Roe v Wade Revisited, Forcefully


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The President has vowed in many different venues to do everything in his power (which he apparently thinks is unlimited) to restore "Roe v Wade" as the law of the land.

As with sooooooo many things that the Left pushes these days, it must be with some tiniest bit of embarrassment that they acknowledge that they - the Left - have emphatically rejected RvW and the principles it laid down, and they would NEVER be willing to go back to those guidelines, to wit,
  • During the first "trimester" of pregnancy, the carrier of the fetus has a "Constitutioal right" to end the pregnancy;
  • During the second trimester, the State may regulate - or even outlaw - abortions; and
  • During the third and final trimester, the fetus has legal status as a person.
Does anybody seriously contend that this is what Biden wants? Or his posse on the Left supports? They openly demand a "right" to abortion up to and including the moment of live birth!

"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

So keep this in mind next time you hear Biden talking about how he wants to restore Roe v Wade. He is lying - if he is mentally capable of lying, which is an open issue.
The President has vowed in many different venues to do everything in his power (which he apparently thinks is unlimited) to restore "Roe v Wade" as the law of the land.

As with sooooooo many things that the Left pushes these days, it must be with some tiniest bit of embarrassment that they acknowledge that they - the Left - have emphatically rejected RvW and the principles it laid down, and they would NEVER be willing to go back to those guidelines, to wit,
  • During the first "trimester" of pregnancy, the carrier of the fetus has a "Constitutioal right" to end the pregnancy;
  • During the second trimester, the State may regulate - or even outlaw - abortions; and
  • During the third and final trimester, the fetus has legal status as a person.
Does anybody seriously contend that this is what Biden wants? Or his posse on the Left supports? They openly demand a "right" to abortion up to and including the moment of live birth!

"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

So keep this in mind next time you hear Biden talking about how he wants to restore Roe v Wade. He is lying - if he is mentally capable of lying, which is an open issue.
What a dumbass opinion. Meanwhile in reality, an overwhelming majority of Americans want abortion to be legal, and your own candidate won't even touch the subject.
The President has vowed in many different venues to do everything in his power (which he apparently thinks is unlimited) to restore "Roe v Wade" as the law of the land.

As with sooooooo many things that the Left pushes these days, it must be with some tiniest bit of embarrassment that they acknowledge that they - the Left - have emphatically rejected RvW and the principles it laid down, and they would NEVER be willing to go back to those guidelines, to wit,
  • During the first "trimester" of pregnancy, the carrier of the fetus has a "Constitutioal right" to end the pregnancy;
  • During the second trimester, the State may regulate - or even outlaw - abortions; and
  • During the third and final trimester, the fetus has legal status as a person.
Does anybody seriously contend that this is what Biden wants? Or his posse on the Left supports? They openly demand a "right" to abortion up to and including the moment of live birth!

"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

So keep this in mind next time you hear Biden talking about how he wants to restore Roe v Wade. He is lying - if he is mentally capable of lying, which is an open issue.
Personally I think we on the Left were fine with RvW. I know I was.
The President has vowed in many different venues to do everything in his power (which he apparently thinks is unlimited) to restore "Roe v Wade" as the law of the land.

As with sooooooo many things that the Left pushes these days, it must be with some tiniest bit of embarrassment that they acknowledge that they - the Left - have emphatically rejected RvW and the principles it laid down, and they would NEVER be willing to go back to those guidelines, to wit,
  • During the first "trimester" of pregnancy, the carrier of the fetus has a "Constitutioal right" to end the pregnancy;
  • During the second trimester, the State may regulate - or even outlaw - abortions; and
  • During the third and final trimester, the fetus has legal status as a person.
Does anybody seriously contend that this is what Biden wants? Or his posse on the Left supports? They openly demand a "right" to abortion up to and including the moment of live birth!

"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

So keep this in mind next time you hear Biden talking about how he wants to restore Roe v Wade. He is lying - if he is mentally capable of lying, which is an open issue.
I don't think RvD is going to be an issue anymore, compared to the big issue.
Does anybody seriously contend that this is what Biden wants?

You forgot the privacy issue ... the contents of a woman's womb is now available for government inspection ... to see if the child's life is threatened ... we've taken away the individual right and given it to the government ... can an person's internal organ be used to incriminate someone? ... or are internal organs covered by the 5th Amendment? ...

You don't have a womb so maybe you don't find that the question itself is offensive ...
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OK, so if I'm on the highway and slam into a preggers woman and she has a miscarriage don't be charging me with the death of a clump of cells and we will be fine.
You know in your heart that you will have to answer for that attitude when you stand in front of the pearly gates. ( with an AR-15?)
The Left, DSG49, do not believe that Trump or MAGA will say "states' rights" not "Roe vs. Wades."
President Trump has already said, "states' rights." He is fully in agreement with the Supreme Court. The Left wants to make abortion a Federal issue because they think it gives them an advantage with single suburban women.
President Trump has already said, "states' rights." He is fully in agreement with the Supreme Court. The Left wants to make abortion a Federal issue because they think it gives them an advantage with single suburban women.
It also ties up federal funding.
The President has vowed in many different venues to do everything in his power (which he apparently thinks is unlimited) to restore "Roe v Wade" as the law of the land.

As with sooooooo many things that the Left pushes these days, it must be with some tiniest bit of embarrassment that they acknowledge that they - the Left - have emphatically rejected RvW and the principles it laid down, and they would NEVER be willing to go back to those guidelines, to wit,
  • During the first "trimester" of pregnancy, the carrier of the fetus has a "Constitutioal right" to end the pregnancy;
  • During the second trimester, the State may regulate - or even outlaw - abortions; and
  • During the third and final trimester, the fetus has legal status as a person.
Does anybody seriously contend that this is what Biden wants? Or his posse on the Left supports? They openly demand a "right" to abortion up to and including the moment of live birth!

"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

So keep this in mind next time you hear Biden talking about how he wants to restore Roe v Wade. He is lying - if he is mentally capable of lying, which is an open issue.
They ATRE Baby killers.
" Domestic Terrorists Lauding Anti Federalism Red Herring To Embrace Populism For Authoritarian Statistism As Traitors Against Principles Of Us Republic To Promote Independence Of The Individual "

* Abortion Choice Republicans Call For Scotus To Be Formally Charged With Sedition *

President Trump has already said, "states' rights." He is fully in agreement with the Supreme Court. The Left wants to make abortion a Federal issue because they think it gives them an advantage with single suburban women.
It is traitors to us republic who support the dumbfounded dobbs decision and its sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and malfeasance against title section 8 of us code , an scrotus should be charged with the crime , as should any other despot that suspends us constitution .

This information has not been thrust in the face of fools on truth social .
" Domestic Terrorists Lauding Anti Federalism Red Herring To Embrace Populism For Authoritarian Statistism As Traitors Against Principles Of Us Republic To Promote Independence Of The Individual "

* Abortion Choice Republicans Call For Scotus To Be Formally Charged With Sedition *

It is traitors to us republic who support the dumbfounded dobbs decision and its sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and malfeasance against title section 8 of us code , an scrotus should be charged with the crime , as should any other despot that suspends us constitution .

This information has not been thrust in the face of fools on truth social .
Bullshit. There is NOTHING mentioned in the Constitution about Abortion.
" Reverence For Us Citizens Replaced By Reviling It With Contempt Against Its Independence "

* Despicable Deceit By Domestic Terrorist And Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic *

Bullshit. There is NOTHING mentioned in the Constitution about Abortion.
And non enumerated rites articulated in us 9th amendment is just a load of shit to domestic terrorists and traitors to us republic who ignore direct and logically of course deductions from us 14th amendment .

There is everything in us constitution about the only non incidental requirement to become a us citizen that is live birth in us 14th amendment .

A state is comprised of citizens and constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth and therefore by equitable doctrine , live birth is required for equal protection - " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE " .

The traitors to us republic revile the citizen and despise its independence and individualism .

The scrotus has committed sedition and should be charged with the crime .

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" Public Narrative Set For Fee Press Offered From Jurisprudence With Shit For Brains "

* Pandering Rite To Privacy Red Herring To Distract Stupid People *

"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."
Anyone pandering a rite to privacy as the constitutional basis for roe v wade is a categorical imbecile , as the constitutional basis for abortion is a stipulation of live birth to become a citizen and by equitable doctrine live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

The roe v wade decision substituted an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth in lieu of a live birth requirement and referred to a potential life , that would more succinctly be understood as a " potential rite to life " .

* Abortion Anti Choice Are The Biggest Liars Of All *
So keep this in mind next time you hear Biden talking about how he wants to restore Roe v Wade. He is lying - if he is mentally capable of lying, which is an open issue.
After first trimester without cause abortions have already been optioned , whereas in second and third trimester individuals who want to deliver a healthy child become faced with developmental anomalies and with cause abortions .

The anthropocentric psychotic , freak farmer fanatic , domestic terrorist , sniveling traitors against us constitution and principles of us republic tout a god damned lie and fake narrative for a mystical abortion of a healthy full term fetus to undermine and revile the us citizen .

The aborted mystical healthy full term fetus is a sick mantra of the mental degenerate whose subversive intent is to debase and deprive the individual citizen of public trust , confidence and independence to make ethical decisions for life , liberty and pursuit of happiness for themselves .
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" Reverence For Us Citizens Replaced By Reviling It With Contempt Against Its Independence "

* Despicable Deceit By Domestic Terrorist And Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic *

And non enumerated rites articulated in us 9th amendment is just a load of shit to domestic terrorists and traitors to us republic who ignore direct and logically of course deductions from us 14th amendment .

There is everything in us constitution about the only non incidental requirement to become a us citizen that is live birth in us 14th amendment .

A state is comprised of citizens and constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth and therefore by equitable doctrine , live birth is required for equal protection - " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE " .

The traitors to us republic revile the citizen and despise its independence and individualism .

The scrotus has committed sedition and should be charged with the crime .

Abortion is murder. Any whoring tramp who gets one should be tattooed with a Scarlet Letter. And Doctor should be charged with murder.
" In And Among Living Mortal Beast Creator Images "

* Childish Foolishness In Melodramatic Hue Mammon Adults *

Abortion is murder. Any whoring tramp who gets one should be tattooed with a Scarlet Letter. And Doctor should be charged with murder.
A law exists because an entity exists that is capable of and issues a retort for violations of some given statute .

As nature does not issue an immediate retort for killing of anything , the is it ( idiom - theist ) must therefore prove its rhetoric that there is a law ordained from gawd against murder , as by definition murder is unlawful killing and a law requires a reprise or retort .

In answer to produce proof of a reprise or a retort for a violation of law of gawd against killing , some theists abdicate its position to issue judgement of divine retribution and invokes a macabre day of ethereal judgement at some end of time .

Any destiny can be changed through an option of fates , as a fatalism is an event that occurred and by choosing a different fate then destiny changes as well .

The the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , is being confused with a means by which to acquire a chance for eternal life .

A quality of infinitude is that of being and becoming through some transition , and as no thing is separate from its self , by induction all things emulate a quality of being an becoming through some transition of which reproduction is an example .

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , sapience and introspection , while a subjective altruism of hue mammon would be that its introspection should exist in perpetuity , while the nature of gawd does not expect that every instance of hue mammon introspection must exist in perpetuity to satisfy the subjective altruism .

The principles of us republic are to promote independence of the individual , and those vying against that ethos by promoting populism for democracy as mob rules tyranny by collective majority , that is founded in myopic hysteria and aggrandized ego are confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , with the means by which to attain one .

By principles of non violence , violence is illegitimate aggression , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

By principles of individualism , violence against an individual is illegitimate aggression against self ownership or self determination of an individual .

The element of self ownership entitles an individual to free roam , to free association and to progeny .

The element of self determination entitles an individual to private property and to willful intents through social civil contracts that are made valid through informed consent .

It is not possible to exchange self ownership for a debt incurred through self determination .

By principles of non violence and individualism , the individual citizen is entitled to self ownership through progeny and and not be deprived of it by traitors against principles of us republic with a guild to promote independence of the individual among is individual citizens .
" In And Among Living Mortal Beast Creator Images "

* Childish Foolishness In Melodramatic Hue Mammon Adults *

A law exists because an entity exists that is capable of and issues a retort for violations of some given statute .

As nature does not issue an immediate retort for killing of anything , the is it ( idiom - theist ) must therefore prove its rhetoric that there is a law ordained from gawd against murder , as by definition murder is unlawful killing and a law requires a reprise or retort .

In answer to produce proof of a reprise or a retort for a violation of law of gawd against killing , some theists abdicate its position to issue judgement of divine retribution and invokes a macabre day of ethereal judgement at some end of time .

Any destiny can be changed through an option of fates , as a fatalism is an event that occurred and by choosing a different fate then destiny changes as well .

The the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , is being confused with a means by which to acquire a chance for eternal life .

A quality of infinitude is that of being and becoming through some transition , and as no thing is separate from its self , by induction all things emulate a quality of being an becoming through some transition of which reproduction is an example .

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , sapience and introspection , while a subjective altruism of hue mammon would be that its introspection should exist in perpetuity , while the nature of gawd does not expect that every instance of hue mammon introspection must exist in perpetuity to satisfy the subjective altruism .

The principles of us republic are to promote independence of the individual , and those vying against that ethos by promoting populism for democracy as mob rules tyranny by collective majority , that is founded in myopic hysteria and aggrandized ego are confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , with the means by which to attain one .

By principles of non violence , violence is illegitimate aggression , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

By principles of individualism , violence against an individual is illegitimate aggression against self ownership or self determination of an individual .

The element of self ownership entitles an individual to free roam , to free association and to progeny .

The element of self determination entitles an individual to private property and to willful intents through social civil contracts that are made valid through informed consent .

It is not possible to exchange self ownership for a debt incurred through self determination .

By principles of non violence and individualism , the individual citizen is entitled to self ownership through progeny and and not be deprived of it by traitors against principles of us republic with a guild to promote independence of the individual among is individual citizens .
Verbose ,aren't you.?
" Compelling Contingencies And Particulars Of Constructive Articulations "

* Resonance Without Resource Constraints *

Verbose ,aren't you.?
There is an initial appearance of verbosity , because exposure and familiarity with core principles of us republic are rejected by traitors , while belated in political science and civics through revulsion of autonomy and independence of the individual citizen .

The vernacular and lexicon of public narratives are generally censured as a guild of the fee press , rather than by novice of an actual free press .

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