Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You want to end it?
end what? The fucking chaos created by Dobbs? Of course I do. Let’s be rid of the fucking flaming extremist enablers of religious anti-woman pro-fetus mostly white Christian men in the Senate. Starting with Mitch NcConnell and Ted Cruz by replacing them with pro-choice Democrats of any race.

Why do you hate women, why do you not want a fast solution instead of waiting until the Supreme Court turns liberal?
It’s obvious that I don’t hate women, and I’m not waiting for the Supreme Court to turn liberal. I’m with the Democrats and rational Republicans and Independents in red states like Kansas and Ohio to get women’s right to reproductive privacy enshrined into every state’s Constitution.

Alito said it best as I said in post nf.23.03.10
“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..
Alito wants voters in states to decide and that is what he’s gonna get.
why is that, fooledbydemocrats?

My position is shared probably by about a third of Republicans so your comments, like this are very absurd and need not be addressed.

Other top Republican candidates for 2024 also trod carefully on abortion at the Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand Summiton Friday. The tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy did not mention the word at all. Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, cited his state’s six-week abortion ban in a single sentence. Only Mike Pence, the devout former vice-president, unambiguously committed to a 15-week “national standard”.​
The caution signaled Republicans’ awareness of how politically radioactive the issue has become, as evidenced by last year’s midterm elections and other votes in states such as Kansas, Ohio and Wisconsin. A USA Today/Suffolk University poll in June found that 80% of Americans oppose a federal abortion ban, including 65% of Republicansand 83% of independents.​

since you never answer my questions
What have I missed?
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end what? The fucking chaos created by Dobbs? Of course I do. Let’s be rid of the fucking flaming extremist enablers of religious anti-woman pro-fetus mostly white Christian men in the Senate. Starting with Mitch NcConnell and Ted Cruz by replacing them with pro-choice Democrats of any race.

It’s obvious that I don’t hate women, and I’m not waiting for the Supreme Court to turn liberal. I’m with the Democrats and rational Republicans and Independents in red states like Kansas and Ohio to get women’s right to reproductive privacy enshrined into every state’s Constitution.

Alito said it best as I said in post nf.23.03.10

Alito wants voters in states to decide and that is what he’s gonna get.

My position is shared probably by about a third of Republicans so your comments, like this are very absurd and need not be addressed.

Other top Republican candidates for 2024 also trod carefully on abortion at the Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand Summiton Friday. The tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy did not mention the word at all. Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, cited his state’s six-week abortion ban in a single sentence. Only Mike Pence, the devout former vice-president, unambiguously committed to a 15-week “national standard”.​
The caution signaled Republicans’ awareness of how politically radioactive the issue has become, as evidenced by last year’s midterm elections and other votes in states such as Kansas, Ohio and Wisconsin. A USA Today/Suffolk University poll in June found that 80% of Americans oppose a federal abortion ban, including 65% of Republicansand 83% of independents.​

What have I missed?

So now you want it a state's rights issue? I thought you wanted it across the United States, Congress will do that, but why make it easy as all you want to do is make it a wedge issue. Pretty plain to see.

I am not a Republican and what they think is not material to me letting you know you been fooledbydemorats.
Your post #11,056 contains a major misrepresentation of what I said. Your line of reasoning about DEMS in Congress needing to fix abortion laws is therefore quite bogus and unsupported by reality based upon any sustainable facts.

When the USSC in 1973 decided that states could not intervene in a private matter between a pregnant woman and her doctor because a fetus is not a person . it was settled. Congress had nothing to do forevermore on reproductive rights. They still don’t.

You said “Congress had nothing to do forevermore on reproductive rights. They still don’t.”
I am seeing my use of the word “intervene” in my post nf.23.09.16 #11,042 was a reference to states. So why did you change what I wrote in your post #11,056

The fact the article brought out is that Congress can intervene, you said they cannot
Of course Congress can “intervene” however my point as my words correctly being read are that after RvW was handed down, Congress had no obligation to pass anything in support of Women’s right to reproductive privacy because the USSC was thought to be the final say in the bastion of settled law.

And it was not Congress or the DEM Party that created the post-RvWdivision.

It was these people and the shyster whom they believe was delivered to them as part of God’s plan to Christianize America and eradicate sinful liberal behaviors:

In a large conference hall, we see a blonde white middle-aged woman, in full makeup, a black dress, and a red lanyard around her neck, lift her hands, eyes closed, appearing to sing, with others around her also appearing to joyfully sing.


Evangelical Christians need Republicans. Does the party need them?​

The religious right is losing its grip as candidates respond to a voter majority that doesn’t support a federal abortion ban David Smith in Washington DC​
Sun 17 Sep 2023​
When Donald Trump recalled how his three US supreme court justices helped repealthe nationwide right to abortion, the audience rose to its feet and erupted in whistles, whoops and prolonged applause. But even as the former president basked in the religious right’s moment of triumph, he went on to deliver a warning.​
“I will say politically, it’s a very tough, it’s a very tough decision for some people, but very, very hard on elections. Very, very hard,” Trump told a gathering of Christian conservatives in the ballroom of a Washington hotel. “We had midterms and this was an issue, you know.”​
It is not Democrats in Congress that needs to teach those politically hyperventilating extreme faction of Christianity that the First Amendment’s freedom of religion means they can believe whatever they want to believe and behave themselves accordingly as long as it does not interfere with the liberty and freedom of others.

I don’t think anybody can, but at least you could admit that they are the problem within the Republican Party, not the liberals or the Democrats regarding abortion.

nf.23.08.17 #11,061
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Your post #11,056 contains a major misrepresentation of what I said. Your line of reasoning about DEMS in Congress needing to fix abortion laws is therefore quite bogus and unsupported by reality based upon any sustainable facts.



I am seeing my use of the word “intervene” in my post nf.23.09.16 #11,042 was a reference to states. So why did you change what I wrote in your post #11,056


Of course Congress can “intervene” however my point as my words correctly being read are that after RvW was handed down, Congress had no obligation to pass anything in support of Women’s right to reproductive privacy because the USSC was thought to be the final say in the bastion of settled law.

And it was not Congress or the DEM Party that created the post-RvWdivision.

It was these people and the shyster whom they believe was delivered to them as part of God’s plan to Christianize America and eradicate sinful liberal behaviors:

In a large conference hall, we see a blonde white middle-aged woman, in full makeup, a black dress, and a red lanyard around her neck, lift her hands, eyes closed, appearing to sing, with others around her also appearing to joyfully sing.


Evangelical Christians need Republicans. Does the party need them?​

The religious right is losing its grip as candidates respond to a voter majority that doesn’t support a federal abortion ban David Smith in Washington DC​
Sun 17 Sep 2023​
When Donald Trump recalled how his three US supreme court justices helped repealthe nationwide right to abortion, the audience rose to its feet and erupted in whistles, whoops and prolonged applause. But even as the former president basked in the religious right’s moment of triumph, he went on to deliver a warning.​
“I will say politically, it’s a very tough, it’s a very tough decision for some people, but very, very hard on elections. Very, very hard,” Trump told a gathering of Christian conservatives in the ballroom of a Washington hotel. “We had midterms and this was an issue, you know.”​
It is not Democrats in Congress that needs to teach those politically hyperventilating extreme faction of Christianity that the First Amendment’s freedom of religion means they can believe whatever they want to believe and behave themselves accordingly as long as it does not interfere with the liberty and freedom of others.

I don’t think anybody can, but at least you could admit that they are the problem within the Republican Party, not the liberals or the Democrats regarding abortion.

nf.23.08.17 #11,061
I didn’t tamper with your post or change your post, I hit reply, that is all. fooledbydemocrats.

So now you want it a state's rights issue?
It’s not really a state’s rights issue. To the religious people driving who wanted RvW thrown out with the liberal bathwater. They want a fetus rights amendment to the Constitution and only the wrath of God smiting a shitload of liberals between now and the Second coming of Christ will that happen.

I didn’t tamper with your post or change your post, I hit reply, that is all. fooledbydemocrats.
I did not say that you tampered with my post or changed it in any way. You misrepresented what I said in your post #11,056 .

nf.23.08.17 #11,061
Your post #11,056 contains a major misrepresentation of what I said. Your line of reasoning about DEMS in Congress needing to fix abortion laws is therefore quite bogus and unsupported by reality based upon any sustainable facts.

Misrepresentation unintentionally happens. Misrepresentation after it’s pointed out to you is disingenuous.

nf.23.08.17 #11,066
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I did not say that you tampered with my post or changed it in any way. You misrepresented what I said in your post #11,056 .

nf.23.08.17 #11,061

Misrepresentation unintentionally happens. Misrepresentation after it’s pointed out to you is disingenuous.

nf.23.08.17 #11,066
You misrepresent me and others on here all the time and get upset when others do it? Lol!

I gave you my opinions and what needs to be done to fix it, you gave your opinion, which I disagree. I hope it goes well for you.
I gave you my opinions and what needs to be done to fix it, you gave your opinion, which I disagree.
You cannot assemble an argument based on facts and objective reality to support your opinion. All my opinions are based on what you lack.. That is just another fact by your tendency to avoid dealing with avoiding things like the fact that Congress had absolutely no obligation to pass any laws when roe versus wade legalized a woman’s right to have an abortion. When the highest court in the land decides something that something is supposed to be at etched in stone.

you have to know that, but it’s an inconvenient truth. It is not an opinion.
You cannot assemble an argument based on facts and objective reality to support your opinion. All my opinions are based on what you lack.. That is just another fact by your tendency to avoid dealing with avoiding things like the fact that Congress had absolutely no obligation to pass any laws when roe versus wade legalized a woman’s right to have an abortion. When the highest court in the land decides something that something is supposed to be at etched in stone.

you have to know that, but it’s an inconvenient truth. It is not an opinion.
I did, you didn’t like it and brought a bunch of irrelevant BS, that fact is the best and quickest solution is Congress and you have to defend Democrats because that is the horse you tied yourself to, good luck beingfooledbydemocrats.
that fact is the best and quickest solution is Congress and you have to defend Democrats
Congress cannot amend the Constitution. THAT IS WHAT THE SAVING BABY CULT wants. Personhood. The only fucking way division in this country, and when the saving baby fetus cult gives up trying to impose their religion on everybody else. That is a fact.
you didn’t like it
What do you mean I don’t like it. The Democrats are not the political party in disarray over abortion. Republicans pushed for 50 years to get states the right to decide what to do now they don’t know what to do.

Ohio’s going to amend its constitution to make abortion legal the same about exactly where it was under Roe. All the backwards hillbilly Christian run states like Alabama and Arkansas and Texas will eventually go the way of a higher intelligence run states like Kansas, Michigan, New York, California. You know all the real states,

Si other than harming some women in hillbilly run Christian states that is on the republican political regime, I like it.

Democrats will do whatever they can to get the women in those hillbilly run states away to get a safe medical procedure in the states that respect women’s independence liberty and reproductive rights.
Congress cannot amend the Constitution. THAT IS WHAT THE SAVING BABY CULT wants. Personhood. The only fucking way division in this country, and when the saving baby fetus cult gives up trying to impose their religion on everybody else. That is a fact.
WRONG!!! Article V of the Constitution lays out the ways it can be amended. There are two paths: one through Congress, and one through the states. In Congress, two-thirds of the Senate and two-thirds of the House of Representatives must vote to propose an amendment. Or, two-thirds of the states can petition the Congress to open a convention for proposing amendments. Any proposed amendment that comes out of it must then be approved by three-fourths of the states within a reasonable time. What makes for a “reasonable time” is not defined, but Congress has attached time limits, controversially, to some amendment proposals. so Congress can. Congress can also make a law legalizing abortion, either way works. That is an absolute fact!
WRONG!!! Article V of the Constitution lays out the ways it can be amended. There are two paths: one through Congress, and one through the states. In Congress, two-thirds of the Senate and two-thirds of the House of Representatives must vote to propose an amendment.
So actually, I’m right. There is no fucking way that Democrats in Congress was in a position for the past 50 years to amend the Constitution making abortion legal. And you continue to be unable to accept the reality that when Roe versus Wade was handed down the Democratic Party both in Congress, and the states, was not compelled to do anything because their constituents, women who want individual liberty, were protected by the highest court in the land.

It’s the Republican party’s largest block of consistent and loyal voters, the religious right, organized by Dr. James Dobson, and other mostly divine white nen, who want a fetus to be given personhood in the constitution. They know they couldn’t do that in the states and they couldn’t do it in Congress so they did it in the supreme court by putting six Catholic justices most of them groomed by the Federalist Society under some guy, named Leonard Leo, who became a billionaire finding and prepping lawyers who would go into the judicial system with the idea of being nominated to the Supreme Court so that they could overturn roe versus wade on a states rights issue that actually makes absolutely no sense whatsoever .

In both cases an amendment to the constitution, hss to be passed by the state legislatures and 2/3 of the states.
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Evangelicals losing their grip on the Republican Party as 2024 election looms​

Tom Boggioni
September 17, 2023, 8:02 AM ET

Evangelicals losing their grip on the Republican Party as 2024 election looms

Evangelical worshippers (Photo by Larry Marano for Shutterstock

Evangelicals losing their grip on the Republican Party as 2024 election looms pblshd vnglcls.23.09.17


I read. . . .

It says nothing about Congress being the proven key to solving the fetus personhood problem.

Here’s why I could never agree with you on that.

That piece is a summary of the chaos that Dobbs has created, not much more.

This problem still exists. The white Christian nationalists minority of Protestant believers and fetus obsessed minority of Catholics believers want personhood from the moment of conception to be amended into the US Constitution. No Congress can do that. And no tyranny of a religious driven majority in two-thirds of the states should do that.

There is traditionally only one sacred American anti-authoritarian way to handle any highly popular religious belief that has a particular duty to a specific Deity. We have a large number of Americans who are in the Body of Christ wherein some of them, certainly not the majority of them, who make up the Saving Baby Fetus Cult and who have lost their collective rational mindfulness when it comes rightful thinking in ways of being a good citizen in the American family.

It is essential for the survival of our Founding Fathers-Washington-Adams Jefferson-Madison’s legacy that those good hard working Jesus Believing Americans who are caught up in SBFCult thinking learn to live according to their conscience and not do anything to violate their deeply held religious belief that God has a plan to have a personal relationship with every human being created in his image from the moment of conception and not impose what their collective conscience beholds on others.

I am a rational theist and my conscience beholds that nature’s god has a plan to have a personal relationship with every human being created in his image from the the very moment of being born alive and that is . . . . my truth

Congress nor Two Thirds of States nor Legislation in any one state should be able and allowed to take away my truth.

Does any one who has read this far have a good constitutional reason to deprive any law abiding American citizen of his or her truth described in the above stated truth.

nf.23.09.17 #11,055

In a large conference hall, we see a blonde white middle-aged woman, in full makeup, a black dress, and a red lanyard around her neck, lift her hands, eyes closed, appearing to sing, with others around her also appearing to joyfully sing.


Evangelical Christians need Republicans. Does the party need them?​

The religious right is losing its grip as candidates respond to a voter majority that doesn’t support a federal abortion ban

Evangelical Christians need Republicans. Does the party need them? pblshd.23.09.17 vnglcls.23.09.16
You can bash Christians until the sun goes down everyday, but you know who your leftist party is, and you support them and promote them even though they are flat destroying this nation. Now just sit back and ask yourself, just how damned dumb am I ????

When you finally realize it, hopefully there will be a support group you can quickly lean on, because the tears are going to be falling like a flood from your eyes as you tear your shirt in shame
You misrepresent me and others on here all the time and get upset when others do it? Lol!

I gave you my opinions and what needs to be done to fix it, you gave your opinion, which I disagree. I hope it goes well for you.
You were spot on in this analysis.
So actually, I’m right. There is no fucking way that Democrats in Congress was in a position for the past 50 years to amend the Constitution making abortion legal. And you continue to be unable to accept the reality that when Roe versus Wade was handed down the Democratic Party both in Congress, and then the state was not compelled to do anything because their constituents, women who want individual liberty were protected by the highest court in the land.

It’s the Republican party’s largest block of consistent and loyal voters, the religious right, organized by Dr. James Dobson, and other mostly divine white nen, who want a fetus to be given personhood in the constitution. They know they couldn’t do that in the states and they couldn’t do it in Congress so they did it in the supreme court by putting six Catholic justices most of them groomed by the Federalist Society under some guy, named Leonard Leo, who became a billionaire finding and prepping lawyers who would go into the judicial system with the idea of being nominated to the Supreme Court so that they could overturn roe versus wade on a states rights issue that actually makes absolutely no sense whatsoever .
WRONG!!! They don‘t need to amend the Constitution they could have made a federal law, that allowed legalized abortions in all states. Congress has the authority to pass a law and make abortion legal in all 50 states that supersede state laws, just by a simple majority. Obama, Clinton, and Carter administration s could have passed such a law and never brought it to the floor.
WRONG!!! They don‘t need to amend the Constitution they could have made a federal law, that allowed legalized abortions in all states. Congress has the authority to pass a law and make abortion legal in all 50 states that supersede state laws, just by a simple majority. Obama, Clinton, and Carter administration s could have passed such a law and never brought it to the floor.

The Federal Government would be sued by every hillbilly Christian run state in the country. And with the six Catholics on the USSC they could find a reason to throw the law out.

My point is there was no reason for the DEM Congresses to do anything after RvW was in place.

DOBBS gave Mississippi the fifteen weeks they asked for. But 92% of fetuses are aborted by fifteen weeks so there are not many baby fetuses being saved. So Mississippi passes laws banning abortions at six weeks because most women do not know they are pregnant that early.

Saving Baby fetus is a cult and the only way to shut them up and go away is to do what Ohio is doing. They will shut up a lot of hillbilly Christians in November. You refuse to acknowledge that - It will be a bi-partisan amendment to the Ohio Constitution that fetuses in Ohio are not persons and never will be.
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Obama, Clinton, and Carter administration s could have passed such a law and never brought it to the floor.
Blue dogs always held everything back

But even if they have the numbers in Congress, why would they waste political capital passing a law when the supreme court settled it is it was the bi-partisan law of the land for 50 years?
You can bash Christians u
I only object to the majority of Christians who want government to force full term gestation on women. As you know I only object when Christians try to impose their religion on everybody else, including other Christians who have much more rationality, and sense and American blood running through their veins than they do.
Trump is the rightful occupant of the White House - on Jan 20 2021, and right now as well.
Was the special election in Kansas a victory for forcing full term gestation on women because that side got fewer votes?

When Ohioans put reproductive rights in the Ohio constitution in November, will the full term forced full-term gestation be a win by getting less votes than the pro-choice side
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