gave him hope to live and brought him renewed joy that he never found in music.

Aside from the breakdown of his marriage life, Santana carried the weight of his turbulent childhood years.

Santana openly talked about growing up in a dysfunctional family where his father abandoned him. At the age of ten, he was repeatedly molested by a friend's father who bribed him into silence. The pedophile's actions instilled guilt and fear in the boy. It had taken years before Santana forgave his molester. With the help of God's grace, the burden of his past was finally lifted.

"I was able to remove the anger by forgiving that man.... Forgiveness, man, forgiveness is incredibly liberating. And I'm here to tell you, with all my heart and spirit, that it can be done. You can be freed," Santana said in an interview with Rolling Stone in October 2008.

Santana came to a point where he realized that his life is in the hands of God, not his own. His dark past helped him to trust in God's plan for his life. His father's abandonment of their family, the family friend who molested him and his tumultuous marriage life made him realize that it is only through God's grace that a man can survive. "You have to go through the darkest night of the soul to get to the brightest light of the day," the 69-year-old guitarist pointed out in an article in Plain Truth.

Many rock musicians are reluctant to talk about their spiritual life, but Santana openly expressed his faith in God. In fact, before concerts, he leads his band in fifteen minutes of prayer. He said it is like a doctor washing his hands before doing surgery.

Santana had a plan to retire as a musician in 2015 to become a pastor. He said he want to help people who are undergoing troubles in their life. He still doesn't know how the plan is going to unfold, but he said: "God is not done with me."

Carlos Santana is a Mexican-American musician who has ten Grammy Awards. He is also number 15 on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. He his name was inaugurated in the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1997. And in 1998, he recognized in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Rock & Roll Legend Carlos Santana Talks about How Christian Faith Saved Him After Seven Suicide Attempts

Life is full of near misses and lots of bad shit happens to everyone drawing breath. Some among us attribute survival against overwhelming odds to luck or personal resourcefulness, but deep inside we all arrive at a time when we just know the big Man upstairs bailed our asses out of the fire one more time. After enough soul searching and such realizations, many of us have no problem giving thanks (verbally and in company) where thanks is really due. Eyes to the skies and all that.
ā€œThere were seven times,ā€ Santana related in an October 16, 2008 interview with Rolling Stone, ā€œseven times when suicide was knocking. It got to the point where I really thought that death would be sweeter than pain. But each time I would go light up a candle, and Iā€™m still hearing all this inner stuff, a thousand voices screaming at you, accusing you, like, ā€˜Youā€™re the lowest, youā€™re not worthy of anything or anyone around you.ā€™ But then I would look at a picture of Jesus and say, ā€˜Help me,ā€™ and then, very clearly, inwardly, I would hear this one voice thatā€™s softer and louder than all the others, and it would say, ā€˜I
Santana clawed his way out of a wretched am sitting next to you. Isnā€™t that enough?ā€™ Once I heard that voice, something would shift, and Iā€™d be able to find joy againā€¦.ā€

So the article about how he attempted suicide is not right, in that he thought of suicide 7 times.

Ideation about suicide is quite common. Good he had something to hold him back from attempting suicide and being successful.
ā€œThere were seven times,ā€ Santana related in an October 16, 2008 interview with Rolling Stone, ā€œseven times when suicide was knocking. It got to the point where I really thought that death would be sweeter than pain. But each time I would go light up a candle, and Iā€™m still hearing all this inner stuff, a thousand voices screaming at you, accusing you, like, ā€˜Youā€™re the lowest, youā€™re not worthy of anything or anyone around you.ā€™ But then I would look at a picture of Jesus and say, ā€˜Help me,ā€™ and then, very clearly, inwardly, I would hear this one voice thatā€™s softer and louder than all the others, and it would say, ā€˜I
Santana clawed his way out of a wretched am sitting next to you. Isnā€™t that enough?ā€™ Once I heard that voice, something would shift, and Iā€™d be able to find joy againā€¦.ā€

So the article about how he attempted suicide is not right, in that he thought of suicide 7 times.

Ideation about suicide is quite common. Good he had something to hold him back from attempting suicide and being successful.
Thanks for the input from the demons.
I remember Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. The Grateful Dead had been jamming the same damn song for three hours and finally got booed off the stage. Santana and band followed in what was their national debut and figuratively burned the stage to the ground. Definitely woke up the crowd.

Good to see he escaped the madness born in that era.

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