Roger Ailes dead

For the record, if BULLDOG or rdean or Isaac Newton or tigerred59 or Matthew keeled over tomorrow, I would be perfectly content just to say RIP, I would not rejoice, but I would miss the chuckles I usually have reading their posts.
I would say a prayer for them, that God have mercy on the depraved.
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Today on my lunch hour, I found myself listening to Sean Hannity start is radio show. He began it talking about Roger Ailes. How him and Ailes started at Fox. How Ailes was patient with him as he was learning the ropes and so on and so on...

He talked for about 15 minutes on Ailes and for that entire time, I sensed this wasn't some partisan posthumous rant. For the first time, I heard Hannity speak from his heart in regards to a friend he just lost. And at that exact moment, I knew how he felt.

I lost my mother this past February and just last week, a friend I knew for over 30 years passed away. With that being said, I think I'll give Fox a break today.

Well said, Bill.

This afternoon I heard Shepard Smith remembering Roger Ailes. He was close to tears at times.

Those on these board who never knew the man but thought they knew his worth should have listened to Sean or Shepard before they opened their ignorant traps.
Piece of shit can rot in hell, he misinformed and worked into a lather the low information conservative base and left this country deeply divided. What a pig.
Piece of shit can rot in hell, he misinformed and worked into a lather the low information conservative base and left this country deeply divided. What a pig.
It was that fucking Obama who divided this country with his playing favorites with the Leftists while fucking over conservative groups like the TEA party. Finally we have a real leader in the White House. Goodbye Obamacare. Hello tax cuts for everyone.
Today on my lunch hour, I found myself listening to Sean Hannity start is radio show. He began it talking about Roger Ailes. How him and Ailes started at Fox. How Ailes was patient with him as he was learning the ropes and so on and so on...

He talked for about 15 minutes on Ailes and for that entire time, I sensed this wasn't some partisan posthumous rant. For the first time, I heard Hannity speak from his heart in regards to a friend he just lost. And at that exact moment, I knew how he felt.

I lost my mother this past February and just last week, a friend I knew for over 30 years passed away. With that being said, I think I'll give Fox a break today.
Not seeing any threads on it. Surprised it doesn't get more attention.

A brilliant guy who was forced to resign from FOX because of allegations of behaving like Bill Clinton.
The comparison between Ailes and Clinton are so far off as to be ridiculous. Clinton may have been a womanizer, but he often used his charm, looks, and pick-up lines to score. Ailes was completely dependent on his power as the boss who controlled the careers of his victims of abuse. Many of Clinton's dates were basic groupies who wanted a fling with the governor. Ailes, on the other hand, was a grotesque slob who only had the power of hiring, promoting and firing to get women to provide him with sex.
Can anyone really image any of those FOX girls willingly having sex of any sort with the grotesque Ailes? It's not that all obese fat guys are grotesque, but Ailes was particularly grotesque.
Post of the thread.

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The usual class act from the Lefties around here.
Fox News founder offered an alternative to the old-line establishment media.
May 19, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

“Roger Ailes, who built Fox News into a cable powerhouse before leaving the company last year, died Thursday morning at the age of 77,” Fox News reported yesterday. “The Ohio-born television pioneer was a confidante of presidents and an acknowledged master of communications. He founded Fox News in 1996 and built it into the nation's long-running No. 1 cable news network.”

The Fox report quoted Rupert Murdoch, that “Roger and I shared a big idea which he executed in a way no one else could have. In addition, Roger was a great patriot who never ceased fighting for his beliefs.”

In similar style, Fox news host Sean Hannity tweeted that America had lost “one of its great patriotic warriors,” a man who “dramatically and forever changed the political and the media landscape, single-handedly for the better.” Roger Ailes’ competitors had a somewhat different take.


It’s the greatest fake news since Stalin’s apologist, Walter Duranty of the New York Times, told the world there was no famine in Ukraine in 1932-33. In reality, Stalin planned the famine, which claimed more than a million lives, one of the worst atrocities of all time. As Roger Ailes knew, the old-line establishment media has always been unfair, unbalanced, and afraid of the truth.

Roger Ailes, RIP
Well said, Bill.

This afternoon I heard Shepard Smith remembering Roger Ailes. He was close to tears at times.

Those on these board who never knew the man but thought they knew his worth should have listened to Sean or Shepard before they opened their ignorant traps.
Don't get me wrong. I'm a liberal. I'm a leftist. I think Rachel Maddow is the man (so to speak). But this was one of those breaks in the war for a day of rest. Like in the middle of WWI on Christmas Day, German troops and American troops crawled out of their trenches and for one day, played a game of soccer.

They were back at it the next day, but you get the idea...
Good riddance! Best piece of news this week. He will not be missed.
Obviously he *will* be missed, but not by neo-Marxist scumbags like yourself.

So I'm a neo Marxist because I'm not sad about a sexual harasser dying? Lol.
Show me where I said that I think you are a neoMarxist scumbag because of your celebration of Ailes death?

While we are on the topic of what I think about you, I would note that I also think you are stupid, ignorant and dishonest.
Good riddance! Best piece of news this week. He will not be missed.
Obviously he *will* be missed, but not by neo-Marxist scumbags like yourself.

So I'm a neo Marxist because I'm not sad about a sexual harasser dying? Lol.
Show me where I said that I think you are a neoMarxist scumbag because of your celebration of Ailes death?

While we are on the topic of what I think about you, I would note that I also think you are stupid, ignorant and dishonest.
You said Ailes will be missed but not by Marxist like myself. You're implying I'm a Marxist.
Good riddance! Best piece of news this week. He will not be missed.
Obviously he *will* be missed, but not by neo-Marxist scumbags like yourself.

So I'm a neo Marxist because I'm not sad about a sexual harasser dying? Lol.
Show me where I said that I think you are a neoMarxist scumbag because of your celebration of Ailes death?

While we are on the topic of what I think about you, I would note that I also think you are stupid, ignorant and dishonest.
You said Ailes will be missed but not by Marxist like myself. You're implying I'm a Marxist.
Yes, I am, obviously, but nowhere did I state that I think you are a Marxist because you are not sad that Ailes died, doofus.
I'm not "sad" either. I didn't even know the man and he had no effect on my life, but whatever happened to common decency and social graces? We don't TRASH dead people. It serves no purpose and solves no problems.

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