Roger Ailes of FOX on ABC

Typical tactic of a liberal pussy who lost a debate, attack a vets service.

Well, isn't that special?


Run along lil' man. You're seriously outgunned up here!
You're a phoney war hero
You're a phoney veteran.
You're a disgraceful moron.
You're not even a're a pretender. I met your type before.

fuck off you shit talker. fuck off.
Deez MORANS remind me of a certain Mr....


All bluster, not a lick of sense.


OMFG! I've been called a faggot by a girlyman/boy. I'm crushed.

Yeah, on the msnbc boards he once admitted to slapping a mccain campaign sticker over a code pink sticker on a woman's car. He was sooooo manly that he waited until she was gone so he could sneak up, slap it on and run away before she got back. Funny thing is, a short time after he admitted doing that he was in another thread bragging about how his daddy taught him how to respect other people's property. LOL Apparently it didn't sink in.
I see that Drsmith clown is talking to himself again. Christ, what a weird lil' woman!

Ahhhhhhhhh, the virtues of ignore!

What a fucking dolt!


LOL It's ok coward, keep running away. After all it's apparently all you are good at. You ran away from that girl after you valndalized her car and you are now running away from my posts and the facts. LOL I kind of feel sorry for this wanna be internet tough guy. He talks a lot of shite but when push comes to shove he ignores you and runs away. LOL

Fact is ailes made up numbers and the REAL numbers prove that he was being either dishonest or ignorant.
ooooooooooooooh I gotta get a clip about what Glenn said yesterday about Ailes and Arianna....I laughed so hard I almost got in trouble

It was classic!

I'm sure can get a clip on his website!

Didja see it last night? :clap2: He took it STEP BY STEP just for Arianna...

how if he's TALKING about economics, sentence by sentence ABOUT ECONOMICS then the last statement was about....


:lol: poor Arianna, and what Roger Ailes said was classic too, Beck speaks English so he didn't need an interpreter....

Two against one is hardly a fair match. Ailes made the two Liberal Wingnuts look like the dummies they are. He did it with such calm & reason that it made me laugh a little. It was like he was trying to reason with a couple of screeching chimps or something. They threw all their stale accusations at him and he just swatted them aside with such ease. A big mismatch for sure. Seriously,those two wingnuts should consider not showing up on TV anymore. Pretty embarrassing stuff. Nice job Mr. Ailes.
Yea but he sure did make the two Liberal Wingnuts look pretty stupid. Like arguing with hysterical chimps. Funny stuff.
Yea but he sure did make the two Liberal Wingnuts look pretty stupid. Like arguing with hysterical chimps. Funny stuff.

LOL that is a matter of opinion and personally I believe that, based on the fact that he avoided giving an actual answer to questions asked and made up numbers out of thin air, he didn't make anyone look stupid but himself. LOL

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