Zone1 Candace Owens Becomes Catholic

A far greater percentage of the irreligious are bad people.
by what standard?

10% is quite a lot. That;s 17,000 posts.
Um, not really. I am a pretty prolific writer. In addition to what I do here, I've written thousands of resumes for clients and a few dozen short stories. Not to mention tens of thousands of emails I've written.
Nope. Trolling. Just like you're doing on this thread.

Nope. All opinions are welcome, at least that's what USMB claims on their banner.

Ah the typical atheist pivot from Christianity to Islam. How many times have I seen that?
I don't see much of a difference other than Xians aren't allowed to impose their views on the rest of us.
by what standard?
By the standard of morality, decency, honesty.

Um, not really. I am a pretty prolific writer. In addition to what I do here, I've written thousands of resumes for clients and a few dozen short stories. Not to mention tens of thousands of emails I've written.
Takes a lot of time to average 35 posts a day, and that doesn't include monitoring for new responses, which takes even more time. And then there's the thinking about it when you're offline.

Nope. All opinions are welcome, at least that's what USMB claims on their banner.
Nobody ever disputed that.
I don't see much of a difference other than Xians aren't allowed to impose their views on the rest of us.
Yet you're fine with atheists imposing your views on the rest of us.
Um, not really. I am a pretty prolific writer. In addition to what I do here, I've written thousands of resumes for clients and a few dozen short stories. Not to mention tens of thousands of emails I've written.

Yeah, that's all well and good but you say um too much.

Just thinking out loud as I flip through here...
By the standard of morality, decency, honesty.
Frankly, my experience is most God Botherers are none of these things

Takes a lot of time to average 35 posts a day, and that doesn't include monitoring for new responses, which takes even more time. And then there's the thinking about it when you're offline.
Hmmm...I probably spend too much time here, but that's kind of my business.

Nobody ever disputed that.
Well, you seem to think it's awful the top posters are liberals.

Yet you're fine with atheists imposing your views on the rest of us.
Not at all. I don't think the government should shut down your Fraud Churches.

But no one should be restricted in what kind of family planning or marriage they should have because you're a stuck up religious twit.
Frankly, my experience is most God Botherers are none of these things
I think it's your attitude going in, reflected in your disparaging nic for Christians. Christianity is what you make it. I doubt if you interact with very many people who are practicing Christians to know how they are. Maybe you're observing the fake ones like Biden and Pelosi
Hmmm...I probably spend too much time here, but that's kind of my business.

Exactly. USMB is your 'church' now.
Well, you seem to think it's awful the top posters are liberals.
I just find it interesting the big participants of the Church of the USMB are the same people who hate Catholics. This is their church now.
Not at all. I don't think the government should shut down your Fraud Churches.

But no one should be restricted in what kind of family planning or marriage they should have because you're a stuck up religious twit.
Again, you think I should pay my taxpayer dollars for your atheist goals like abortion and birth control on demand.
I think it's your attitude going in, reflected in your disparaging nic for Christians. Christianity is what you make it. I doubt if you interact with very many people who are practicing Christians to know how they are. Maybe you're observing the fake ones like Biden and Pelosi

Most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.

I just find it interesting the big participants of the Church of the USMB are the same people who hate Catholics. This is their church now.

USMB is a church now?

Again, you think I should pay my taxpayer dollars for your atheist goals like abortion and birth control on demand.
Nobody is asking you to pay for abortions.
But as a practical matter, a girl who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to be pregnant.
You should also support contraceptive programs because they reduce the need for abortion. Which is why 90% of Catholics use some kind of contraception. It's why Catholic Families with 5-8 kids (common in the neighborhood I grew up in 60s) don't exist now.
Nobody is asking you to pay for abortions.
But as a practical matter, a girl who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to be pregnant.
You should also support contraceptive programs because they reduce the need for abortion. Which is why 90% of Catholics use some kind of contraception. It's why Catholic Families with 5-8 kids (common in the neighborhood I grew up in 60s) don't exist now.
Or, we could teach a more respectful attitude towards sex.
Or, we could teach a more respectful attitude towards sex.

Ugh, I don't think I want to get sex advice from celibate frustrated gays any more than I want to get moral advice from the Church that did all the evil stuff the Catholic Church did.
Most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.
So you don't like your family?
USMB is a church now?
Apparently so, for the leftwing atheist minority. And your sacrament is trolling.
Nobody is asking you to pay for abortions.
But as a practical matter, a girl who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to be pregnant.
You should also support contraceptive programs because they reduce the need for abortion. Which is why 90% of Catholics use some kind of contraception. It's why Catholic Families with 5-8 kids (common in the neighborhood I grew up in 60s) don't exist now.
Biden's repeal of the Mexico City policy requires me as a taxpayer to pay for abortions abroad. I get sick of atheism being forced upon me.
Birth control is immoral and against Catholic teaching. Practicing Catholics do not use it.
So you don't like your family?
Depends on the family member.
Apparently so, for the leftwing atheist minority. And your sacrament is trolling.

Again, you need to go to a board where you never have to hear a contrary opinion, since it's clear you can't handle it.

Biden's repeal of the Mexico City policy requires me as a taxpayer to pay for abortions abroad. I get sick of atheism being forced upon me.
Birth control is immoral and against Catholic teaching. Practicing Catholics do not use it.

I;m sure the ladies tell you that to avoid having sex with you.

Abortion abroad is a good thing. It means they won't be coming here in 20 years as illegal aliens.
Again, you need to go to a board where you never have to hear a contrary opinion, since it's clear you can't handle it.
Um, the issue we're talking about his how much of your days you devote to this forum. This is what you traded the Catholic Church for. Are you doing anybody any good with this? I suggest you do something more meaningful with your life that helps somebody else.

I;m sure the ladies tell you that to avoid having sex with you.
Ah, I've been married for 36 years. I have no interest in "the ladies" whoever they are, other than my wife. What a childish comment.
Um, the issue we're talking about his how much of your days you devote to this forum. This is what you traded the Catholic Church for. Are you doing anybody any good with this? I suggest you do something more meaningful with your life that helps somebody else.

Actually, if comparing sitting in church listening to some old pedophile babble bronze age mythology and the fun interaction I get here, that would be an easy trade.

But I don't really spend much time here. A few minutes here and there.
Ugh, I don't think I want to get sex advice from celibate frustrated gays any more than I want to get moral advice from the Church that did all the evil stuff the Catholic Church did.
Fortunately, the only evil you are responsible for dealing with is your own. Funny, I should feel the need to point that out?!

"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"

Phil 2:12

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