Rodney King found dead

It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded gossip, for they speak of persons instead of things
Decent people and Rodney King don't belong in the same sentence. King was a criminal scum who liked to beat up women and men who looked like women. His death is unremarkable except to the people he won't be beating up anymore. In that case, it's celebratory. HOORAY another druggie bites the dust, or in this case the water.

RK understood about mistakes and trying to do right. RK is the better person than katzndogz, who is the real scumbag here in comparison. katzndogz' death will be simpy forgettable.

Trying to do right to a libeal is beating up women and transsexuals. Getting high on drugs, and committing various petty larcenies. That's what libs find as doing right.

That's what I thought all along.
Decent people and Rodney King don't belong in the same sentence. King was a criminal scum who liked to beat up women and men who looked like women. His death is unremarkable except to the people he won't be beating up anymore. In that case, it's celebratory. HOORAY another druggie bites the dust, or in this case the water.

RK understood about mistakes and trying to do right. RK is the better person than katzndogz, who is the real scumbag here in comparison. katzndogz' death will be simpy forgettable.
Trying to do right to a libeal is beating up women and transsexuals. Getting high on drugs, and committing various petty larcenies. That's what libs find as doing right. That's what I thought all along.

The man was a physical crook and tried to do his best to change his way. You are a moral crook, and apparently that is not going to change in your life. Very, very sad. You will be missed by almost no one if you continue on this way.
The far right here are as scummy as the far left, just better organized.
53 people were murdered, over 2,000 were victims of assault and a Billion dollars of damage while the grinning fools in the liberal media laughed all the way to the bank.

How was this the media's fault, exactly?

The problem here was that everyone assumed, based on that video, these cops would be convicted. But the prosecutors made the idiotic decision to try them in Simi Valley instead of Los Angeles, where the crime happened.

Now, in fair defense to the cops, King was almost definitely on PCP, and they actually did follow the procedures, which called for six steps in subduing a subject, of which "whacking him with a club" was number 5.

But there was an expectation of justice that didn't happen in the state trial. (Even the federal trial acquitted two of the officers and gave the other two minor sentences.)

King was a seriously damaged person, without a doubt. And we can have all sorts of recriminations about whether it was the "Welfare state" or "institutionalized racism", but the fact is, the guy made all his own bad decisions. Too bad so many others suffered for his bad choices as well.
Rodney King:

The guy that taught LAPD that if you choose to give an obnoxious, inebriated criminal a beat-down, then don't do it in public.
The King riots proved a couple of things. The reckless liberal media is ready and willing to promote anarchy if the issue is "right". The media justifiably urged caution and restraint when 3,000 people were murdered by Muslem jihadists but they urged violence when the victim was Black and the video was artistic enough to be shown over and over and over and over until the hatred erupted. The 2nd thing is the obvious concept that the Police can't be everywhere and if a big enough turd hits the fan don't count on police protection. Korean business people protected their property with legally owned weapons while 55 people were murdered on the streets, in their homes and at their businesses..
The street thug who sparked a riot in 1991 after the media showed an amateur video over and over and over again of him being beaten by Police was found dead in a swimming pool.

Regardless if he was a street thug or not, he was a person first.

The riots were horrific to watch on TV.

However Rodney King did not start the riots, the rioters started the riots and they are responsible for their actions.

Can we all just get along, dammit?

Rot in hell, Rodney.

Drowned in a swimming pool paid for by taxpayer dollars awarded in a corrupt trial to a career criminal.
Only in America.

I never feel that bad for criminals who are tazed, but the video speaks volumes. Career criminal or not, the Police continued beating him after he could no longer fight back. It is their fault not Rodney's.
Rot in hell, Rodney.

Drowned in a swimming pool paid for by taxpayer dollars awarded in a corrupt trial to a career criminal.
Only in America.

I never feel that bad for criminals who are tazed, but the video speaks volumes. Career criminal or not, the Police continued beating him after he could no longer fight back. It is their fault not Rodney's.

Except that he was so high on PCP that tazing and being hit with a club didn't phase him.

And that was the problem. The police followed procedure. They only resorted to clubs when the first four steps , which included verbal commands, trying to physically restrain him, and tazing- failed to work because he was so pumped up on PCP, and spending a few years in the prison weight room didn't help, either.
Rot in hell, Rodney.

Drowned in a swimming pool paid for by taxpayer dollars awarded in a corrupt trial to a career criminal.
Only in America.

I never feel that bad for criminals who are tazed, but the video speaks volumes. Career criminal or not, the Police continued beating him after he could no longer fight back. It is their fault not Rodney's.

Except that he was so high on PCP that tazing and being hit with a club didn't phase him.

And that was the problem. The police followed procedure. They only resorted to clubs when the first four steps , which included verbal commands, trying to physically restrain him, and tazing- failed to work because he was so pumped up on PCP, and spending a few years in the prison weight room didn't help, either.

Did King state that? No. That came from the LAPD and no one else.
Rodney King. He was kind of a black everyman.

I mean, seriously. Retrace this guy's life and count how many times you find "TNB". He managed to blow through a fortune, MC Hammer style. He even died BY DROWNING because blacks can't swim! The only thing missing was a freakin' KFC endorsement.

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