Trust in Supreme Court fell to lowest point in 50 years after abortion decision


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
Thank's a lot, Republicans, I hope you feel better now that you've totally destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court

A 6/3 conservative court, plus a pervy corrupt Justice Thomas, a petty Justice Kavanaugh, and "corporations are people" Justice Kennedy, and Scalia's reinterpretation decoupling the two clauses of second amendment (for the first time in history) and Gorsuch's 'Justices should not be concerned about the outcome of their rulings' (WTF? Last time I checked, 'justice' is an outcome, and if you are not concerned about justice, why are you a 'JUSTICE'? ) are not good for America.

Shelby County v. Holder, Gutted the provision that required preclearance requirements, assuming the nation has evolved enough that it wasn't needed. No sooner than the ink dried did Republicans gerrymander districts accross the land and in many states they put more hurdles between the voter and the ballot box especially in minority neighborhoods and colleges.

Citizen's United v FEC. What -- money is speech? No, money is POWER. WTFU. CU v FEC opened the floodgates for massive amounts of money to flow into the political system, allowing wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups to exert undue influence on elections. They assert that the ruling has led to an increase in the power of money in politics, potentially drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens.

Rucho v. Common Cause. Gerrymandering? Let 'er rip, no problem.

And now Dobbs. Big ass honkin' boo boo, which paved the way for more one more states banning or near banning abortions.

The majority has had enough of your 'tyranny of the minority', which was NEVER part of any of founders/framers intent, by the way.

Dems are going to kick your butts in 2024. Hey, a dem just won the mayorship of Jackson Mississippi, for the first time in 30 years! The times they are a changin'.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confidence in the Supreme Court sank to its lowest point in at least 50 years in 2022 in the wake of the Dobbs decision that led to state bans and other restrictions on abortion, a major trends survey shows.

The divide between Democrats and Republicans over support for abortion rights also was the largest ever in 2022, according to the General Social Survey. The long-running and widely respected survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago has been measuring confidence in the court since 1973, the same year that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.

In the 2022 survey, just 18% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence in the court, down from 26% in 2021, and 36% said they had hardly any, up from 21%. Another 46% said they have “only some” confidence in the most recent survey.

The drastic change was concentrated among women, Democrats and those who say a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one “for any reason,” the survey shows.
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I'd be careful with destroying respect for that court. Once that court's decisions lose the respect of the states, the collapse of the rule of law will shortly follow. For those from Rio Linda - that means conservatives and red states will begin to act like you Democrats. From there, it just gets waaay ugly...
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer roared Wednesday to a crowd of protesters angry over a Louisiana case before the court that threatens abortion rights. "You won't know what hit if you go forward with these awful decisions." ~ Senator Chuck Schumer March 5, 2020
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer roared Wednesday to a crowd of protesters angry over a Louisiana case before the court that threatens abortion rights. "You won't know what hit if you go forward with these awful decisions." ~ Senator Chuck Schumer March 5, 2020

that's pretty much what I'm saying. He's referring to how the right wing court will affect the ballot in future elections.
I'd be careful with destroying respect for that court. Once that court's decisions lose the respect of the states, the collapse of the rule of law will shortly follow. For those from Rio Linda - that means conservatives and red states will begin to act like you Democrats. From there, it just gets waaay ugly...

I'm not destroying it, Republicans are with their lopsiding the court 6/3 conservative.
Rumpole at the keyboard.

Thank's a lot, Republicans, I hope you feel better now that you've totally destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court

A 6/3 conservative court, plus a pervy corrupt Justice Thomas, a petty Justice Kavanaugh, and "corporations are people" Justice Kennedy, and Scalia's reinterpretation decoupling the two clauses of second amendment (for the first time in history) and Gorsuch's 'Justices should not be concerned about the outcome of their rulings' (WTF? Last time I checked, 'justice' is an outcome, and if you are not concerned about justice, why are you a 'JUSTICE'? ) are not good for America.

Shelby County v. Holder, Gutted the provision that required preclearance requirements, assuming the nation has evolved enough that it wasn't needed. No sooner than the ink dried did Republicans gerrymander districts accross the land and in many states they put more hurdles between the voter and the ballot box especially in minority neighborhoods and colleges.

Citizen's United v FEC. What -- money is speech? No, money is POWER. WTFU. CU v FEC opened the floodgates for massive amounts of money to flow into the political system, allowing wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups to exert undue influence on elections. They assert that the ruling has led to an increase in the power of money in politics, potentially drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens.

Rucho v. Common Cause. Gerrymandering? Let 'er rip, no problem.

And now Dobbs. Big ass honkin' boo boo, which paved the way for more one more states banning or near banning abortions.

The majority has had enough of your 'tyranny of the minority', which was NEVER part of any of founders/framers intent, by the way.

Dems are going to kick your butts in 2024. Hey, a dem just won the mayorship of Jackson Mississippi, for the first time in 30 years! The times they are a changin'.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confidence in the Supreme Court sank to its lowest point in at least 50 years in 2022 in the wake of the Dobbs decision that led to state bans and other restrictions on abortion, a major trends survey shows.

The divide between Democrats and Republicans over support for abortion rights also was the largest ever in 2022, according to the General Social Survey. The long-running and widely respected survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago has been measuring confidence in the court since 1973, the same year that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.

In the 2022 survey, just 18% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence in the court, down from 26% in 2021, and 36% said they had hardly any, up from 21%. Another 46% said they have “only some” confidence in the most recent survey.

The drastic change was concentrated among women, Democrats and those who say a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one “for any reason,” the survey shows.

That's what happens when the supreme court starts stripping people of rights.
This is what happens when you proclaim a judicial philosophy to get confirmed, then shit all over it once you get in.

This is what happens when you treat the Court as a way to get rich through undisclosed payouts to your wives.

This is what happens when you overturn longstanding precedents purely for political reasons.

This is what happens when you rail against activist judges, then become one once confirmed.

This is what happens when you select a President, then rule that the decision cannot be used as precedent.
This is what happens when you proclaim a judicial philosophy to get confirmed, then shit all over it once you get in.

This is what happens when you treat the Court as a way to get rich through undisclosed payouts to your wives.

This is what happens when you overturn longstanding precedents purely for political reasons.

This is what happens when you rail against activist judges, then become one once confirmed.

This is what happens when you select a President, then rule that the decision cannot be used as precedent.

Yeah, at least 3 of the judges lied their asses off to secure their seat at the bench.

Lying so you can strip people of rights does not encourage trust.
Thank's a lot, Republicans, I hope you feel better now that you've totally destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court

A 6/3 conservative court, plus a pervy corrupt Justice Thomas, a petty Justice Kavanaugh, and "corporations are people" Justice Kennedy, and Scalia's reinterpretation decoupling the two clauses of second amendment (for the first time in history) and Gorsuch's 'Justices should not be concerned about the outcome of their rulings' (WTF? Last time I checked, 'justice' is an outcome, and if you are not concerned about justice, why are you a 'JUSTICE'? ) are not good for America.

Shelby County v. Holder, Gutted the provision that required preclearance requirements, assuming the nation has evolved enough that it wasn't needed. No sooner than the ink dried did Republicans gerrymander districts accross the land and in many states they put more hurdles between the voter and the ballot box especially in minority neighborhoods and colleges.

Citizen's United v FEC. What -- money is speech? No, money is POWER. WTFU. CU v FEC opened the floodgates for massive amounts of money to flow into the political system, allowing wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups to exert undue influence on elections. They assert that the ruling has led to an increase in the power of money in politics, potentially drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens.

Rucho v. Common Cause. Gerrymandering? Let 'er rip, no problem.

And now Dobbs. Big ass honkin' boo boo, which paved the way for more one more states banning or near banning abortions.

The majority has had enough of your 'tyranny of the minority', which was NEVER part of any of founders/framers intent, by the way.

Dems are going to kick your butts in 2024. Hey, a dem just won the mayorship of Jackson Mississippi, for the first time in 30 years! The times they are a changin'.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confidence in the Supreme Court sank to its lowest point in at least 50 years in 2022 in the wake of the Dobbs decision that led to state bans and other restrictions on abortion, a major trends survey shows.

The divide between Democrats and Republicans over support for abortion rights also was the largest ever in 2022, according to the General Social Survey. The long-running and widely respected survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago has been measuring confidence in the court since 1973, the same year that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.

In the 2022 survey, just 18% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence in the court, down from 26% in 2021, and 36% said they had hardly any, up from 21%. Another 46% said they have “only some” confidence in the most recent survey.

The drastic change was concentrated among women, Democrats and those who say a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one “for any reason,” the survey shows.

We get it,you hate the constitution.
Thank's a lot, Republicans, I hope you feel better now that you've totally destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court

A 6/3 conservative court, plus a pervy corrupt Justice Thomas, a petty Justice Kavanaugh, and "corporations are people" Justice Kennedy, and Scalia's reinterpretation decoupling the two clauses of second amendment (for the first time in history) and Gorsuch's 'Justices should not be concerned about the outcome of their rulings' (WTF? Last time I checked, 'justice' is an outcome, and if you are not concerned about justice, why are you a 'JUSTICE'? ) are not good for America.

Shelby County v. Holder, Gutted the provision that required preclearance requirements, assuming the nation has evolved enough that it wasn't needed. No sooner than the ink dried did Republicans gerrymander districts accross the land and in many states they put more hurdles between the voter and the ballot box especially in minority neighborhoods and colleges.

Citizen's United v FEC. What -- money is speech? No, money is POWER. WTFU. CU v FEC opened the floodgates for massive amounts of money to flow into the political system, allowing wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups to exert undue influence on elections. They assert that the ruling has led to an increase in the power of money in politics, potentially drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens.

Rucho v. Common Cause. Gerrymandering? Let 'er rip, no problem.

And now Dobbs. Big ass honkin' boo boo, which paved the way for more one more states banning or near banning abortions.

The majority has had enough of your 'tyranny of the minority', which was NEVER part of any of founders/framers intent, by the way.

Dems are going to kick your butts in 2024. Hey, a dem just won the mayorship of Jackson Mississippi, for the first time in 30 years! The times they are a changin'.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confidence in the Supreme Court sank to its lowest point in at least 50 years in 2022 in the wake of the Dobbs decision that led to state bans and other restrictions on abortion, a major trends survey shows.

The divide between Democrats and Republicans over support for abortion rights also was the largest ever in 2022, according to the General Social Survey. The long-running and widely respected survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago has been measuring confidence in the court since 1973, the same year that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.

In the 2022 survey, just 18% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence in the court, down from 26% in 2021, and 36% said they had hardly any, up from 21%. Another 46% said they have “only some” confidence in the most recent survey.

The drastic change was concentrated among women, Democrats and those who say a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one “for any reason,” the survey shows.
The Supreme Court is supposed to make decisions based on the law, not public opinion.
Well, we dems didn't vote for a guy who tried (and failed) to destroy democracy.

So, your point is null.

And the guy that called for the termination of the constitution.

Nothing says 'love of the constitution' like calling for its termination
Thank's a lot, Republicans, I hope you feel better now that you've totally destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court

A 6/3 conservative court, plus a pervy corrupt Justice Thomas, a petty Justice Kavanaugh, and "corporations are people" Justice Kennedy, and Scalia's reinterpretation decoupling the two clauses of second amendment (for the first time in history) and Gorsuch's 'Justices should not be concerned about the outcome of their rulings' (WTF? Last time I checked, 'justice' is an outcome, and if you are not concerned about justice, why are you a 'JUSTICE'? ) are not good for America.

Shelby County v. Holder, Gutted the provision that required preclearance requirements, assuming the nation has evolved enough that it wasn't needed. No sooner than the ink dried did Republicans gerrymander districts accross the land and in many states they put more hurdles between the voter and the ballot box especially in minority neighborhoods and colleges.

Citizen's United v FEC. What -- money is speech? No, money is POWER. WTFU. CU v FEC opened the floodgates for massive amounts of money to flow into the political system, allowing wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups to exert undue influence on elections. They assert that the ruling has led to an increase in the power of money in politics, potentially drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens.

Rucho v. Common Cause. Gerrymandering? Let 'er rip, no problem.

And now Dobbs. Big ass honkin' boo boo, which paved the way for more one more states banning or near banning abortions.

The majority has had enough of your 'tyranny of the minority', which was NEVER part of any of founders/framers intent, by the way.

Dems are going to kick your butts in 2024. Hey, a dem just won the mayorship of Jackson Mississippi, for the first time in 30 years! The times they are a changin'.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confidence in the Supreme Court sank to its lowest point in at least 50 years in 2022 in the wake of the Dobbs decision that led to state bans and other restrictions on abortion, a major trends survey shows.

The divide between Democrats and Republicans over support for abortion rights also was the largest ever in 2022, according to the General Social Survey. The long-running and widely respected survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago has been measuring confidence in the court since 1973, the same year that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.

In the 2022 survey, just 18% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence in the court, down from 26% in 2021, and 36% said they had hardly any, up from 21%. Another 46% said they have “only some” confidence in the most recent survey.

The drastic change was concentrated among women, Democrats and those who say a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one “for any reason,” the survey shows.
Interesting that a group who's current sole purpose is to thwart the will of U.S. citizens would have such a low approval rating
Thank's a lot, Republicans, I hope you feel better now that you've totally destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court

A 6/3 conservative court, plus a pervy corrupt Justice Thomas, a petty Justice Kavanaugh, and "corporations are people" Justice Kennedy, and Scalia's reinterpretation decoupling the two clauses of second amendment (for the first time in history) and Gorsuch's 'Justices should not be concerned about the outcome of their rulings' (WTF? Last time I checked, 'justice' is an outcome, and if you are not concerned about justice, why are you a 'JUSTICE'? ) are not good for America.

Shelby County v. Holder, Gutted the provision that required preclearance requirements, assuming the nation has evolved enough that it wasn't needed. No sooner than the ink dried did Republicans gerrymander districts accross the land and in many states they put more hurdles between the voter and the ballot box especially in minority neighborhoods and colleges.

Citizen's United v FEC. What -- money is speech? No, money is POWER. WTFU. CU v FEC opened the floodgates for massive amounts of money to flow into the political system, allowing wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups to exert undue influence on elections. They assert that the ruling has led to an increase in the power of money in politics, potentially drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens.

Rucho v. Common Cause. Gerrymandering? Let 'er rip, no problem.

And now Dobbs. Big ass honkin' boo boo, which paved the way for more one more states banning or near banning abortions.

The majority has had enough of your 'tyranny of the minority', which was NEVER part of any of founders/framers intent, by the way.

Dems are going to kick your butts in 2024. Hey, a dem just won the mayorship of Jackson Mississippi, for the first time in 30 years! The times they are a changin'.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confidence in the Supreme Court sank to its lowest point in at least 50 years in 2022 in the wake of the Dobbs decision that led to state bans and other restrictions on abortion, a major trends survey shows.

The divide between Democrats and Republicans over support for abortion rights also was the largest ever in 2022, according to the General Social Survey. The long-running and widely respected survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago has been measuring confidence in the court since 1973, the same year that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.

In the 2022 survey, just 18% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence in the court, down from 26% in 2021, and 36% said they had hardly any, up from 21%. Another 46% said they have “only some” confidence in the most recent survey.

The drastic change was concentrated among women, Democrats and those who say a woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one “for any reason,” the survey shows.
Makes sense when you alienate half the population and tell them the state now has control over their own bodies. Someone’s going to be more pissed.

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