Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Your support of killing kids in the womb
I do not support killing anybody in the womb. You must be confusing me with somebody else - I support keeping your Jesus nose out of women’s uteruses because you have not presented any evidence why your nose is in there.

You don’t think women who get an abortion should be charged with murder so who knows what all your meddling is about except hate mongering ( see CarsomyrPlusSix ) for the right wing propaganda machine.

Choice will be back because the Catholics on SCOTUS said it’s up to the voters. I disagree because choice is a rights issue for born women. Kansas spoke , Michigan spoke / California spoke / new generations x who believe in freedom and reject hate will never vote Republican except the dumb ones.

You are in trouble Trumpism-wise good person beagle9 .

Non-Religious Voters Wield Clout, Lean Heavily Democratic

Voters with no religious affiliation supported Democratic candidates and abortion rights by staggering percentages in the 2022 midterm elections.

Nones now equal Catholics and more than half of Catholics vote Democrat. Black and Jewish people vote. Plenty of white people vote Dem.

When you associate with vile hate-infested stupid asshole like Cplus6 you bring Jesus down with him.

your future beagle9 - Even in Kansas.
I do not support killing anybody in the womb. You must be confusing me with somebody else - I support keeping your Jesus nose out of women’s uteruses because you have not presented any evidence why your nose is in there.

You don’t think women who get an abortion should be charged with murder so who knows what all your meddling is about except hate mongering ( see CarsomyrPlusSix ) for the right wing propaganda machine.

Choice will be back because the Catholics on SCOTUS said it’s up to the voters. I disagree because choice is a rights issue for born women. Kansas spoke , Michigan spoke / California spoke / new generations x who believe in freedom and reject hate will never vote Republican except the dumb ones.

You are in trouble Trumpism-wise good person beagle9 .

Non-Religious Voters Wield Clout, Lean Heavily Democratic

Voters with no religious affiliation supported Democratic candidates and abortion rights by staggering percentages in the 2022 midterm elections.

Nones now equal Catholics and more than half of Catholics vote Democrat. Black and Jewish people vote. Plenty of white people vote Dem.

When you associate with vile hate-infested stupid asshole like Cplus6 you bring Jesus down with him.
View attachment 738196

your future beagle9 - Even in Kansas.
Came right out of the gate with a lie didn't you, because the rest of your ridiculous post proved you a liar. Your own words... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣

You making excuses to allow women to destroy their child while still in the womb, uhhhhh drum role please - is you being ok with them taking the live's of their children while still in the womb....Duh !!

And get your nose out of my car trying to give me a seatbelt ticket when I'm the only one in my car driving it. Now if I were a woman that is pregnant, then that ticket would of course be justified.. Why you might ask ? Well obviously it's because then their would be two in my car instead of one.

My responsibility would therefore be to protect the unborn baby (especially so with the location of the baby in consideration to the location of the steering wheel).

Oh and if I hang out with cplus6, then I'm bringing Jesus down with me eh ?

You mean the same Jesus you just said to keep my Jesus nose out of women's uteruses with, because you say we have no right to be in there, but here you are using Jesus as a weapon by telling me that I'm bringing Jesus down with me if I hang out with others here, otherwise as if you hold Jesus in high regard in that instance... ROTFLMBO 🤣

You truly can't make your kind of dumb up, it has to be practiced for a while. lol
" Inchoate Dreams Escape Through Sophisticated Physical States To Cognitive Sense "

* Stochastic Cold Heart Of Adaptation To Available Options *

Regardless it's the heart forming in which is creating a a human being at various stages, and to stop that process is a very cold hearted thing for a mother after knowing the process that is taking place in her body that is bringing forth a beautiful little miracle of a human life.
A formal proposition of tautology includes particular expectations .

For example , a strong anthropic principle may stipulate that a hue mammon exists because by empirical evidence the hue mammon is capable of asserting that the hue mammon exists , for if a hue mammon did not exist the hue mammon would not be capable of asserting that hue mammon exists .

A perspective from hue mammon would be that to satisfy a strong anthropic principle in perpetuity throughout eternity is an altruism .

By predicament , nature does not stipulate the every instance of hue mammon be required to satisfy the tautology or altruism of a strong anthropic principle .

By empirical evidence , insistence that safeguard be given to every instance of hue mammon starting with conception to satisfy a strong anthropic principle is abated .

A preface of self is that a capacity for cognizance includes an onset of mind , as in " Do you mind ? " , and empirical evidence demonstrated by scientific method indicates that cognizance is concomitant with the onset of sentience .

The onset of sentience , whereby a public might plea to represent a fetus by proxy , does not occur anywhere near 15 weeks , before which " without cause " abortions are sought .

Abortions after 15 weeks " with cause " are sought for anomalies of health and fitness either of the mother or the fetus .

An obsessively crazed girl friend would be mother conspiring to goad a gullible male into marriage , else determined to abort a + 15 week fetus is 100% pure fiction .

If some male feels that the private private property of its semen was taken unlawfully then the male should straight way file complaints of sexual assault and theft .

If a male seeks private prosecution to prevent a female from seeking an abortion after he was informed that she is pregnant and he may be the father , if sexual assault and theft charges have not been filed by the male to relieve him of child support , the male does not have a valid interest in whether the female decides to seek an abortion .

A 15 weeks demarcation between abortions " without cause " versus abortions " with cause " depends on access to and safety in those health services .
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NFBW: transcript FORtheRECORD

beagle9221212-#6,380 Your support of killing kids in the womb

NFBW221212-#6,381 I do not support killing anybody in the womb.

Beagle9221213-#6,382 Came right out of the gate with a lie didn't you, because . . . . .
Beagle9221213-#6,382 . . . . You making excuses to allow women to destroy their child while still in the womb . . . . Beagle9221213-#6,382 partiii. . is you being ok with them taking the live's of their children while still in the womb..

NFBW: You have revised the accusatory language beagle9 of your public fallacy in Post #6380 to much more truthful language in Post #6382 partiii. Such is the progress I believe I can make in your conversion to truth.

When you need to tell me beagle9 what I support, could you please save the following declaration of what I support and when making accusations and trying to shame can you make certain your accusations match this:

“I say and approve of abortion only when non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.”​

“I as a civilization loving human being and as a law-abiding US citizen, I ABSOLUTELY support a women’s right to terminate her pregnancy and have it done in a safe medical professional facility or using safe medical pharmaceuticals under supervision of her doctor. One factor in my conclusion is that viability is the moral line that separates the intentional stopping of a fetal heartbeat from being the mother’s prerogative to being homicide. Once past the viability of the fetus with which she shares her body, she loses her prerogative to terminate her pregnancy. It is too late” NFBW221211-#6,314
If you were honest beagle9 you will recognize that I emphatically am not ok with with women taking the live's of their potentially viable children while still in the womb which is roughly 24 weeks after conception.

beagle920810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers, only that they just stop the deplorable action and realize that they are actually ending their babies life in which if doing so or wanting to do so without a medical or without a damned good reasoning for it, uhhhh should come with stern consequences, but not with actual murder charges placed upon the woman who was undoubtedly duped or brainwashed over the year's gone by in order to do such a thing, and then somehow think it is right”

beagle9221204-#6,153 I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder

NFBW: As you can see beagle9 your arguments against me are unfounded because your arguments are based on lies and half-truths about my positions. An example of that is that I support killing babies in the womb because I hate the unborn or I hate babies. Not true in any context.

Another major problem you have is a scientific/political problem. It is a deadly flaw in the entire anti-choice belief system which is why #ding and #Cplus6 ran away.

It is the lack of having certain scientific truth whereby you have asserted your individual mature human will to direct or impose limitations on pregnant women’s freedoms by authoritative order that a specific political public adopt with no evidence a universal plea to represent a fetus by proxy based entirely on a superstition that an early in pregnancy fetus has capability, desire and will to have its development toward birth uninterrupted by the person in control of the physical human being’s body said fetus needs to survive to achieve natural birth.

On top of your lack of any scientific evidence to anoint yourself spokesperson by proxy for a four to twenty week old embryo or fetus you have expressed your opinion that No one wants to prosecute a woman who terminates her own pregnancy for homicide.

Your have aborted your own argument beagle9 by declining to prosecute an intentional murder of a fetus. However you say against yourself that an innocent pregnant woman, although being innocent of committing murder, that very same women shouldn’t have access to safe medical procedures that would prevent harm to that woman.

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^ oh look the lying piece of shit continues to lie
NFBW: Cplus6 (atheist) and beagle9 (fundagelical Protestant version) were doing their unique irrational-speak circle jerk as follows and prior to the above.

Cplus6221212-#6,369 “I’m done with this dogshit NotfooledbyW and I encourage everyone else to ignore him too”​
beagle9221212-#6,370 Can't blame ya, he has struck me wrong also, especially when he becomes desperate to make his points... LOL. He really goes stupid then​
NFBW: So JoeB131 I did a little research to find out why the fundagelical tells the atheist that we are two peas in a pod.

I found a couple of your quotes and decided to bump them here because it looks like what we have in common, and they don’t have at all, is a desire for rational thought being a necessity during a discussion and respect for truth and objective observable facts.

Terri4T191221-#186 Terri4Trump Thats right, assfuck. In other words, the law must recognize the scientific FACT of human life​
JoeB131191221-#191 Except the Science doesn't say an embryo is a person...​
JoeB131191221-#191 As a practical matter, once you cross that threshold, every Tampon becomes a potential crime scene​
JoeB131220505-#1 We are on the cusp of abortion being outlawed in most of the country, and the issue once again being thrust on the national scene because of a single Supreme court ruling.​
JoeB131220505-#1 The average abortion is performed in the first 12 weeks on a person who engaged in consensual sex with a man who wasn't good father material, and contraception failed or wasn't used in the heat of the moment.​
NFBW: The anti-abortion crowd for some reason demand that we accept what they call DNA science that proves human life (with a human right to life begins at conception No science pinpoints the exact exact stage of development when human life begins.​
^ oh look the lying piece of shit continues to lie
NFBW: “I say and approve of abortion only when non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.”

“I as a civilization loving human being and as a law-abiding US citizen, I ABSOLUTELY support a women’s right to terminate her pregnancy and have it done in a safe medical professional facility or using safe medical pharmaceuticals under supervision of her doctor. One factor in my conclusion is that viability is the moral line that separates the intentional stopping of a fetal heartbeat from being the mother’s prerogative to being homicide. Once past the viability of the fetus with which she shares her body, she loses her prerogative to terminate her pregnancy. It is too late” NFBW221211-#6,314

NFBW: beagle9 demonstrates that he can be a rational fundagelical at times when he agrees with me and all rational people who do not regard the termination of pregnancy to be murder of an unborn innocent child:

beagle920810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers, only that they just stop the deplorable action and realize that they are actually ending their babies life in which if doing so or wanting to do so without a medical or without a damned good reasoning for it, uhhhh should come with stern consequences, but not with actual murder charges placed upon the woman who was undoubtedly duped or brainwashed over the year's gone by in order to do such a thing, and then somehow think it is right”​
beagle9221204-#6,153 I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder​

NFBW: So no lie there Cplus6. What lie on my part do you have convicted in that atheist mind if yours?

^ oh look the lying piece of shit continues to lie
NFBW: I can see where #ding gets the idea that a religious majority has the right to pass laws that restrict the rights of those who do not share identical religious beliefs with him. The Lord and Savior over original sin stuff is truth because a lotta people believe it to be true and that makes it true

Ding221213-#207 If you are going to take a jab at my Lord and Savior - who over a billion people worship along with the Father and Holy Spirit - I’m going to make fun of your made up theology which has more holes than Swiss cheese.​

NFBW: So I see where #ding gets his Biblical unscientific support for authoritarian government depriving women of reproductive rights by virtue of a Catholic dominated SCOTUS , but Jesus H. Christ (that’s Jesus Humanist Christ) I have no idea where atheist Cplus6 gets his extremist god/centric authoritarianism against women from?

Hope to find out some day.

I ain't going to dissect your post for you, especially when you ain't doing nothing but playing dumb like a fox when you are caught in your hypocritical bull crap. Go pound sand.
Basically he’s prevaricating based on his nonsensical fake semantics, his euphemisms, and his weird fixations.

He does this in a noxiously repetitive and long winded and poorly edited, incomprehensible scrawl and then berates others to reply to pointed loaded questions that often have little or nothing to do with the conversation at hand, or demand others accept his euphemisms, or make yet another rant against religion and the religious.

He will say a thing and deny the very same thing was ever said in his next post.

It is beyond toxic.
You don’t have to. Just define what you think is my hypocrisy. That’s all.
You know what it is, I haven't got to tell you, so you love to play word games huh. I read your responses to mine, and then I see your twisted angle's used, but of COURSE you are just so dumb and naive that you just can't figure out what you do when you do it, but I don't buy that bull crap for a second.

We've all seen it in action, otherwise when we go here, then you go there, and then we go here again, then you go there again, otherwise like JoeB you got an excuse for anything......Other posters here have called you out on the same tactics you use, but then right on que you fain ignorance when convenient of course.

The problem with this format, is the original accounting of what people say needs to hold regardless of the edits done, because if the time for editing isn't up, then a person can easily go back and erase what they said or change it.

I'm going forward, now if you are done on the topic then say so or either state your newest position so we all can once again rebuttal them if need be ..
beagle9221214-#6,397 Other posters here have called you out on the same tactics you use, but then right on que you fain ignorance when convenient of course.

NFBW: Suffice it to say you beagle9 have no idea when you complain that I use “twisted angle's” whatever the fuck a twisted angle might be. What I use is truth and consistency of reasonable and rational thought.

You need to understand that other posters like #ding and BackAgain are liars. I have to assume it is #ding and BackAgain you refer to because they go back the longest in my encounters in this thread.

I have never wavered from my conviction:

“I say and approve of abortion only when non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.” . . . . . “I as a civilization loving human being and as a law-abiding US citizen, I ABSOLUTELY support a women’s right to terminate her pregnancy and have it done in a safe medical professional facility or using safe medical pharmaceuticals under supervision of her doctor. One factor in my conclusion is that viability is the moral line that separates the intentional stopping of a fetal heartbeat from being the mother’s prerogative to being homicide. Once past the viability of the fetus with which she shares her body, she loses her prerogative to terminate her pregnancy. It is too late” NFBW221211-#6,314

NFBW: You can see by the following early excerpts that I have never used “twisted angles” in my writing. Telling the truth is not a twisted angle.

NFBW220727-#3,949 I apply RPGeorge’s definition “immature -- human organism” as a fair and scientific definition of the developing human in the womb of every pregnant woman to which I argue the immature human organism, when it depends on receiving oxygenated blood from the living breathing fully developed human being that carries it, may be terminated because the would be mother has a right in good conscience to decide what happens to her health, and pursuit of her mental and economic well being as a citizen of the United States of America under the protection of the Constitution. The immature fetus prior to ability of viable separation from its mother has rights secondary and subordinate to its breathing and nourishment source - The pregant woman.

ding-#3,792 3,911 #121

NFBW #3,917 My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation.”

NFBW220729-#3,601 BackAgain joins the fray . . . . “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
BackAgain-#3,594 “Wrong. What it guarantees is the right to life”

NFBW220729-#3,601 It guarantees the right to life to the born. You already acknowledged that fact. it only mentions born.

BackAgain #2,434 “Yes. It does mention born. But it doesn’t say that the preborn are, on such a flimsy basis, denied the right to life.”

NFBW220729-#3,601 The Constitution does not say that a living human zygote inside a woman’s body has a right to continue developing if the woman does not want it. Nor does the Constitution say that terminating a living human zygote is homicide. . . . . . So why do you keep making shit up about what the Constitution says?

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beagle9221214-#6,397 Other posters here have called you out on the same tactics you use, but then right on que you fain ignorance when convenient of course.

NFBW: Suffice it to say you beagle9 have no idea when you complain that I use “twisted angle's” whatever the fuck a twisted angle might be. What I use is truth and consistency of reasonable and rational thought.

You need to understand that other posters like #ding and BackAgain are liars. I have to assume it is #ding and BackAgain you refer to because they go back the longest in my encounters in this thread.

I have never wavered from my conviction:

“I say and approve of abortion only when non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.” . . . . . “I as a civilization loving human being and as a law-abiding US citizen, I ABSOLUTELY support a women’s right to terminate her pregnancy and have it done in a safe medical professional facility or using safe medical pharmaceuticals under supervision of her doctor. One factor in my conclusion is that viability is the moral line that separates the intentional stopping of a fetal heartbeat from being the mother’s prerogative to being homicide. Once past the viability of the fetus with which she shares her body, she loses her prerogative to terminate her pregnancy. It is too late” NFBW221211-#6,314

NFBW: You can see by the following early excerpts that I have never used “twisted angles” in my writing. Telling the truth is not a twisted angle.

NFBW220727-#3,949 I apply RPGeorge’s definition “immature -- human organism” as a fair and scientific definition of the developing human in the womb of every pregnant woman to which I argue the immature human organism, when it depends on receiving oxygenated blood from the living breathing fully developed human being that carries it, may be terminated because the would be mother has a right in good conscience to decide what happens to her health, and pursuit of her mental and economic well being as a citizen of the United States of America under the protection of the Constitution. The immature fetus prior to ability of viable separation from its mother has rights secondary and subordinate to its breathing and nourishment source - The pregant woman.

ding-#3,792 3,911 #121

NFBW #3,917 My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation.”

NFBW220729-#3,601 BackAgain joins the fray . . . . “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
BackAgain-#3,594 “Wrong. What it guarantees is the right to life”

NFBW220729-#3,601 It guarantees the right to life to the born. You already acknowledged that fact. it only mentions born.

BackAgain #2,434 “Yes. It does mention born. But it doesn’t say that the preborn are, on such a flimsy basis, denied the right to life.”

NFBW220729-#3,601 The Constitution does not say that a living human zygote inside a woman’s body has a right to continue developing if the woman does not want it. Nor does the Constitution say that terminating a living human zygote is homicide. . . . . . So why do you keep making shit up about what the Constitution says?

1st thing is, is that you arbitrarily define what YOU THINK is the line between non-viable to being viable, but you really don't know as ding has confronted you on the point successfully many times. In fact it's still not certain with you, because I've watched you wavering on the point badly, and then struggling with it, and yet you still try to act as if you are some sort of authority on it.

Other thing is that the constitution was written by men who were not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and if they were then the amendments and such throughout time wouldn't have had to be done, otherwise it's a fluid document that remains in progress.

God's higher authority is what we are ultimately to go by, because God is perfect, and we can't go wrong following him and his eternal wisdom that he has since given on to us. Following man and his fallen wisdom is folly. It is why we struggle so like we do, because man wants to be God to other men, but we are to be watchful of such evilness and goings on.
beagle9221215-#6,399 1st thing is, is that you arbitrarily define what YOU THINK is the line between non-viable to being viable, but you really don't know as ding has confronted you on the point successfully many times.

NFBW: The great thing about you beagle9 is as a Christian you are thirsty for material truth. The truth is ding has never confronted me on viability, not once. I can pull the records very easily. #ding has ordered me to not discuss viability as if he and CarsomyrPlusSix have some authority to disallow the most damming reality that reduces #ding’s and #Cplus6’s arguments to a pile of absurdities on top of a fallacy.

For your quest for material truth beagle9 ; there are four major biological and necessary milestones in the full development of the human organism on the lifespan continuum and you must agree with science here. I am but the messenger.

The fourth (death) can occur at any instant following the first and most important milestone (conception) . I hope you agree with me thus far.

Between birth and death there’s (2) viability and (3) first breath, being born , childbirth which during a normal delivery viability and first breath can occur simultaneously with viability potential.

First breath for most souls and especially for long living old souls is generally the most celebrated lifespan event in every human culture. Conception and viability are ignored but we know they are critical points in every human life.

Conception has had no or very little legal standing on the secular jurisprudence side of human civil society since humans began organizing into tribes states nation and empires ever since the First Battle at Olduvai Gorge.

Viability has had precedence in old common law so it has absolutely everything to do with the topic of this thread. It is referred to as quickening and the fetus was referred to as a quickchild.

So why do ding anf CarsomyrPlusSix forbid me from bringing it up here.

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