Zone1 Candace Owens Becomes Catholic

Here's why I'm not a Catholic.

1982, my mom had cancer. She was a well liked art teacher in the parish. The whole parish prayed for her to get better. I prayed.

She died anyway.

No God.

No point pretending there is one to "feel better" about the inevitability of death.

Certainly stupid to turn a blind eye to all the evils of the Church (misogyny, child molestation, collaboration with Nazis, etc. etc. ) so I can feel better about dying.
The problem is you told God how to answer your prayer. You don't know the big picture. 50 years ago, this spring, I got suspended from school for three days for fighting. I prayed that I wouldn't be suspended, but I was. And I needed to be. It taught me a valuable lesson. God knew the big picture far more than I did. Sure,you can put in your two cents, but God's will always make sure the best result happens when you pray. The better prayer would have been to ask that everything turn out for the best for you, your mom, and your family.

The statement about collaboration with the Nazis is a lie, pure and simple.

As I asked before, are you equally hard on irreligious institutions that have far more child molestation, thievery, and corruption than a few people in the Catholic church? Godless public schools have far more and far greater per capita child molestations than the in RCC. Do you come out against them as inherently evil like you do the Church? Something tells me you don't.
The problem is you told God how to answer your prayer. You don't know the big picture. 50 years ago, this spring, I got suspended from school for three days for fighting. I prayed that I wouldn't be suspended, but I was. And I needed to be. It taught me a valuable lesson. God knew the big picture far more than I did. Sure,you can put in your two cents, but God's will always make sure the best result happens when you pray. The better prayer would have been to ask that everything turn out for the best for you, your mom, and your family.

Why, yes, I see it now. My Mom dying is definitely on the same level as you getting detention.

I'd have a few other choice words for you but this is zone one.

The statement about collaboration with the Nazis is a lie, pure and simple.

No, it isn't. Here's some educational reading for you.

As I asked before, are you equally hard on irreligious institutions that have far more child molestation, thievery, and corruption than a few people in the Catholic church? Godless public schools have far more and far greater per capita child molestations than the in RCC. Do you come out against them as inherently evil like you do the Church? Something tells me you don't.

No institution is as corrupt or evil as the Catholic Church.
I'd have a few other choice words for you but this is zone one.
I think you missed his point. Prayer isn't a to do list for God. It's how you achieve inner peace which you are clearly in need of.

Everything living is born to die so the flesh is of no avail. If it were, you wouldn't die.
I think you missed his point. Prayer isn't a to do list for God. It's how you achieve inner peace which you are clearly in need of.

Everything living is born to die so the flesh is of no avail. If it were, you wouldn't die.
Then really, what good is it?

Why, yes, I see it now. My Mom dying is definitely on the same level as you getting detention.

I'd have a few other choice words for you but this is zone one.
Why do you think death is a bad thing?

No, it isn't. Here's some educational reading for you.

Hitler murdered clergy and closed churches. To claim he was allied with the church is beyond preposterous.
The Nazis feared St. Pope Pius.
No institution is as corrupt or evil as the Catholic Church.
Jesus' church is perfect.
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It works just fine. It forces me to deal with problems as they are, not hoping for a magic sky pixie to fic the problem in an afterlife that never happens.
167,500 posts tell me you aren't really dealing with your problems.
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167,500 posts tell me you aren't really dealing with your problems.

Um, so I post 167K messages over 13 years (and average of about 35 posts a day) on a variety of subjects, indicates what?

There are three current posters who have posted more. Do you think they have "issues", too?
Why do you think death is a bad thing?

because you cease to exist. Duh!

Hitler murdered clergy and closed churches. To claim he was allied with the church is beyond preposterous.
The Nazis feared St. Pope Pius.

Except the Church provided the Wehrmacht with Chaplains,
And provided guys like Eichman and Mengele "ratlines" to escape justice.
Let's not forget Jozef Tizo, the Catholic Priest who served as President of the Puppet Slovak Republic


He helped deport or exterminate 2/3rd of Slovakia's Jews.

Jesus' church is perfect.
Except for the inquisitions, crusades, religious wars, collaboration with horrible government (including the Nazis), child abuse and molestation.

My favorite is still the Cadaver Synod. That's when Pope Stephen VI dug up Pope Formosus and put him on trial.

All of that assumes there is no purpose for existence/creation. If Epicurus knew the purpose of existence/creation, he wouldn't have needed to ask why call him God.
Perhaps there is no "purpose", creation just is.

Perhaps Earth is the only place where sentient life even exists.

The scope of the universe makes the notion of the Christian God more ridiculous, not less.
Except the Church provided the Wehrmacht with Chaplains,
And provided guys like Eichman and Mengele "ratlines" to escape justice.
Let's not forget Jozef Tizo, the Catholic Priest who served as President of the Puppet Slovak Republic
Are you suggesting these are the reasons people should not be Catholic? (Not to mention that a Catholic may something stupid to a grieving person?)

If so, isn't that like suggesting that no one should learn to draw and paint or use a camera lest they begin illustrating child pornography; no one should learn to fly lest they crash; no one should have children lest they become upset and drown them? And so on. That is all you got out of a dozen years in Catholic school? received a better education than you would have in public school. Ironic they taught everything so well except Catholicism, isn't it.
Are you suggesting these are the reasons people should not be Catholic? (Not to mention that a Catholic may something stupid to a grieving person?)

If so, isn't that like suggesting that no one should learn to draw and paint or use a camera lest they begin illustrating child pornography; no one should learn to fly lest they crash; no one should have children lest they become upset and drown them? And so on. That is all you got out of a dozen years in Catholic school? received a better education than you would have in public school. Ironic they taught everything so well except Catholicism, isn't it.

Yes, I think all the evil stuff the Catholic Church has been up to for the last 2000 years is a good reason to reject them as a moral guide. I've never tortured a heretic, burned a witch, collaborated with a Nazi or molested an altar boy, yet I've managed to stay moral without any guidance from the Perverts in Rome.

All I got out of 12 years of Catholic School was a lot of guilt-tripping before I realized they were utterly full of crap and could safely be ignored.
Oh, no, about half of them were "Send us money!!!"

It was always about the money with these people.
Amazing! A Catholic parish has bills, teachers to pay, the poor to care for, and--not being entrepreneurs--is reduced to begging for money. Let's return to guilt. Could it be the Church does not induce guilt but is the place to heal guilt that is already present? How can anyone miss this basic fact about Christ's life, that sins are forgiven and there is no need for the guilt we heap upon ourselves? Church is the place where people can shed guilt already present in their lives, and be assured that guilt is over and done with.
i was raised catholic....i left that cult as soon as i was able too...jordan peterson?...who gives a flying fuck what he thinks?....oh sorry i guess you do....
Why? Too many rules like you don't find, feel f**k and forget? Or did you get kiddy fiddled by a (statistically few) priest? The morality not your thing?

Why? Too many rules like you don't find, feel f**k and forget? Or did you get kiddy fiddled by a (statistically few) priest? The morality not your thing?

nope, to many closed minded assholes like yourself, who instead of discussing questions asked,made comments like you just made....fuck your fucking cult...
Amazing! A Catholic parish has bills, teachers to pay, the poor to care for, and--not being entrepreneurs--is reduced to begging for money. Let's return to guilt. Could it be the Church does not induce guilt but is the place to heal guilt that is already present? How can anyone miss this basic fact about Christ's life, that sins are forgiven and there is no need for the guilt we heap upon ourselves? Church is the place where people can shed guilt already present in their lives, and be assured that guilt is over and done with.
Sounds pretty close to selling indulgences to me.
Oh, wait, the Church did that. It's why Marty nailed the thesis to the door.

No one should feel guilty about having feelings.

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