Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Apparently Correct That Indifference Was Consistent With Advocacy "

* Looking Forward To The Realism * the SCOTUS and let them know they got it wrong.
I am sure they'll get right on it.
Congratulations on being a witness to that implementation .

The twitter handles for the federalist society , the national republican lawyers , along with a myriad of many other front page public personas , including @realDonaldTrump on truth social , are wondering now about public updates of information by links to these recitations form the free press , which have been overtly omitted by political think tanks , pundits for and against , and by the entirety of jurisprudence and the press .

Then again , perhaps there is not any money for lawyers or charities in settled law .

Then again , any citizen has legal standing that the equal protection clause is being violated , based on a live birth requirement in us 14th amendment .

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9942 - Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

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Wanna guess what kind of support group I run?
What is strikingly different from a fetus, 1 day before the end of gestation and the day successful gestation is complete?

what kind if support group,do you run,

The legal difference between a fetus one
day before the end of gestation and the day successful gestation is complete is clear plain and simple:

A human fetus ceases to be and an infant human being is separated from his or her mother at birth.

hynrm.23.07,20 #389
hynrm.22.11.39 #6,021
What a disgrace and embarrassment she is. She has no soul. She is Godless?

Lol none of this shit matters.

Oh my! But Kamala Harris making no mention of “the supernatural MAGA CREATOR being” when she cites a passage from the D of I matters.

it matters so much it drives St MAGA Macho Man berserk with rage against the disgrace and embarrassment of it all.

mgmchmn.23.01.22 #1
myrpls.23.07.27 #9,963
nf.23.07.27 #9,964
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Kamala Harris is inhuman moronic garbage.

She has her job entirely because she is black and has a vagina, and her career started entirely due to blowing the mayor of San Francisco. She is such a loathsome immoral piece of shit.

It is absolutely deplorable for that disgusting, braindead slut to incorrectly cite the DoI to promote attacks on the right to life. If she wasn’t already obviously deplorable, here you are defending her.
However, you know good and well that the abortion industry became just like every other leftist trend sweeping the country by storm,

I think I told you we were done on this one.

The us republic includes a motto for a credo of e pluribus unum , and e pluribus unum includes a supposition for independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , where any individual is entitled to maximal negative liberty , where legislated states of collective norms are constrained to public safety and security when limiting negative liberties of individuals .

The Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling by taking the time to write that he was pleased.

“I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.” (author bold)​

I do not know or accept your lie St Beagle that there is such an industry identifiable as a leftist trended abortion industry that swept the country by storm. You are a liar.

RvW was a non-partisan USSC decision supported by a majority of individuals including the religious right. SEE NFBW post #460 above.

The President of the Southern Baptist Convention praised RvW and wrote he had “always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.”

Jesus Christ Amen to that.

MAGA HikerGuy83 can certainly declare his white self “done” “a quitter, but he cannot speak for me. I am not done. Protecting reproductive liberty for individual women is too important. Mr. Monkeye says it well;
“legislated states of collective norms are constrained to public safety and security when limiting negative liberties of individuals .​

bvvgl.23.07.26 #9,931
hkrgy.23.07.26 #9,947
mvnkvyv.23.07.26 #9,942
nf.23.05.30 #460
nf.23.07.27 #9,966
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The President of the Southern Baptist Convention praised RvW and wrote he had “always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.”
Do you not agree beagle9 that the Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling and said this about it.

it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,
We don't legislate morality.

It is absolutely deplorable for that disgusting, braindead slut to incorrectly cite the DoI to promote attacks on the right to life.
If it is not about morality then why is the Vice President of the United States of America being called a disgusting, braindead slut simply because she does not agree with a legal opinion that is being obsessively expressed by Atheist Saint CarsomyrPlusSix ?????
Do you not agree beagle9 that the Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling and said this about it.

it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,
Hey, even so called Christian's like this president can be wrong in life. Bet ya didn't know that did ya ? Yep it's true. He sounded like a go along to get along kind of person.
Hey, even so called Christian's like this president can be wrong in life. Bet ya didn't know that did ya ? Yep it's true. He sounded like a go along to get along kind of person.
The point is you lied. So your judgement of a Christian man’s character means absolutely nothing,

This is a lie:

you know good and well that the abortion industry became just like every other leftist trend sweeping the country by storm

RIght wing Protestantism is not leftist anything.,
Hey, even so called Christian's like this president can be wrong in life. Bet ya didn't know that did ya ? Yep it's true
Most Christians agree with me that the government should not be forcing full term gestation on women who do not want to give birth to a child. I am not a Christian, but you are wrong that I should take you at your word that the sanctity of life begins at conception because that is an opinion you are entitled to hold and an opinion I an entitled to reject.

It is wrong. It violates fundamental freedoms of people

It would be revelatory to find out if MAGA Hiker Guy considers it a fundamental violation of her freedom when a women who undergoes the stress of unwanted pregnancy while residing in a MAGA Biblical family values dominated state, making her access to a safe medical procedure which would alleviate her stress not available.

Just curious. Too bad he can’t discuss the declaration of reproductive independence by woman that was settled law for fifty years and just overturned by appointment of three MAGA justices to the USSC during the one term presidency of the first MAGA occupation of the White House.

hkrgy.23.07.26 #127
nf.23.06.28 #9,972
The majority never dreamed religious fascists like you would succeed in taking away the rights of Americans. It's really was a first in our history where a freedom was ripped away.
President Trump has proven himself voter friendly because he stands up for minorities with his teeth in it, whereas Mme. RodhamClinton goes for the neck right after she sharpens her teeth.
It's exceptionally rare to lure a right winger into a policy discussion these days. They live in a post-policy political environment where somehow it's better to deal with problems without the slightest consideration of unintended consequences.
Which policy debates are you trying to have with anyone of any political persuasion on this board?
Im sure all the children we've murdered since 73 would vote against it....

cchpttv.23,07.13 #139
Trumpism is Republucan distraction from the real crises facing Americans today: the growing concentration of wealth, the worsening climate crisis, and the undermining of our democracy.

I believe the biggest and longes lasting distraction is white religious right wing mislabeling of any American concerned with the thee real crises of our generations:
(the growing concentration of wealth, the worsening climate crisis, and the undermining of our democracy.) are baby murderers.
So other white Americans are stupider than superior you. What a paranoid narrative. *yawn.*
President Trump has proven himself voter friendly because he stands up for minorities

No matter how you define it. Trumpism is a loser in the minds of generation Z and millennials. •••• Generation Z voters are motivated by abortion access, LQBTQ+ rights, school shootings, student loans, climate change, voting rights and more.

I pray to the Lord my gratitude for hearing my prayers to stop the killing of unborn American citizens. May we return God's kindness with strength against evildoing. And may he forgive those too young to understand that killing a small human that God has graced with life because it would save them a little embarrassment or give them revenge to a partner who abused and left a young woman to fend for herself and the child he put inside her like a coward of the worst ilk because he listened to Satan's voice through alleged friends who had no stake in the evil done to a young woman by a flake who didn't think there was an obligation to the living to protect the product of his out-of-control sexual misbehavior. Young women who fall in love with their predator do not realize how unprotected they are from the wrath of their parents who thought they raised her right but failed to realize children make mistakes because they were sneaky and disobedient at the same time. Somehow they do not understand that disobedience can have consequences, and that choosing somebody else's "elimination" before birth is a bad if not horrible decision which wreaks of (1) cowardice, (2) immorality against a life, (3) rampant ignorance, (4) Mental health issues such as depression and lifelong guilt for murder whether anyone else knows it or not. Abortion does not fix stupidity of science that tells us the zygote is not the same person as either its mother or its father, even if family traits are assured when the development of human life becomes known to the outside world one way or the other.

What minority is Trump standing up for? Himself?

btrss.23.07.26 #150
nf.23.07.26 #9,958
btrss.22.05.04 #955
I believe the biggest and longes lasting distraction is white religious right wing mislabeling of any American concerned with the three real crises of our generation:
(the growing concentration of wealth, the worsening climate crisis, and the undermining of our democracy.) are baby murderers.
So other white Americans are stupider than superior you.
. . . . the Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling and said this about it. “it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,”

It’s not the white Americans being stupider than anybody; it’s the white Christians who think they have sole contact with the moral supernatural order of human existence and seek to impose forced full term gestation on every woman who becomes pregnant.

That be you beautress and beagle9

nf.23.07.27 #9,960
btrss.23.07.28 #9,974
nf.23.07.27 #9,967
nf.23.07.28 #9,976
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So other white Americans are stupider than superior you.
I’m arguing with you I guess that forcing gestation on all woman as a culture war issue attracts many a useful idiot voter favoring a slim oligarch-like associated minority of wealthy people who believe a growing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few families is a great idea for mankind.

The best argument MAGA has for ignoring the worsening climate crisis, and for blessing the traitorous undermining of our democracy is that a vote for Republicans is a vote against baby murderers.

btrss.23.07.28 #9,974
nf.23.07.28 #9,977
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Blackmun was a blithering idiot on the principles of the Constitution. •••• "Logically" a person's Constitutional rights should begin when their fucking life does and not just when the Government or Society can not justify the denial of their basic human rights any longer.
Yes, he pretty much wiped his rear end with it.
Show where I said I was anit/pro abortion.

MAGA HikerGuy is not neutral on forced full term gestation when he attacks the Justices who blocked states from forcing full term gestation on woman when states have a majority in the state who don’t morally approve of a medical procedure that terminates gestation.

chzlf.20.09.21 #2
hkrgy.23.07.27 #42
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,230
nf.23.07.28 #9,978
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Do you not agree @beagle9 that the Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling and said this about it.​

it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,
Hey, even so called Christian's like this president can be wrong in life.

I brought Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell into our discussion in post #9,967 because in the early seventies his view that “only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,” was a mainstream secular and Protestant Christian view on abortion

There was no significant political tension surrounding the generally secular and Protestant Christian combined view that is represented by Preacher Criswell in the Seventies. So what happened?

in 1972, Nixon won 55 percent of the Catholic vote against George McGovern a WWIi bomber pilot war hero. Cultural, moral and social issues brought postwar Catholics into the Nixon new majority.

“Nixon won 22 percent of the Catholic vote against Jack Kennedy in 1960,​
he won 33 percent in 1968”​

Nixon brought the Pat Buchanon Catholics into the Republican religious base. And in 1980 Reagan married up the Protestants and Catholics in an anti Roe v. Wade agenda to force full term gestation on women for having unprotected sex when they do not want to have a baby.

The Catholic Protestant forced gestation merger was politically beneficial to Republican candidates to have an enthusiastic moral superiority voter bloc against pro-choice Democrats since Reagan

But Dobbs wrecked that wedge. Once that tension between personhood at conception vs personhood at birth is released and highly religious states are allowed to do it, they lose the ability to mobilize based on abortion tensions with and against pro-choice majority preference even amonlg the majority of Catholics and other Christian’s voters today

nf.23.07.27 #9,967
bvvgl.23.07.27 #9,969
nf.23,07.29 #9,980
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