ROFLOL: HILLARY on Russia Collusion - "Follow the Money!"

Ignoramus, KGB was disbanded in 1992, after it participated in a plot to overthrow Yeltsin (Russian President at the time).
No $h!t! WHY do you think it is referred to as the 'KGB Bank', genius, even by CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc? Because it is run by ex-KGB Putin buddies! EVERYONE knows that....well, ALMOST everyone. :p

I'll cut to the chase :What the fuck does Russian gov. have to do with the Candian businessman that the 145 million donations to Clinton Foundation came from?

ANSWER: NOTHING, you are just full of shit.
Over the weekend Hillary spoke out about Russian collusion and meddling in the 2016 election, declaring, "FOLLOW THE MONEY!"

Call it 'Ironic'. Call it 'hypocritical'. Or just sit back, laugh, and call it 'Funny'!

Let's take Hillary's advice and 'FOLLOW THE MONEY':

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to acquire Uranium One and a percentage of the US' supply of uranium.

Hillary also paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians, through a company working with / for the Russians, for a report filled with Russian Propaganda which she then used illegally in a US election. (Barry and Comey also paid the foreign spy for the false report they later used to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on the 2016 GOP candidate.)

Bill Clinton took $550k per speaking engagement from the KGB Bank, and got to meet directly with Vladimir Putin after being refused an audience with the Russian Nuclear Commission.

Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta co-founded a lobbying who worked for the Russians. At least a third of the Podeta Group's board of directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself. Finally, John received THOUSANDS of shares of Russian stocks never reported to the US government.

'Fat Tony' Podesta, brother of John Podesta and co-founder of the Podesta Group, worked for not only the KGB Bank but also reportedly for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked into the DNC and stole its e-mails and classified information. 'Fat' Tony was also paid 'handsomely' for his services...

The Russians paid Hillary.
The Russians paid Bill.
The Russians paid John Podesta.
The Russians paid 'Fat Tony'
The Russians paid The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to spread racial hatred and violence
The Russians spent money on Psychological Ops in the U, using social media to get snowflakes to organize and march for them

Yet, failing to be able to provide any shred of evidence to support her claim that Trump illegally 'colluded' with the Russians, Hillary 'over the weekend called for people to "follow the money" regarding President Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.'

Good one, Hillary..... :lmao:

Tariff fight tests Trump, GOP
Mueller says that this doesn't exist.

It's like the mythological Invisible Nazis.

I Nazi You, and You Nazi Me!

OH WELL, Off to find more Russian Collusion...that isn't in any way shape of form associated with my good freind James Comey and Hillary Clinton, or Barak Obama.....Nope....not gonna look at that.
Listen idiot, just because you have a link to something DOES NOT MEAN IT IS TRUE.

View attachment 182074

"Just because you have links to actual articles,
facts, testimony, etc does not mean it is true!"



Not a single article you linked or googled or whatever-the-fuck-it-is-you-do can dispute that the money came from a Canadian businessman with no known connections to Russian government.

So yes really, you are not able to sanely respond to ANYTHING, because you are a fucking idiot.
I'll cut to the chase :What the fuck does Russian gov. have to do with the Candian businessman that the 145 million donations to Clinton Foundation came from? ANSWER: NOTHING, you are just full of shit.

You aren't really bright and have a hard time focusing on anything more than 3 seconds, and you need someone to draw you a picture, I see.

I will explain all the evidence, links, testimony, etc posted numerous times for you to understand, though I doubt you will get it / acknowledge it.

The Russians wanted to acquire Uranium One.

Mueller, the FBI, and US AG, and President Obama knew about and hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One and our uranium.

Evidence shows the Russians bribed quite a few US Politicians and Uranium / Energy agency representatives. The KGB Bank was the leading financier for the Russians in this endeavor. Among those who were paid by the KGB Bank, as evidence shows, was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation. Evidence shows Bill Clinton received $500k from the KGB Bank per speech for several speeches. Bill attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency reps, was denied, and eventually met with Vladimir Putin himself. (Was probably just to 'talk about grandkids'... :p ) Interestingly enough neither Clinton was mentioned in the FBI's report regarding American govt personnel who had been paid by the Russians during that time.

The Secret Board responsible for voting on whether or not to authorize the sale of Uranium One consisted of a 9-Person panel.
- Secretary of State Clinton was one/ She failed to tell the rest of the committee that she had received $145 million from the KGB Bank, again, the leading financier behind the very deal they would be voting on.

- Obama US AG Eric Holder was also a member of this Committee. Holder was ware of all the bullying, attacks, intimidation, and bribery going on by the Russians in an effort to buy Uranium One...and never mentioned all the crime and scandal to the committee before the vote was cast. Both Hillary and Holder used their influence to push the deal forward and get it approved.

It was not until AFTER the deal went through that FBI Director Mueller made the Russian crimes public and acted on some of them.

The importance of the Canadian company is THIS:

Democrats publicly declared the selling of Uranium One and 20% of our 2upply of Uranium was not a big deal because they could not take the uranium out of the country. This was true. Laws / security measures were set up so the Uranium could not leave the US.

Not long after the sale of Uranium One, none other than President Barak Obama signed the papers himself allowing the uranium to be moved to Canada - out of the country and out of US hands....despite assurances that the uranium would NEVER leave the US. (Yeah, who didn't see that betrayal coming?!)

Guess where that Uranium is now, dumbass?! Once in Canada it was quickly shipped to Europe and into the hands of the Russians.

Thank you for putting your full ignorance - and partisanship - on display for everyone to see....

Uranium One Deal: Obama Administration Complicit, Not Just | National Review
-- Uranium One Deal: Obama Administration Complicit

"The Times detailed how the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One.

The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “
made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company.

The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based
Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,”

"This arcane bit of campaign trivia resurfaced in the news after The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper, reported that a Russian spy sought to gain access to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state.

Lydia Guryev, who used the name “Cynthia Murphy” while living in the United States, pleaded guilty to espionage charges in July 2010 and was forced to leave the U.S. Her guilty plea came after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced and before the Committee on Foreign Investments approved it. But there was nothing about the merger in the federal criminal complaint or the press release announcing her guilty plea.

The criminal complaint said that Guryev had been working as a spy in the United States since the 1990s and took orders from the foreign intelligence organ of the Russian Federation in Moscow."

"an FBI investigation that resulted in “charges against the Russian nuclear industry’s point man in the United States, TENEX director Vadim Mikerin, as well as a Russian financier and an American trucking executive whose company moved Russian uranium around the United States.”

In 2015, Mikerin was sentenced to 48 months and required to pay more than $2 million in restitution for conspiring to commit money laundering, according to the Justice Department.

The Hill quoted the attorney for a former FBI informant in the TENEX case as saying her client “witnessed numerous, detailed conversations in which Russian actors described their efforts to lobby, influence or ingratiate themselves with the Clintons in hopes of winning favorable uranium decisions from the Obama administration.”

$145 MILLION to the Clinton Foundation from those who benefitted from the sale of Uranium One / The Russians
$500k per speech to Bill Clinton from those who benefitted from the sale of Uranium One / The Russians

The Facts on Uranium One -
Just Nationalize Uranium Deposits in the US and give the Middle Finger to HIllary Clinton, Barak Obama, and Uranium One Conspirators and Russia!

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