Roger Ailes dead

I'm not "sad" either. I didn't even know the man and he had no effect on my life, but whatever happened to common decency and social graces? We don't TRASH dead people. It serves no purpose and solves no problems.
There are very few people I trash while dead, like Stalin, Hitler and Mao, etc.

But the vast majority of the dead should be shown at least some iota of respect.
People who feel the need to lash out at a dead person must have some SERIOUS self control issues.
Anyone mentioning Hitler is a "rotten egg"
Matt Taibbi: Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst Americans Ever
Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst Americans Ever

Fox News founder made this the hate-filled, moronic country it is today


Taibbi: Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst Americans Ever

On the Internet today you will find thousands, perhaps even millions, of people gloating about the death of elephantine Fox News founder Roger Ailes. The happy face emojis are getting a workout on Twitter, which is also bursting with biting one-liners.

When I mentioned to one of my relatives that I was writing about the death of Ailes, the response was, "Say that you hope he's reborn as a woman in Saudi Arabia."

Ailes has no one but his fast-stiffening self to blame for this treatment. He is on the short list of people most responsible for modern America's vicious and bloodthirsty character.
Beat me to it Tyrone. The excellent journalist Matt Taibbi delivered the most accurate eulogy to date.
The way I see it

Roger Ailes was a sex Pervert Pussy grabber serial sexual abuser of Females the fact that he died does not change that...his Heritage is a discredited Fox Network AKA BullShit Mountain and the Memory of His Sexual Perversion ... and the Victims of It

Sad to see the toxicity in this thread.

Ailes earned every bit of toxicity. He elevated lying to an art form, treated his female staff as his personal sex toys, and never ever criticized the right.

Well, we know he didn't go to heaven at least.
He's dead dumbass. Your vile nature on the subject only impacts the living. Your disgusting words only show your lack of class and respect for others.

Respect is earned. I don't respect men who don't respect women. I especially dislike liars, and Ailes made his living lying to the American public.

Ailes is dead. Good riddance. The world is better off without him.
He was a bad guy that happens to start a news agency that gave the opposing view. Without foxnews we would only get a liberal agenda based news outlet.

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He was a bad guy that happens to start a news agency that gave the opposing view. Without foxnews we would only get a liberal agenda based news outlet.

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Actually what he and Murdoch did was create the gossip-tabloid News Theater, rather than News. All based on Murdoch's sleazy tabloids where he made his fortune, simply adapted to TV and using politicians instead of celebrities, always centering on people rather than policy (because you can demonize people but you can't demonize policy) and poured through the TV screen in a torrent of fearmongering paranoia, because that's what sells.

News (real news) is expensive to do. You need to fly people around on the spur of the moment, with satellite phones and camera crews, based in foreign bureaus. That ain't cheap. Far cheaper to sit some talking heads in a garishly colored studio and have them simply talk ABOUT the news, with complete soap opera scripts parceling out the roles of "us" and "them" elements, punctuated by trolling suggestive chyrons and women shaped like the number 8 in miniskirts. Ailes and Murdoch knew where the vulnerabilities could be exploited, and went straight for the proverbial jugular. It's all emotion, at the expense of substance, because emotion sells while substance does not.

Perhaps Ailes' most revealing quote:
"If you have two guys on a stage and one guy says 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East' and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"

It's one thing to understand human psychology, and a positive thing. It's another thing entirely to then take that understanding and manipulate the public for your own gain at the expense of your country.

Sad to see the toxicity in this thread.

Ailes earned every bit of toxicity. He elevated lying to an art form, treated his female staff as his personal sex toys, and never ever criticized the right.

Well, we know he didn't go to heaven at least.
He's dead dumbass. Your vile nature on the subject only impacts the living. Your disgusting words only show your lack of class and respect for others.

Respect is earned. I don't respect men who don't respect women. I especially dislike liars, and Ailes made his living lying to the American public.

Ailes is dead. Good riddance. The world is better off without him.
You completely miss my point. No surprise since you're such a bitter old bitch without the ability to understand what you read
"i ought not say bad stuff about the dead, so i won't....when it came to scarin old white guys, nobody did better than Roger!" - Bill Maher
Mr. Ailes was a very virile man (note his baldness) and very wealthy as well. Women threw themselves at him shamelessly and now blame him for sexual harassment.

When are women going to be held to account for their actions rather than being treated like children?

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