Roe v Wade at stake, these 5 Senators hold key as Dems try to stump Trump Supreme Court pick


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democrats on Capitol Hill are already working to block President Trump’s potential nominee for the Supreme Court. And it’s no surprise the battle lines are forming around an issue that’s core to both sides – abortion. Pro-lifers see an opportunity to overturn Roe v Wade, and abortion supporters are very worried that could happen, so both side are using the issue to fire up their bases.

Roe v Wade at Stake, These 5 Senators Hold Key as Dems Try to Stump Trump Supreme Court Pick

Half the hippy asses don't even realize that there was no abortion even done in this Roe v Wade ordeal.
I would love to see abortion on demand come to an end but it's not likely. People are quite comfortable with the slaughter of the unborn.

I have hope for more restrictions on abortion and defunding Planned Parenthood. I'm not giving up.
I would love to see abortion on demand come to an end but it's not likely. People are quite comfortable with the slaughter of the unborn.

I have hope for more restrictions on abortion and defunding Planned Parenthood. I'm not giving up.

Don’t give up. We’ve basically won. Turn off the TV.
I would love to see abortion on demand come to an end but it's not likely. People are quite comfortable with the slaughter of the unborn.

I have hope for more restrictions on abortion and defunding Planned Parenthood. I'm not giving up.

Don’t give up. We’ve basically won. Turn off the TV.
SCUTUS had better kick the issue back to the states! Red states do their thing... blue theirs. I hope and expect the real partisan squabbles to be confined to the states. SCOTUS deciding what should be the purview of the states strikes at the very fabric of our Constitutional protection from Federal Gov. overreach. Roe v Wade, in the 1st place, is obviously this sort of infringement on state's rights. IMHO lol
The tigger is never ever wrong predictions.....the two GOP women will opt out, but the cowardly democrats will fill the void...we always play ball with the corrupt GOP, because democrats are only loyal to their pockets and their seat and will do what ever it takes to keep it.
Every single time white people speed forward to protect themselves from always comes back 10 fold

You had slavery and now every white woman with a open vagina is hooked on negro meat...that worked out fine, yes?
You tried segregation and now there's not one area in this nation, you won't find a negro, not one, that worked out too, yes
You tired AA and every white women you tried keepin bare foot and pregnant benefitted from it, leaving you home to cook the bacon....that one worked out to, yes?
You tried electing a black guy to the white house and every bigot from here to Kalamazoo emerged from the under ground and we now have Trump as a get even tool
You tried the GOP to curve spending and they'll do the most always
I personally can't think of one thing white people have come up with, that's worked on thier behalf!!

Maybe one....Lice is exclusive to head mops
Democrats on Capitol Hill are already working to block President Trump’s potential nominee for the Supreme Court. And it’s no surprise the battle lines are forming around an issue that’s core to both sides – abortion. Pro-lifers see an opportunity to overturn Roe v Wade, and abortion supporters are very worried that could happen, so both side are using the issue to fire up their bases.

Roe v Wade at Stake, These 5 Senators Hold Key as Dems Try to Stump Trump Supreme Court Pick

Half the hippy asses don't even realize that there was no abortion even done in this Roe v Wade ordeal.

It's amazing that three states have very close elections and marginally vote for Trump, which changes the whole course of the country.

It's rather bizarre. What's more worrying is that people don't seem to care about democracy in any way. Just getting what they want.

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