Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You have jumped on this egg cell thing
NFBW: I see ding thinks this science is 😄. . . . .
For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell. After 30 hours or so, it divides from one cell into two. Some 15 hours later, the two cells divide to become four. And at the end of 3 days, the fertilized egg cell has become a berry-like structure made up of 16 cells. This structure is called a morula, which is Latin for mulberry.​
During the first 8 or 9 days after conception, the cells that will eventually form the embryo continue to divide. At the same time, the hollow structure in which they have arranged themselves, called a blastocyst, is slowly carried toward the uterus by tiny hair-like structures in the fallopian tube, called cilia.​
The blastocyst, though only the size of a pinhead, is actually composed of hundreds of cells. During the critically important process of implantation, the blastocyst must attach itself to the lining of the uterus or the pregnancy will not survive.​
If we take a closer look at the uterus, you can see that the blastocyst actually buries itself in the lining of the uterus, where it will be able to get nourishment from the mother’s blood supply.​
NFBW: To ding a Catholic, and to CarsomyrPlusSix who is not a Catholic, the ten days of biological cell splitting process, described above, is a human being with no brain and no heart that must be given a politically driven civil right to subjugate the impregnated woman to its survival by depriving her of a choice to protect the health and economic liberty of the thirty trillion cells that make her a fertile female human being.

No choice equals the denial of liberty for every fertile thirty trillion celled female human being for the sake of granting full civil personhood rights to a biological process as a result of sexual relationship between a thirty trillion celled male and female who are not necessarily planning on the sex resulting in creating a new human being for the universe.

ding and CarsomyrPlusSix support denial of liberty to a pregnant woman but absolutely no denial of liberty to the male who makes her pregnant. These religious chauvinists like all male Republicans have no respect for women as equals. END2209020815
NFBW: I see ding thinks this science is 😄. . . . .
For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell.​
A human being in the zygote stage of life is not an “egg,” you fucktarded psychopath.

Just shut up and go away. You know nothing about biology. You are absolutely ignorant and thus not educationally equipped to have this conversation and your mental potential to learn the salient subject matter is inferior to that of a bag of hammers, or a jar of mayonnaise.

The egg and sperm are both gone after fertilization. That’s what fertilization is, what it does, consumes and combines the egg and sperm.
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A human being in the zygote stage of life is not an “egg,” you fucktarded psychopath.
NFBW: You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar: I never suggested that a zygote is a an egg or an egg cell.

You are fighting for the personhood rights of a one-celled fertilized human egg. You are giving that brainless heartless spineless lungless one celled ‘being’ full rights and autonomy over the 30 trillion celled pregnant woman that it needs for continued growth and survival prior to viability.

That said, is no such thing as a “fertilized human egg” you absolute bumblefuck retard. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would learn some basic biology before they mouth off? It’s clear learning even the basics isn’t in your wheelhouse though.

NFBW: as you can see you in fact were aware in the above posts that my reference to a human egg was in fact a reference to the single cells that females have in the monthly process known as ovulation .

Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In women, this event occurs when the ovarian folliclesrupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells.[1] After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm. In addition, the uterine lining (endometrium) is thickened to be able to receive a fertilized egg. If no conception occurs, the uterine lining as well as the egg will be shed during menstruation.[2]
NFBW: You CarsomyrPlusSix called me an absolute bumblefuck retard because you suffer from being ignorant of biological reality when you stated the lie that there is no such thing as a “fertilized human egg” .

Now that you realize the absolute ignorance of that claim you attempt to slither back under your rock by trying to claim that I called a zygote an egg.

You are a liar with no moral principles. An essy mark for a Trump to brainwash for the white authoritarian Christian political cult designed to destroy American democracy- so pleasing to Putin

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NFBW: You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar: I never suggested that a zygote is a an egg or an egg cell.

NFBW: as you can see you in fact were aware in the above posts that my reference to a human egg was in fact a reference to the single cells that females have in the monthly pricess known as ovulation .

Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In women, this event occurs when the ovarian folliclesrupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells.[1] After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm. In addition, the uterine lining (endometrium) is thickened to be able to receive a fertilized egg. If no conception occurs, the uterine lining as well as the egg will be shed during menstruation.[2]
NFBW: You CarsomyrPlusSix called me an absolute bumblefuck retard because you suffer from being ignorant of biological reality when you stated the lie that ttere is no such thing as a “fertilized human egg” .

Now tgat you realize the absolute ignorance of that claim you attempt to slither back under your rock by trying to claim that I called a zygote an egg.

You are a liar with no moral principles. An essy mark for Trump to brainwash for his white authoritarian Christian political cult designed to destroy American democracy- so pleasing to Putin

I quoted you, you anencephalic lickspittle.

You are a fundamentally dishonest, sniveling little worm. I think “filth” was too kind by far.
I quoted you,
NFBW: You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar.. . . . You cannot find a post where I can be quoted as saying or hinting or suggesting that a zygote is an egg. You are lying when you claim to be quoting me - absent an actual quote. You don’t even have anything close to quote from me to copy. END2209021031
The egg and sperm are both gone after fertilization.
NFBW: You wrote “That said, is no such thing as a “fertilized human egg” you absolute bumblefuck retard”

You are a liar. It is commonly referred to as a fertilized egg everywhere . . . .

The Cells Start to Divide

The Cells Start to Divide​

The fertilized egg starts growing fast, dividing into many cells. It leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterus 3 to 4 days after fertilization. In rare cases, the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube. This is called a tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy and is a danger to the mother.

NFBW: CarsomyrPlusSix is anabsolute bumblefuck retard” END2209021047
Fuck you, lying piece of shit, I quoted you.

Read your own words and take responsibility for your own words, or don’t.

Since you won’t stand by anything you say, your words are meaningless noise. You are noise.
He probably works for an abortion clinic.
He probably works for an abortion clinic.

I mean at this point it’s clear that thing is probably responsible for a lot of death.

It is possible that it is too poor to have contributed to funds to kill innocent human beings, and I hope that is the case, but it seems likely that that thing belongs in a cell where it can’t hurt anyone else.
You are a liar. You have no quote by me saying that a zygote is an egg cell. If you think you have it - cite it with your reply.
Fuck you, you called human beings in the zygote stage of life “fertilized eggs,” which is what I said you said, and quoted you as saying.

Eat shit.
NFBW: You are a liar. I do not support abortion in my personal life and personally I would never work for an abortion clinic. So you can quit lying ding about me any time.
You don't support abortion in your personal life eh ? But, but, but you do support abortion in your business life maybe or in your political life maybe ?
You don't support abortion in your personal life eh ? But, but, but you do support abortion in your business life maybe or in your political life maybe ?
NFBW: None of the above. I do not support abortion for any reason because as a secular humanist I believe viable humans have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence among all viable humans as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant falls short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal. I am not responsible for what other people do when they fall short in the pursuit of enlightenment as long as they do not violate the life and property and liberty of other viable human beings going about the business of life. END2209021615
NFBW: None of the above. I do not support abortion for any reason because as a secular humanist I believe viable humans have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence among all viable humans as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant falls short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal. I am not responsible for what other people do when they fall short in the pursuit of enlightenment as long as they do not violate the life and property and liberty of other viable human beings going about the business of life. END2209021615
I've said this over and over, and I'll ask you again - Do you want to live in a civilized society or an uncivilized SOCIETY? If you choose the first instead of the second, then let's promote life whether it be's growing in the womb or after being removed from the womb alive ok ??
beagle9220901-#4,991 “You have jumped on this egg cell thing”

NFBW: I see ding thinks this science is funny.

. . . . . : “For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell.” Cell division - Health Video: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

CarsomyrPlusSix220902-#5,015 “Fuck you, you called human beings in the zygote stage of life “fertilized eggs,” which is what I said you said, and quoted you as saying. Eat shit.”

NFBW: You are a liar in #5015 because I was citing MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia saying “For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell.” You are a liar because it’s obvious yiu were an idiot when you wrote

That said, is no such thing as a “fertilized human egg” you absolute bumblefuck retard.

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