Rolling Stone Cover

He was a 19 year old man who grew up in a war zone. Whose entire family had been traumitized by war.

Again- our biggest problem in the Islamic World is we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

More excuses.

Blame our foreign policy, which btw I disagree with completely and I have always been opposed to our occupation in the Middle East.

But sooner or later you have to hold people responsible for their acts. You refuse to do that.

I'm holding him responsible. I think he should go to jail for the rest of his life.

Understanding WHY people are what they are isn't making excuses for them.

I'm glad we killed Bin Laden, but I don't forget the fact that the only reason we had a Bin Laden problem is that we armed him to kill Soviets because they were teaching girls to read in Afghanistan, those Commie Bastards.

Funny that no one seemed to care that the Muj "Freedom fighters" (or Reagan's Founding Fathers) were so Brutal to their Soviet Prisoners and Afghanistanis that backed the Soviets, that the CIA had to come in and tell them to cool it.
Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Are people these days really this stupid?

The purpose of showing this kid's face on the cover of the magazine is to show that real life monsters don't normally look like Frankenstein...they look like the people who live next door.

This concept seems to be above the average American's intellectual capabilities, judging by the dumb pointless outrage over the cover.


A 19 year old's brain is not fully developed, yet. Most people of that age make stupid decisions. Maybe, not as stupid as this guy. But he was influenced by an older brother.

Can anyone posting on this message board honestly claim that they never did anything stupid between the ages of 16-21?

If you make that claim, you are a liar.
Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Are people these days really this stupid?

The purpose of showing this kid's face on the cover of the magazine is to show that real life monsters don't normally look like Frankenstein...they look like the people who live next door.

This concept seems to be above the average American's intellectual capabilities, judging by the dumb pointless outrage over the cover.


A 19 year old's brain is not fully developed, yet. Most people of that age make stupid decisions. Maybe, not as stupid as this guy. But he was influenced by an older brother.

Can anyone posting on this message board honestly claim that they never did anything stupid between the ages of 16-21?

If you make that claim, you are a liar.

Forget it.

You are dealing with people that think you are fully formed at the Zygote stage.

Unless of course it's someone they like doing something wrong.

Then it's "sowing wild oats" or "youthful indiscretion".

You Gingrich leaving his cancer stricken wife on the sick bed for a younger model.
The purpose of the cover was to pander to all those girls saying "he can't be guilty, he's too CUTE". The purpose of the article was to make of Tsarnaev that he is just a victim and we should feel sorry for him because he was raised in the United States with the full complement of welfare benefits. It wasn't just his photo. It was his photo airbrushed and retouched until he looks like the next Justin Bieber.
Something stupid is not normally thought of as killing 3, blowing the limbs off 260, assassinating a police officer and running the car over your dying brother trying to get away. If we characterize that as "stupid" we have a very serious problem in this country that far transcends the Boston Bombing.
EXACTLY what part of the article "defends a murderer"?

Why is it that rw's are ALWAYS hysterical over the wrong things?

Why don't you fools read the article


you judge its contents?

Because rw's NEVER base their hysteria on FACTS.


The problem is the Tiger Beat photo they used.

If you can't understand that there's no hope for you.

Personally I think you just like supporting despicable behavior. It's clearly why you continue to support the actions of the current administration.

I really don't care about Fox News. Some of their stories are horseshit and idiotic. I won't dwell on some story about the Rolling Stone. A magazine that has had it's time and that time has come and gone.

The type of photo used is used in irony. If you can't understand that, perhaps there is no hope for you. I have noticed, being on this message board, how literal minded most right wingers tend to be.

Oh I got the irony.

The commentary behind the picture is inappropriate. Some of his victims are still receiving medical treatment.

I went to journalism school. I know what they were trying to do and it backfired. Now they want to lie about their intentions. You see, as journalists they have certain unspoken responsibilities. One of them is not doing anything to generate sympathetic copy-cat bombers. These days journalists don't report the news, they create the news.

Glorifying mass-murder says something about the mindset of those involved. I would think a positive story during these troubled times would work better. It's too easy to focus on what is bad.
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Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

While it is somewhat shocking, this is what you do when you run an edgy publication for young folks. That said, I'm not a consumer of this product. Haven't been since rock star was removed from the list of what I wanted to be when I grew up. But you got the right idea, let them know you aren't pleased with your wallet. Its your right to not be offended. Still, I would like to read the article and see what its about.
Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Are people these days really this stupid?

The purpose of showing this kid's face on the cover of the magazine is to show that real life monsters don't normally look like Frankenstein...they look like the people who live next door.

This concept seems to be above the average American's intellectual capabilities, judging by the dumb pointless outrage over the cover.


A 19 year old's brain is not fully developed, yet. Most people of that age make stupid decisions. Maybe, not as stupid as this guy. But he was influenced by an older brother.

Can anyone posting on this message board honestly claim that they never did anything stupid between the ages of 16-21?

If you make that claim, you are a liar.

What he did goes beyond stupidity.

I think setting off bombs that kill or maim hundreds of people goes farther than youthful indiscretions.
Imagine putting a sexy pic of Bin Laden on the cover a couple of months after 911.

There are sexy pictures of Bin Laden?

Do tell.


I have a better idea.

Let's find the best picture of George Zimmerman we can find, doll it up, air-brush the sum bitch and feature it on the cover.

That would be soooooo cool.
He was a 19 year old man who grew up in a war zone. Whose entire family had been traumitized by war.

Again- our biggest problem in the Islamic World is we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

More excuses.

Blame our foreign policy, which btw I disagree with completely and I have always been opposed to our occupation in the Middle East.

But sooner or later you have to hold people responsible for their acts. You refuse to do that.

I'm holding him responsible. I think he should go to jail for the rest of his life.

Understanding WHY people are what they are isn't making excuses for them.

I'm glad we killed Bin Laden, but I don't forget the fact that the only reason we had a Bin Laden problem is that we armed him to kill Soviets because they were teaching girls to read in Afghanistan, those Commie Bastards.

The why doesn't matter.

He chose to kill and maim that's all anyone needs to know.
More excuses.

Blame our foreign policy, which btw I disagree with completely and I have always been opposed to our occupation in the Middle East.

But sooner or later you have to hold people responsible for their acts. You refuse to do that.

I'm holding him responsible. I think he should go to jail for the rest of his life.

Understanding WHY people are what they are isn't making excuses for them.

I'm glad we killed Bin Laden, but I don't forget the fact that the only reason we had a Bin Laden problem is that we armed him to kill Soviets because they were teaching girls to read in Afghanistan, those Commie Bastards.

The why doesn't matter.

He chose to kill and maim that's all anyone needs to know.

The left thinks he must have valid reasons.
The trendy jean wearing limo liberals at R.S. haven't been relevant since Bill Ayers was blowing up Military recruitment centers. They are just showing off their total ignorance.
I'm holding him responsible. I think he should go to jail for the rest of his life.

Understanding WHY people are what they are isn't making excuses for them.

I'm glad we killed Bin Laden, but I don't forget the fact that the only reason we had a Bin Laden problem is that we armed him to kill Soviets because they were teaching girls to read in Afghanistan, those Commie Bastards.

The why doesn't matter.

He chose to kill and maim that's all anyone needs to know.

The left thinks he must have valid reasons.

Valid reasons, no.

Human reasons, yes.

If this article makes one teacher, consoler, friend, etc more aware, to stop the next bomber, it would have done its job.

But then you wouldn't have anything to be angry about.
Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Rolling Stone is one of the best publications of our time.

You're doing yourself a great intellectual disservice dismissing it simply because you object to one of its covers.

Personally, I can't even see what upsets you about that cover.
rs is a liberal rag that's trying to stay relevant.

their inability to see and report reality is VERY limited.

aside from that

no, it's not shocking to see them defending a murderer

EXACTLY what part of the article "defends a murderer"?

Why is it that rw's are ALWAYS hysterical over the wrong things?

Why don't you fools read the article


you judge its contents?

Because rw's NEVER base their hysteria on FACTS.


The problem is the Tiger Beat photo they used.

If you can't understand that there's no hope for you.

If YOU cannot understand that the face of EVIL can also be a very attractive young man, then it is YOU who is hopeless.

THAT is the message of the cover, you know?

Obviously you don't.
The problem is the Tiger Beat photo they used.

If you can't understand that there's no hope for you.

Personally I think you just like supporting despicable behavior. It's clearly why you continue to support the actions of the current administration.

I really don't care about Fox News. Some of their stories are horseshit and idiotic. I won't dwell on some story about the Rolling Stone. A magazine that has had it's time and that time has come and gone.

The type of photo used is used in irony. If you can't understand that, perhaps there is no hope for you. I have noticed, being on this message board, how literal minded most right wingers tend to be.

Oh I got the irony.

The commentary behind the picture is inappropriate. Some of his victims are still receiving medical treatment.

I went to journalism school. I know what they were trying to do and it backfired. Now they want to lie about their intentions. You see, as journalists they have certain unspoken responsibilities. One of them is not doing anything to generate sympathetic copy-cat bombers. These days journalists don't report the news, they create the news.

Glorifying mass-murder says something about the mindset of those involved. I would think a positive story during these troubled times would work better. It's too easy to focus on what is bad.

You went to journalism school? Well you must have missed the classes on rhetorical devices because you just don't get this one and you should.
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Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Rolling Stone is one of the best publications of our time.

You're doing yourself a great intellectual disservice dismissing it simply because you object to one of its covers.

Personally, I can't even see what upsets you about that cover.

What does that say about you?
The type of photo used is used in irony. If you can't understand that, perhaps there is no hope for you. I have noticed, being on this message board, how literal minded most right wingers tend to be.

Oh I got the irony.

The commentary behind the picture is inappropriate. Some of his victims are still receiving medical treatment.

I went to journalism school. I know what they were trying to do and it backfired. Now they want to lie about their intentions. You see, as journalists they have certain unspoken responsibilities. One of them is not doing anything to generate sympathetic copy-cat bombers. These days journalists don't report the news, they create the news.

Glorifying mass-murder says something about the mindset of those involved. I would think a positive story during these troubled times would work better. It's too easy to focus on what is bad.

You went to journalism school? Well you must have missed the classes on rhetorical technqiues because you just don't get this one and you should.

Asking a question like "Have you stopped beating your wife" you mean? Yeah, I got that lesson.

I think in this case the intention wasn't to ask a rhetorical question but an attempt to generate sympathy for the terrorist, oh and maybe sell a few magazines in the process. That to me is the primary reason for this. When they were hammered for it they attempted to make excuses like the ones you and others have made for them. I seriously doubt these folks are that deep. I think they're desperate for attention and are willing to do just about anything to get it. I could see them waiting a couple of years but then nobody would care then, which says something about their motives.

Rolling Stone always was a bunch of overgrown college kids trying to be journalists and get high in the process. They're a cliche' that has gone the way of phones with cords. They are history. The last relevant story they wrote was the General McChrystal piece, but only because of the trouble it caused. This cover-photo I think steps over the line. It would have been better if they had done some photos of the victims instead of trying to make this punk look sexy, but then that would mean they were a serious source for information.

Rolling Stone wrote more about the background of this terrorist punk than we've heard about Trayvan Martin and George Zimmerman combined. I believe it is an attempt to draw sympathy to him and rationalize his supposed grievances. That's a load of bull. This guy doesn't deserve to be understood and he doesn't deserve his mug on the cover of a magazine that at one time meant you were a success in the music industry. If they wanted to do a good story, do one on Trayvan Martin's family life and compare it to George Zimmerman's life. That would be a very compelling story. Especially now.
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