Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I don’t support forcing anyone to make kids,
You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar: I wrote “You force pregnancy on a pregnant woman against her will” … I didn’t say anything about forcing the woman to get pregnant. You want to force her to continue with an unwanted pregnancy when it is none of your business because you think the Government and Jesus owns her body, not her. END2208311850
" Mind Your Own Sanctimonious Retarded Business "

* Individual Choices When Facing Complications *


NFBW: You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar.

With regard to fetal viability at 22 weeks I value the physiological capability to oxygenate fetal blood because lungs heart and brain have reached the stage of development to survive and further develop outside the womb. Sapience has nothing to do with it because the child from the moment of birth has a lot of learning about the world and society to which he or she has become a member. END2208311804
Birth is required for citizenship and therefore birth is required for equal protection and any citizen has legal standing for an equal protection violation civil wrights suit to send the idiotic dobbs decision straight back to scotus .

Roe V Wade substituted post natural viability ( estimated at approximately 24 - 28 weeks ) in lieu of a live birth requirement and ruled that states could proscribe abortion in 3rd trimester , but that was not good enough for the ant-choice uniform fetish psychopaths , who now support sedition by scotus against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments by its dobbs decision and scotus should be charged .

Babies born earlier than the first day of the 22nd week are generally too immature to be successfully treated with intensive care and have almost no chance of survival. In such cases, clinicians will simply let the parents hold the baby immediately after birth until he or she dies, which often happens within minutes. This is called comfort or palliative care, akin to a very short hospice.

Chances of survivalfootnote1footnote2
Weeks of pregnancySurvival rates
Nearly 2 to 3 out of 10 survived (about 7 to 8 out of 10 died)
5 out of 10 survived (5 out of 10 died)
Nearly 8 out of 10 survived (about 2 out of 10 died)

Chances of having problems

Weeks of pregnancy, or birth weight

Number of infants who had problems later on

Weight less than 1000 g (2 lb)

Up to 4 out of 10 had one or more moderate or severe problems by the time they were age 8. footnote3 These problems included intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, blindness, and deafness.

23 to 25 weeks

At age 2½, about 3 out of 10 had one or more of the severe problems listed above. footnote4 This means that about 7 out of 10 did not get these problems. At age 6, about 5 out of 10 children born at these early ages were more likely than other children to have attention problems, behaviour problems, and problems adjusting to school. footnote5

25 to 26 weeks

Nearly 4 out of 10 had problems at age 19, including problems with hearing, sight, intellectual disability, and having a job. footnote6 This means that more than 6 out of 10 did not have these problems.
For a tool that can help estimate the outcome for babies born at 22 to 25 weeks of age, go to

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both parties are objectively and equally responsible for the procreation.
NFBW: Actually that is true except when it’s rape or incest. So If the pregnancy is unplanned and unwanted they have the right to end it before 28 weeks - It is none of your business to force the woman to carry it to full term when the male is not affected by your desire to use the state to control and punish women based or your religious and political beliefs. END2208311907
NFBW: You are a racist because you didnt take long as a newbie to join the ranks of the racists who post here:

BLM supporters are pieces of shit.

All lives matter.
Antifa are terrorists who should be shot, not just pieces of shit.

Go fuck yourself, filth.
NFBW: what does a BLM supporter do to be a piece of shit
Supporting that horrible organization, filth.

Apparently being sane and opposing delusional rioters and looters protesting nonexistent “racism” is racist to you, but let’s be real, retards like you just throw out negative buzzwords with nothing approaching thought let alone critical thought or self-reflection.
NFBW: Because you are a deplorable NAZI fascist Trump Christian sympathizer when you don’t regard your political opponents to be human beings although they clearly are. You use fake defense of a one celled egg to justify the rationale to send political or religious opponents who are viable human beings to the gas chambers. OK NAZI we see where you stand.. END2208311603
There's no end to your bull crap.
You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar: I wrote “You force pregnancy on a pregnant woman against her will” … I didn’t say anything about forcing the woman to get pregnant. You want to force her to continue with an unwanted pregnancy when it is none of your business because you think the Government and Jesus owns her body, not her. END2208311850
No one can force anyone who has the inkling or a speck of common sense about all the birth control that's out there. There is absolutely no reason for a pregnancy to develope within a female when she has options to make sure that she doesn't get pregnant to start with. After reaching that milestone in advances over the year's, it should have outdated the use of abortion's, and put them on the heep piles of long ago outdated history. But nooooo somehow abortion is being kept alive for what ?? Political reason's, evilness, what ? It's not like you Democrat's to fight advances in society, so what's up ???
All live's matter you dunder head.
NFBW: Then you have no problem supporting the BLM organization just like millions of other white Americans do? To CarsomyrPlusSix the full blown racist, you are a piece of shit. Why would I be a dunderhead when I agree with you that all lives matter?

So let’s get all lives up to the same level of protection from law enforcement and our Justice system as white lives do -

Convicting Derek Chauvin and the McMichaels of murder and hate crimes is a great start.

Just like convicting this asshole is a great start.

LEFTY RIOTER - during the CHAUVIN protest on May30 Martin J. Engelhart looted stores, and took part in a beating


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.

Keeping track: Over 50 people facing felony charges in vandalism, looting, violence during protests

A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors.

On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.

No one can force anyone who has the inkling or a speck of common sense about all the birth control that's out there.
NFBW: You are a liar and here is explicitly why you are a liar: The Trump SCOTUS just ruled that religious majorities in state legislatures shall be permitted to pass laws according to the majority religious beliefs of elected lawmakers within such states that force pregnancy to full term on women.

There is no punishment however against the male partner who Injected an unwanted pregnancy into the woman in most cases when the male is the one pressuring the woman to have sex, even unprotected sex.

The Trump Supreme Court has thus violated equal Justice under the law for the female gender of US citizens by forcing all pregnancies to full term against the will of the woman. END2209010655
Why would I be a dunderhead when I agree with you that all lives matter?
But you don’t agree that all lives matter you absolute piece of filth. You categorically reject the human right to life and support mass homicide, mass homicide which disproportionately targets black babies.

Which a fucktarded intersectionalist like you - if you had any sanity, brain power, or consistency- would have to recognize as an actual real world example of the “systemic racism” you imagine everywhere else. So by your own standard, filth, you are racist filth. You support the systemic, disproportionate slaughter of black lives.

Your utter hypocrisy is contemptible. Go take a long fuck yourself off a short pier.
But you don’t agree that all lives matter you absolute piece of filth.
NFBW: You are a liar. All human lives born into our universe matter - I am devoted to that.

You do not consider me to be human just like a fascist NAZI who doesn’t consider Jews to be human so you have no standing to lie about what I believe. You are a fascist you are the ugliest of ugly Americans. END2209011913
You categorically reject the human right to life and support mass homicide, mass homicide
Where are the indicted and convicted mass murderers in America from the past 100 years of which you speak. As a Republican I assume you support being sure America’s mass murderers have access with little restraints to be the best and most heavily armed mass murderers in the world even the most racist ones like Dylan Roof. › news › 1955593Who is Dylann Roof and what did he do? - The US Sun

Dec 11, 2020 · Dylann Storm Roof killed nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina
Where are the indicted and convicted mass murderers in America from the past 100 years of which you speak.
Shut up, pro-abort filth, you want the mass slaughter to be legal and I want to fix it. You know full well but you have no integrity and no honesty. You are the lowest of the low.

As a Republican I assume you support being sure America’s mass murderers have access with little restraints to be the best and most heavily armed mass murderers
I don’t know what you mean, please translate from your native retard into something coherent.
. All human lives born into our universe matter
So with your bigoted caveat you confirm that lives don’t matter to you.

“All lives (except for those I hate and want dead)” is not “all lives.”

QED, you are wrong, and go fuck yourself you inhuman hatemongering shit stain.
So with your bigoted caveat you confirm that lives don’t matter to you.

“All lives (except for those I hate and want dead)” is not “all lives.”
NFBW: There are no lives besides all the persons who have become separated and alive from their mother. I am so sorry that the Supreme Court let you down by not declaring the unviable unborn to be persons. Your religious law does not apply to anyone except the people who believe in your particular religion. So quit trying to shove your religion down everybody else’s throat it’s un-American END2208011108

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