Roger Ailes dead

Not seeing any threads on it. Surprised it doesn't get more attention.

A brilliant guy who was forced to resign from FOX because of allegations of behaving like Bill Clinton.
The comparison between Ailes and Clinton are so far off as to be ridiculous. Clinton may have been a womanizer, but he often used his charm, looks, and pick-up lines to score. Ailes was completely dependent on his power as the boss who controlled the careers of his victims of abuse. Many of Clinton's dates were basic groupies who wanted a fling with the governor. Ailes, on the other hand, was a grotesque slob who only had the power of hiring, promoting and firing to get women to provide him with sex.
Can anyone really image any of those FOX girls willingly having sex of any sort with the grotesque Ailes? It's not that all obese fat guys are grotesque, but Ailes was particularly grotesque.
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When They Go Lower: Leftists, Predictably, Celebrate Roger Ailes' Death
Castro, however, was mourned.


Tiffany Gabbay

The same leftists who grieved for the likes of Fidel Castro have now, predictably, taken to social media to celebrate the passing of Fox News' founder Roger Ailes. We will let the following tweets speak for themselves:


And of course we saved the best for last: a Tweet comparing Ailes to Joseph Goebbels, because critical thinking always involves comparing anyone with whom you disagree to a Nazi.

Whatever one thinks of Ailes, he leaves behind a family, and in particular, a young son who will be impacted by the loss of his father. But nothing is sacred to the Left and as usual its members prove themselves to be every bit the savage hypocrites that they are.

When They Go Lower: Leftists, Predictably, Celebrate Roger Ailes' Death
When They Go Lower: Leftists, Predictably, Celebrate Roger Ailes' Death
Castro, however, was mourned.


Tiffany Gabbay

The same leftists who grieved for the likes of Fidel Castro have now, predictably, taken to social media to celebrate the passing of Fox News' founder Roger Ailes. We will let the following tweets speak for themselves:


And of course we saved the best for last: a Tweet comparing Ailes to Joseph Goebbels, because critical thinking always involves comparing anyone with whom you disagree to a Nazi.

Whatever one thinks of Ailes, he leaves behind a family, and in particular, a young son who will be impacted by the loss of his father. But nothing is sacred to the Left and as usual its members prove themselves to be every bit the savage hypocrites that they are.

When They Go Lower: Leftists, Predictably, Celebrate Roger Ailes' Death
What did Grechen Carlson have to say?
When They Go Lower: Leftists, Predictably, Celebrate Roger Ailes' Death
Castro, however, was mourned.


Tiffany Gabbay

The same leftists who grieved for the likes of Fidel Castro have now, predictably, taken to social media to celebrate the passing of Fox News' founder Roger Ailes. We will let the following tweets speak for themselves:


And of course we saved the best for last: a Tweet comparing Ailes to Joseph Goebbels, because critical thinking always involves comparing anyone with whom you disagree to a Nazi.

Whatever one thinks of Ailes, he leaves behind a family, and in particular, a young son who will be impacted by the loss of his father. But nothing is sacred to the Left and as usual its members prove themselves to be every bit the savage hypocrites that they are.

When They Go Lower: Leftists, Predictably, Celebrate Roger Ailes' Death
What did Grechen Carlson have to say?
Why don't you tweet her and find out, your a paid poster do yo job...
Not seeing any threads on it. Surprised it doesn't get more attention.

A brilliant guy who was forced to resign from FOX because of allegations of behaving like Bill Clinton.
The comparison between Ailes and Clinton are so far off as to be ridiculous. Clinton may have been a womanizer, but he often used his charm, looks, and pick-up lines to score. Ailes was completely dependent on his power as the boss who controlled the careers of his victims of abuse. Many of Clinton's dates were basic groupies who wanted a fling with the governor. Ailes, on the other hand, was a grotesque slob who only had the power of hiring, promoting and firing to get women to provide him with sex.
Can anyone really image any of those FOX girls willingly having sex of any sort with the grotesque Ailes? It's not that all obese fat guys are grotesque, but Ailes was particularly grotesque.

So, you think Ailes had more power than Clinton?
It's a shame his latest and most recent notoriety has been for being a fat slob sex pervert and a man who used his wealth and power to promote and support bullying and sexual harassment to obtain sexual favors from the women who worked for him.

We're In A Lot of Trouble!

Not seeing any threads on it. Surprised it doesn't get more attention.

A brilliant guy who was forced to resign from FOX because of allegations of behaving like Bill Clinton.
The comparison between Ailes and Clinton are so far off as to be ridiculous. Clinton may have been a womanizer, but he often used his charm, looks, and pick-up lines to score. Ailes was completely dependent on his power as the boss who controlled the careers of his victims of abuse. Many of Clinton's dates were basic groupies who wanted a fling with the governor. Ailes, on the other hand, was a grotesque slob who only had the power of hiring, promoting and firing to get women to provide him with sex.
Can anyone really image any of those FOX girls willingly having sex of any sort with the grotesque Ailes? It's not that all obese fat guys are grotesque, but Ailes was particularly grotesque.

So, you think Ailes had more power than Clinton?
No, I think Clinton had ways and skills of charm and bullshyt for attracting female companionship and Ailes was a fat grotesque pig who was completely dependent on his ability to extort and bully any women to associate with him.
Well, saying bad things about a dead person makes YOU a bad person. No matter how you felt about the dead person, he is dead. Your words don't hurt him. They MAY hurt his surviving family members though. So THAT is the kind of people you are.
Well, saying bad things about a dead person makes YOU a bad person. No matter how you felt about the dead person, he is dead. Your words don't hurt him. They MAY hurt his surviving family members though. So THAT is the kind of people you are.

When a person dies, it is time to recall their life. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad

In Ailes case, it was both
Just turned Fox on:

"Many people will say that he saved the country by starting Fox News".

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, another tired old hateful fat fuck that couldn't get laid cruzing the workplace hitting on underlings, like Bill.
lol, yep that bloated pasty face went out great!! he fell and hit his head , say high to Andrew Brietbart roger
Not seeing any threads on it. Surprised it doesn't get more attention.

A brilliant guy who was forced to resign from FOX because of allegations of behaving like Bill Clinton.
The comparison between Ailes and Clinton are so far off as to be ridiculous. Clinton may have been a womanizer, but he often used his charm, looks, and pick-up lines to score. Ailes was completely dependent on his power as the boss who controlled the careers of his victims of abuse. Many of Clinton's dates were basic groupies who wanted a fling with the governor. Ailes, on the other hand, was a grotesque slob who only had the power of hiring, promoting and firing to get women to provide him with sex.
Can anyone really image any of those FOX girls willingly having sex of any sort with the grotesque Ailes? It's not that all obese fat guys are grotesque, but Ailes was particularly grotesque.
Actually, you have no idea what either Clinton or Ailes did, but both were accused by numerous women of sexual harrassment and some of the women who complained about Clinton either worked for him or were asking for jobs.

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